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Messages - FlyingVProd

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Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 20, 2023, 03:12:36 PM »
One person entering over America's borders without thorough and totally exact one too many.
Ditto for other countries also.

It's easy to seal America's borders from illegal entry, one just has to want to.

We want open borders, and we want freedom, Condoleezza Rice explained it all perfectly when she was with the George W. Bush administration. And Jeb Bush met his wife while helping to build an orphanage in Mexico. The Bush family loves Mexico.

Mexico is great, and Mexico is only 100 miles away from Anaheim. We need to have a good relationship with Mexico, and we need to work together as a team with Mexico. And we need for Mexican truck drivers to be able to join the Teamsters Union, etc, and we need to invest in the ports in Mexico, etc.

And we need to work together with all of our good Christian charities to build schools, hospitals, and libraries, in the poorest parts of Mexico.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 20, 2023, 02:33:47 PM »
I like to get out and walk around Anaheim, like the Europeans in Europe, and I saw something interesting, there was an open house at an apartment complex and the real estate agent had Berkshire Hathaway signs, so I guess Berkshire Hathaway is involved with real estate here in Anaheim. Interesting.

And I spent an hour at the Pharmacy waiting, and Anaheim has good diversity with our population, we have people here from all over the world, the people at the Pharmacy were of every race. And the lady at the Pharmacy was so good and patient with the people, she had a never ending line of customers and she kept a smile on her face and she was polite and nice with every client.

We have some problems with drunks and homeless people in the area around the pharmacy, I need to send a message to my local Representative at City Hall and have her address the issue. We have housing for the homeless now, and she can help them to get into housing. She can send Social Workers to the area to help the people. And meanwhile, we cannot have rude drunks harassing our good citizens, so the police can patrol the area, etc, being drunk in public is a crime here.

Anaheim is a great city, with lots of diversity, and it is still safe to walk the streets here, like in Paris and in Rome. We have some work to do to make it nicer, but I will send a message to my Representative, and it looks like we have Berkshire Hathaway here to help with housing. 


Tony V.

Mental Health and Treatment / Re: Mental Health and Treatment
« on: November 20, 2023, 12:39:50 AM »
Some people get so depressed and off track that they forget that they are a loved child of God. Some people forget that they deserve the same love and happiness as all of God's children.

So, Carl Rogers wrote a book "On Becoming a Person" to help people to realize that they deserve the same good human rights and prosperity as all human beings. We all matter. And we are God's children. Carl Rogers knew that God created Man and that Man was special, and he incorporated all of that as he designed the program at the Betty Ford Center, where Ozzy and Elizabeth Taylor went to get clean and to get help.

Bolivia started a reading program for Prisoners in their prisons many years back, and I suggested that they give the book "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers to all of the prisoners to read.

And once you realize that you are a human just like everyone else, then you start treating yourself like you matter, and like you are a loved child of God.

Carl Rogers was awesome.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 19, 2023, 06:03:51 PM »
A lot of the American people have become spoiled brats, to the point where they want to give the Veterans dogs instead of Brides. The Vets deserve good loving brides, who can be trained to become nurses to help with the issues that Veterans face. I support bringing in and training Russian Brides for the Vets, who have known poverty and hunger and homelessness and hard lives who will appreciate a kind and loving American Veteran as a husband. The Vets are good humble men, they have risked their lives for America, but they are poor and they do not have very much money, and they cannot give the American women the nice houses that they want, and the nice new cars, etc, that the American women want. The Vets need a simple Russian Bride who has known poverty and who will be grateful for food and shelter and for love and kindness and she will be grateful to live in the USA with the many blessings here.

My Father died when I was 9 years old, and I was raised by a poor single mother, and I have experienced hunger, homelessness, hard labor for low pay, etc, and then I was in an automobile accident that left me with chronic pain for 2 years. So, I am grateful for food, and for shelter, and I am grateful not to be in pain anymore, so I am grateful for the little things, and I do not complain because I do not live in Malibu with a Rolls Royce and a beautiful woman. I am a poor man, but I am no longer in pain, I have food, I have shelter, and I have a lot to be grateful for.

