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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 296 297 [298] 299 300 301
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 29, 2018, 08:22:35 PM »
Posted on: August 28, 2018

Anaheim selects new city flag from more than 100 community submissions


I do not know about the new flag, it does not really represent Anaheim, but it is okay, and if you have the symbolism explained to you then you can kind of understand it.


Tony V.

My district representative here in District 3 in the city of Anaheim attended Harvard, he seems to be a pretty smart guy.



Tony V. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 29, 2018, 04:19:23 PM »
Posted on: August 28, 2018

Anaheim selects new city flag from more than 100 community submissions


I do not know about the new flag, it does not really represent Anaheim, but it is okay, and if you have the symbolism explained to you then you can kind of understand it.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 28, 2018, 04:42:18 PM »
Gov. Brown Signs Landmark Bill Ending Bail for Defendants Awaiting Trial in California


California is attempting to make our justice system more just. They want to eliminate one's wealth from being a deciding factor in our justice system.

While I respect what they are trying to do, I do not know if it will work. Bail, and bail bondsmen, have helped to make sure that people show up for their trials, guys like Dog the Bounty Hunter have helped to make sure that people show up for trial.

We could have punishment for not showing up for trial, such as adding extra time to your prison sentence for not showing up for your trial, or something like that, to make sure that people show up for their trials. There are things that can be done to help make sure that people show up for their trials.

California is the first state to adopt this new policy on bail, and the whole world is watching California, and if it works in California then you can expect other states to follow suit.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 28, 2018, 01:30:40 AM »
USDA to buy $1.2B in goods, offer $5B in aid to farmers hurt by trade war
Aug 27, 2018, 4:12 PM ET


On the bright side, the food will be going to feed the children for their school lunches, etc. I fully support feeding the children healthy food at school. And I support every program that helps to feed hungry people. 


Tony V.

Theater / Re: Theater
« on: August 26, 2018, 12:41:24 PM »
Neil Simon, a Master of Comedy on Broadway and Beyond, Is Dead at 91


RIP. Neil Simon was great.


Tony V.

Africa / Re: Africa
« on: August 26, 2018, 09:39:45 AM »
I met a black guy at a party who was from South Africa, and he said that under apartheid he would not be allowed to attend a party with white people. He said that racism in South Africa was really bad. He got a film made by Steven Spielberg, "Amistad," and he invested all of his money in McDonald's fast food restaurants in South Africa, and he hired his family to work at his restaurants to help his family. He smashed any notion of blacks in South Africa as being lazy, or being poor at business.

My thoughts on Africa, including South Africa, is that they can benefit from the rise of China, and they can do trade with China, and they can work together on projects, etc. The Chinese are not racist against the blacks, nor the whites, and there is no history of racism between China and the Africans. The Chinese can help Africa a lot, including South Africa.

Africa, and South Africa, needs to forget about the past and Africa needs to move into a good new future with China.

There are always going to be racists on both sides with the blacks and the whites, and people who want power will fight the two sides against each other to gain or retain power, progress has been made, but there are still problems, and the Africans are not going to have those problems if they focus on relations with China.

And people need to hear more success stories, to stomp out the notion that blacks in South Africa are incapable in any way.


Tony V.

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: August 25, 2018, 04:36:58 PM »
We have one of the best film schools in the world here in the O.C., Dodge College at Chapman University. Here is a link for a page with some student films on it...

I need to get some new headshots made, and I want to submit to act in student films here locally. 


Tony V.

Central and South America / Re: Central and South America
« on: August 23, 2018, 04:53:03 PM »
Of note, if the immigrants from Venezuela, and from Colombia, etc, cannot get into the USA, for whatever reason, there is also France, Italy, and Spain, which are good, prosperous, safe places to go to.


Tony V.

Mental Health and Treatment / Re: Mental Health and Treatment
« on: August 20, 2018, 02:56:21 PM »
Hundreds of Millions in Funding Remain Unspent Amid Mental Illness Epidemic Among Homeless in L.A. County


The voters in California voted multiple times to help the homeless and the mentally ill, and now the money is there, and programs need to go into action. And lots of new jobs will be created for more social workers, and others, to help the homeless and the mentally ill.

And the fastest way to get people off of the streets and into housing is to put them in group homes, with services tied in to the group homes.


Tony V.

Fitness and Nutrition / Re: Fitness and Nutrition
« on: August 19, 2018, 03:21:31 PM »
Do you look at forum headings at all??

There used to be a forum heading "Food Matters," where we could discuss food, we discussed recipes, and restaurants, and stuff related to food, but that thread is gone. So, this thread has nutrition in the heading, so it is okay to discuss food, in my humble opinion.

Do you see a better thread to discuss food on?