So, we need to set the Veterans up with poor Russian Brides who have known poverty and hunger and homelessness, etc, who will be grateful for all of the little things and for the love of a Veteran and she will be grateful to live in America with the many blessings here, etc. We can set the Veterans up with Brides who will be grateful to live in a travel trailer in an RV Park and to live on beans, etc, who will be grateful just to have food, and shelter, and love. Without all of the greed of the spoiled American women.

The Russian Brides will be grateful for the little things like food and shelter, and to be able to live in America, and they will love and serve the American Veterans without bitching and complaining, etc, the poor Russian Brides will be thankful and grateful, and they will study hard to become good nurses for their American husbands, etc.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 19, 2023, 04:52:29 PM »
Rosalynn Carter died, may she rest in peace, she was married to Jimmy Carter for over 70 years, and she served our nation well.

Jimmy Carter said he always felt loved and supported by Rosalynn. They had such a wonderful love for each other.

Jimmy and Rosalynn were a shining example of a great American couple and they lived the American Dream in all its glory.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: November 19, 2023, 03:53:17 PM »
The only immigrants America needs are those who will integrate and become "American".

Reagan made all of our immigrants legal so that they could join labor unions and so that they could call the police in the case of an emergency, etc. We need to do that again right now, and then we need to write a new immigration law which includes a Good Neighbor Policy so that our neighbors can become legal easier in the future, like with the European Union, it is easy for a man from Ireland to move to Italy, and it needs to be just as easy for a man to move from Mexico to the USA, we need to have a Good Neighbor Policy.

And fresh new DNA is healthy for Arkansas and Oklahoma, and Kentucky, etc. Australia probably could use good fresh new DNA too to mix with their people.

I also support Russian Brides for the Veterans, who can be trained to be personal nurses for the Veterans, etc. They can have a trained nurse for a Bride who looks like Ivanka Trump, the Russian Brides will be loved by the Veterans. That can be the punishment for Russia, we can take away all of their beautiful Russian women and we can give them as Brides to our Veterans, and we can train them to be private nurses for our Vets, etc.


Tony V.

Mental Health and Treatment / Re: Mental Health and Treatment
« on: November 19, 2023, 03:40:36 PM »
On the issue of Cognitive Dissonance.

As a child we had a family Preacher in Oregon, Fred, who taught us that if we became uncomfortable that it is a sign from God that we need to change our life. God gives us a signal that we need to change by allowing us to become uncomfortable and unhappy.

With Carl Rogers and his therapy at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs he explained to them that their source of discomfort was Cognitive Dissonance, and that they need to keep their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, congruent or we become uncomfortable. Carl Rogers was a Christian, and he was a humanist, and the Betty Ford Center attracted Ozzy Osbourne, and Elizabeth Taylor, and a lot of rich and famous people.

A funny thing, a Christian friend, Jon, reminds me of Pastor Fred from Oregon, he has the same love of God, and he has a band named "Cognitive Dissonance."

Of note, Cognitive Dissonance explains how movies, music, television shows, poetry, books, etc, can change how people behave; because if you can change how people think and feel then you can change how they behave.

If you are unhappy and miserable then it is a sign from God that you need to change your life to find happiness. God loves you, and God wants for you to be happy.

You can change location, you can change your job, you can change who you hang out with, you can study and improve yourself, you can set new goals, you can exercise and get in shape, and you can go to Church on Sunday, and you can learn the word of God, and you can surround yourself with good Christian people, etc, etc, etc. There are many ways to make choices to change things so that you can find happiness and so that you can become more comfortable.

Cognitive Dissonance is a gift from God to tell you to change your life, and to show you when you are on the wrong path. When you become uncomfortable it is a sign from God that you need to make changes.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 19, 2023, 01:57:54 AM »
Bambu, here is what the new housing looks like that they are building down the street from me, Townhomes and Duplexes for under one million dollars, with a swimming pool, etc, next to a dog park and La Palma Park, close to the Northgate Mexican Market where they can buy food, etc.

I hope nice people move into the new housing.

Lots of new building is happening as we work to get all of the homeless people into housing, etc, plus we have new refugees and immigrants arriving everyday.


Tony V.

Homeless and refugees will be living in these homes?

Yes, homeless people and refugees will be living in these homes.

And Veterans and Seniors, and homeless children, will live in the homes, these homes will be a God Send for these poor people.

These are nice homes, the people will be very grateful. This is a great neighborhood, and this is prime real estate.


Tony V.

Fitness and Nutrition / Re: Fitness and Nutrition
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:17:27 AM »
As the Bodegas in New York City, and in Detroit, Chicago, Saint Louis, etc, look to stock their shelves with a good cheap California table wine, then I recommend the Tisdale Cabernet Sauvignon, for under $5 per bottle.

It pairs well with pasta, beef, pork, chicken, etc.


Tony V.

The Bodegas need to carry good stuff for when the weather gets cold, such as canned Campbell Soup, and Chef Boy Ardee Beef Ravioli, etc.

And Tisdale Wine from California is better than just carrying Night Train like a lot of Bodegas, Tisdale is a step up from the Night Train.

Also, Arizona is supplying fresh Winter Vegetables to New York, Detroit, Chicago, Saint Louis, Cincinnati, etc, so New Yorkers can be eating fresh Spinach in the Winter, etc. Arizona also grows pickles, etc, the Bodegas need to stock the Arizona pickles on their shelves for their customers to buy.

Every neighborhood has a Bodega that can do special things, and as it gets cold they need to remember to carry canned Campbell Soup, etc. And there are other nice things they can stock on their shelves for their customers.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 18, 2023, 09:38:54 PM »
Bambu, here is what the new housing looks like that they are building down the street from me, Townhomes and Duplexes for under one million dollars, with a swimming pool, etc, next to a dog park and La Palma Park, close to the Northgate Mexican Market where they can buy food, etc.

I hope nice people move into the new housing.

Lots of new building is happening as we work to get all of the homeless people into housing, etc, plus we have new refugees and immigrants arriving everyday.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 17, 2023, 11:14:14 PM »
We can continue to help the people from Ukraine so that civilization and empathy win out over the cruelties of war.

Kiwanis is helping people all around the world, in Ukraine, as well as in Egypt, etc.

UNICEF is also helping the refugees.

And we need to always support good women's rights in the world, and good rights for all humans.

And we have the Key Club, Circle K, etc, for the youth, and Scouting for the children, etc.

I also support helping the poor people of Mexico, with Youth For Christ, and with Samaritan's Purse, etc, we need to donate schools, libraries, and hospitals, to poor parts of Mexico.

And the Mexican truck drivers need to be able to join the Teamsters Union, etc, and we need to invest in the Ports in Mexico, etc.

I see lots of good things happening in the world right now, and more good things can happen.

There is also more help for housing for Veterans, and there is "From Tunnels to Towers" and there are other groups helping the Veterans. And I support setting the Veterans up with Russian Brides, etc, and the Brides can go to school to train on how to deal with issues which Veterans face. A friend who served in Afghanistan married a Russian Bride and she went to school to become a nurse, and the Government pays her to be a nurse for my friend who suffers from PTSD, so his Russian Bride is his nurse, it is great, and he loves her very much, and they have children. We can set the Veterans up with trained Brides.

And 33% of the people in California are immigrants from other nations, and 40% of the children in the public schools in Beverly Hills are Persian, so we need to get the people into Scouting, and the Key Club, and Circle K, and Kiwanis International, etc, and we need to teach the people how to be good Americans, and we need to instill in them all that is great about America.

Also, we can put a fresh coat of paint on our ghettos, and we can plant trees, plants, flowers, and we can have cobblestones, and fountains, and bricks, etc, and we can clean things up and make it nicer. And we need to give redevelopment money and business loans to our ghettos, etc. And we need to build more schools, and libraries, etc, including in the poorest parts of Kentucky.

We also need to write a new immigration law, we need to make our immigrants legal so that they can call the police in the case of an emergency and so that they can join labor unions, etc, and we need to write a new Good Neighbor Policy.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 17, 2023, 09:22:58 PM »
Looks like everything went well in San Francisco, Xi had a good meeting with Biden, and with the President of Mexico, so that is good.