Tony V.

Religion and Politics / Re: Religion and Politics
« on: August 18, 2018, 04:42:36 PM »
I met Nick Vujicic at the Anaheim Film Festival back in 2010, he starred in a short film titled "The Butterfly Circus," it is a great short film, and Nick is awesome. Nick was born with no arms, and no legs, but Nick still believes in God, and Nick lives a good, full life, and he is happy.
Link for "The Butterfly Circus."
Tony V.

Business and Technology / Re: Business and Technology
« on: August 17, 2018, 03:14:37 PM »
I see all kinds of advertisements for people who want to teach you how to flip houses, they have seminars, and all kinds of stuff. And I know people who are successful at flipping houses. But, you do not have to start at the top like that, you can start lower and you can work your way up. You can start out flipping burgers, and then you can work your way up to flipping houses.

You can start out flipping burgers, at Carl's Jr, for instance, and learn all that there is to learn about running a fast food restaurant, and then open your own Carl's Jr restaurant. Then buy another, you can have five Carl's Jr restaurants, or whatever, and save and invest. Then, if you want to flip houses, you are ready, and you can buy and sell houses if you want. It does not have to be Carl's Jr, you can do tacos, or whatever, hot dogs, pizza, whatever.

You do not need to start at the top, you can start small, and then work your way up.

I met a guy who got a film made by Steven Spielberg, and he invested all of his money in McDonald's fast food restaurants, and he hired his family members to work at his McDonald's restaurants. The film was "Amistad" and the guy opened his McDonald's fast food restaurants in South Africa, and he hired his family members to work at his McDonald's. I met the guy at a party when I was attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.


Tony V.

Business and Technology / Re: Business and Technology
« on: August 16, 2018, 03:09:08 PM »
I will post this again for anyone who missed it when I posted it previously...

We must always come from a place of abundance.

In leadership training they told me to always come from a place of abundance, as opposed to scarcity. We can easily grow enough food to feed everyone on earth if we come from a place of abundance, as opposed to letting them starve as we come from a place of scarcity. And sometimes the way to improve things is to think big, even when times are hard and we are tempted to say that we cannot because of poverty. We can live in a world of abundance, and unlimited opportunity, or we can live in a world of scarcity where it just continues to get worse. And with leaders, say for a company, they want people who will make the company grow and prosper, not people who will keep downsizing it until it does not exist anymore. People want leaders who improve things, not make things worse.

With the bad economy, and with the giant debt of the United States, it would be so easy for everyone to downsize everything out of existence, which would only make things worse, at a time when we need to do the opposite and grow and prosper and improve things instead. A great depression is as much a state of mind as it is a reality, we cannot fall into that state of mind and we must avoid that reality.

We must come from a world of abundance and unlimited opportunity, and grow and prosper, and improve things, we must be creative in good ways and we must think big, and every problem creates an opportunity for people to solve the problems, and where there is room for improvement there is opportunity for people to improve things, etc etc etc.

I read that fewer people are willing to get student loans because they are afraid they will not be able to pay them off, and they are afraid to accrue the debt for an education, and that is totally the wrong way for them to be thinking right now, and at this time the USA needs to have a better educated and better trained population, and there will be plenty of opportunity for good educated people to solve problems and improve things after they receive an education. In my opinion the people of the United States need to enter college at higher numbers, not lower. Things are not going to get better if we have a lesser educated population, that is going in the wrong direction, we need a higher educated population instead. So we need to get them thinking from a place of abundance, so that we can achieve abundance, and a better economy and a better world.

And the whole thing with the debt of the United States could be solved if we come from a place of abundance. Much of the land of the United States is government owned land, we are talking abundance, and that land could be sold to private people, and that alone would pay off much of the government debt. The government can also make money with gas and oil leases at a time when gas and oil are at all time high prices, and drilling for natural gas and oil in the USA would be a good thing for many reasons. And that would help reduce the debt. Also, gold is at an all time high price right now, and there is gold on much of the government owned land, along with other precious metals. And that would help reduce the debt. If we come from a place of abundance then we can reduce the debt easily. Then, we monitor the spending of the government better in the future so that we can pass down surpluses to future generations instead of deficits.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 16, 2018, 03:04:03 PM »
There are a lot of damaged people in the world. And we have some mentally ill people in our White House. 

We need more love and kindness in the world, and we need to come from a place of abundance. And the good people must stand up against evil. 


Tony V. 

Celebreality / Re: Celebreality
« on: August 14, 2018, 03:39:39 AM »
Here is a video of an interview that I shot some time back with my friend Jon Nelson, Jon played guitar for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and for Suicidal Tendencies, and for other bands, his current bands are NASTY HABITS and SLAMNATION...
Tony V.

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