It is a huge blessing to be able to have peace and trade with China, especially at this time.

And Tik Tok is good, let the teens from China talk with the teens from the USA, etc, it can help to improve international relations.

Inflation is under control, and the economy is doing great, lots of good things are happening.

New housing is being built all over, and getting the poor into housing is a priority. Tax free hostels would help, where people could take a shower and sleep in a bed for $15 per night. And meanwhile we have Sober Living Homes for $150 per week.

We also have a new program in Los Angeles to pay former incarcerated teens to do landscaping and gardening for the public to beautify the neighborhoods, I recommend planting trees, plants, flowers, and putting in fountains, cobblestones, bricks, etc. And they can paint the buildings bright cheerful colors, etc. Wendy Carrillo is involved with that.

Christina Pascucci is doing well in her Senate run, but she needs big helpers like Rick Caruso, she needs funds for advertising.

And as the strikes end then things can move forward in Hollywood.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 15, 2023, 01:59:23 PM »
Lots of good things are happening, the SAG and WGA strikes are over and the workers won the improvements they wanted, and other unions are winning improvements for workers, and even McDonald's is a good place to work now with workers earning $20 an hour, etc, etc, etc.

Also, President Biden is meeting with President Xi of China in San Francisco. That is wonderful. They need to spend a few days together discussing things, and they can eat at the restaurants in China Town in San Francisco, etc. San Francisco has some nice hotels, etc, and great restaurants, etc, San Francisco is a great place for the leaders to meet.

And as we gain, then we need to spend money to build libraries, schools, and Universities, in our poorest areas.

We also need to pump redevelopment money into our ghettos, and we need to give people business loans, etc.

As we get rich, then we need to give back and we need to help our poor. We need to clean up our ghettos, and we need to help our poor people, and we need schools, parks, libraries, Universities, etc.

We can also be good neighbors and we can donate schools, libraries, hospitals, etc, to some poor parts of Mexico, and we can be friends and allies with Mexico.

As we get rich then we need to help the poor.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 14, 2023, 04:59:12 PM »
Biden is doing some good things, the economy is getting better, and President Biden is meeting with President Xi of China in San Francisco. That is wonderful.

China Town in San Francisco is a great area, I hope the President of China will tour China Town with Biden, and I hope they can eat at the restaurants, etc.

It would be nice if they could spend a few days together discussing things.

China wants peace and trade, and they want happy customers, etc.

It is good that Biden and Xi are meeting in San Francisco.


Tony V.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: November 13, 2023, 06:58:23 PM »
It is very important for our schools to teach children right from wrong, and we need for the public schools to be just as safe as the Christian Schools, and we need for all children to learn to treat other people the same way that they themselves wish to be treated, we need to teach our children empathy.

Christians are taught the 10 Commandments, along with the Golden Rule to Love Our Neighbors, and we need to teach the same basic principles to all children, they need to be taught not to lie, and not to steal, and not to sleep with someone else's wife, and not to kill, etc, etc, etc, and to love your neighbors and to treat other people as you wish to be treated yourself.

We have 33% of our population in California who moved here from other nations, and we need to teach them what type of behavior is acceptable in America. 40% of the children in the public schools in Beverly Hills are Persian, and it is up to us to teach them all of the wonderful things about America, and about what makes America special, and we need to teach the children to love America and to be grateful to have America.

Right now we have people stealing so bad that the stores cannot even keep toilet paper on the shelves because people steal it...

And we have the Cub Scouts for the young boys that teaches the boys many wonderful things, we need for the Persian boys to join the Cub Scouts here with the other boys. You do not have to be Christian to be a scout, the Persians are welcome in the Scouts.

And Kiwanis International is a welcoming organization, and they have the Key Club, and there is Circle K, etc. The Persians can do charity work with Kiwanis, they are welcome.

We need to raise better children, and I would rather spend more money on teachers, and less money on prisons. Plus, we want a good society to live in, we need to raise better children.

Hillary said it takes a village to raise a kid, and that is true, we need to raise better children who grow up to be better adults.


Tony V.

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