Escape from Elba

Health => Mental Health and Treatment => Topic started by: liquidsilver on July 30, 2018, 12:05:15 PM

Title: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: liquidsilver on July 30, 2018, 12:05:15 PM
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on August 05, 2018, 04:20:22 PM
One of my great frustrations with our in patient mental health "treatment" process is how little treatment there is on weekends. That means that if you are admitted on a Friday, you get no treatment to speak of until Monday. And if you get released on a Monday, it is after a weekend with nothing substantial going on.

And just being there can be deleterious to the health of a patient, especially one who does poorly with unstructured time.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on August 20, 2018, 02:56:21 PM
Hundreds of Millions in Funding Remain Unspent Amid Mental Illness Epidemic Among Homeless in L.A. County


The voters in California voted multiple times to help the homeless and the mentally ill, and now the money is there, and programs need to go into action. And lots of new jobs will be created for more social workers, and others, to help the homeless and the mentally ill.

And the fastest way to get people off of the streets and into housing is to put them in group homes, with services tied in to the group homes.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on December 15, 2018, 01:36:35 AM
Coffee drinking tied to lower risk of suicide
Researchers link caffeine’s impact on brain chemicals as playing key role

BY Marge Dwyer
Harvard School of Public Health Communications

DATE July 24, 2013

Drinking several cups of coffee daily appears to reduce the risk of suicide in men and women by about 50 percent, according to a new study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The study was published online July 2 in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry.

“Unlike previous investigations, we were able to assess association of consumption of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages, and we identify caffeine as the most likely candidate of any putative protective effect of coffee,” said lead researcher Michel Lucas, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH.

The authors reviewed data from three large U.S. studies and found that the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per day was about half that of those who drank decaffeinated coffee or very little or no coffee.

Caffeine not only stimulates the central nervous system but may act as a mild antidepressant by boosting production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. This could explain the lower risk of depression among coffee drinkers that had been found in past epidemiological studies, the researchers reported.

In the new study, researchers examined data on 43,599 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) (1988–2008), 73,820 women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) (1992–2008), and 91,005 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII) (1993–2007). Caffeine, coffee, and decaffeinated coffee intake was assessed every four years by questionnaires. Caffeine consumption was calculated from coffee and other sources, including tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and chocolate. However, coffee was the major caffeine source — 80 percent for NHS, 71 percent for NHS II, and 79 percent for HPFS. Among the participants in the three studies, there were 277 deaths from suicide.

In spite of the findings, the authors do not recommend that depressed adults increase caffeine consumption, because most individuals adjust their caffeine intake to an optimal level for them and an increase could result in unpleasant side effects. “Overall, our results suggest that there is little further benefit for consumption above two to three cups/day or 400 mg of caffeine/day,” the authors wrote.

The researchers did not observe any major difference in risk between those who drank two to three cups of coffee per day and those who had four or more cups a day, most likely due to the small number of suicide cases in these categories. However, in a previous HSPH coffee-depression study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the investigators observed a maximal effect among those who drank four or more cups per day. One large Finnish study showed a higher risk of suicide among people drinking eight or nine cups per day. Few participants in the two HSPH studies drank such large amounts of coffee, so the studies did not address the impact of six or more cups of coffee per day.

Other HSPH researchers participating in the study included senior author Alberto Ascherio, professor of epidemiology and nutrition; Walter Willett, chair, Department of Nutrition and Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition; and research associates Eilis O’Reilly and An Pan. Pan now works at the National University of Singapore.


People have known for a long time that coffee fights depression, and coffee drinkers are less likely to commit suicde, I have heard that in some studies coffee drinkers were 85% less likely to commit suicide.

And in some places where it is cold and gloomy people need to drink more coffee, such as in Alaska, and in other places where it is cold and gloomy and rainy, etc. Every shop in cold and gloomy areas should have a coffee pot with paper cups and free coffee for everyone, and everywhere you go there should be coffee. As the coffee drinking rises, the suicides will go down.

Also, coffee drinking needs to increase on Native American Indian reservations, including with teens.

And plus coffee is a social drink, and people can talk about their problems while drinking coffee with other people.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on January 18, 2019, 10:30:33 AM
Two great American psychologists were Abraham Maslow, and Carl Rogers...


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 01, 2019, 07:20:15 PM
Be Well Mental Health Facility Will Be First Of Its Kind

The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved $16.6 million on the design and construction of the 60,000 square foot mental health campus.

By Ashley Ludwig, Patch Staff | Jan 29, 2019 4:50 pm ET
SANTA ANA, CA — The Be Well OC coalition along with the Orange County Board of Supervisors celebrated their collective success with the approval of financing and design of the Be Well Mental Health Center in the City of Orange.

"This is a historic day in Orange County," Supervisor Andrew Do said of the Be Well OC Behavioral Health Services facility planned for 265 S. Anita Drive.

The board approved plans to spend $16.6 million on the design and construction of the 60,000-square-foot mental health campus. Officials estimate the construction costs could be up to $40 million with the budget shared by the county and other local mental health stakeholders.

The Be Well OC coalition includes public and private mental health stakeholders such as CalOptima, the public insurance program for the needy, area hospitals, nonprofits and faith-based organizations.

The overarching goal of Be Well OC is to establish a coordinated, countywide behavioral health service system," according to a county staff report to the board.

The board bypassed bidding for the project since officials concluded it would not reduce the cost.

The project is a "joint collaboration that is going to be a beacon for the nation," Do said. "We no longer view mental health and services in separate baskets. We no longer see patients through the prism of is it the Healthcare Agency, or CalOptima, or private insurance companies. We no longer view our community in such disparate ways... We will see the community for what it is -- a community. Come one, come all and we'll sort out the payment system later."

Do praised city of Orange officials for "stepping up" and accepting the Anita Drive facility "despite some questions from their residents."

Do said the project comprises a "critical piece of the system of care we are building," which includes shelters and housing for the county's transients.

Orange County Board Chairwoman Lisa Bartlett called it a "monumental day for our county," and added she supported the project because "I've always been a big fan of public-private partnerships."

"We will open the doors and welcome everyone that needs help for mental health, and to have all the components of mental health on one campus is kind of mind-boggling," she said.

Bartlett called it a "mental health ecosystem."
She added, "It is truly amazing and something we should be proud of. There's nothing like it in the state of California. This could be a template. This is something where I tell you other counties are watching what we're doing and Orange County is taking the lead on so many things."

Supervisor Doug Chaffee also praised the project.
"It is a need that has been long neglected," Chaffee said. "It can be a national model."

City News Service contributed to this report


As we get the homeless people off of the streets and into housing, we are having to deal with a lot of mental health issues, and we are going to need state of the art mental health centers. 

Helping the homeless is also creating a lot of desperately needed jobs, this mental health center is going to create a lot of good jobs. 


Tony V. 
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on February 02, 2019, 03:30:07 PM
Thanks, Tony!
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 12, 2019, 04:52:51 PM
Thanks, Tony!

You are welcome, Josh. It is nice to see good, healthy progress happening in regard to helping the homeless and the mentally ill. There is still a long way to go, but progress is happening.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: barton on March 19, 2019, 12:33:42 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on March 19, 2019, 11:31:58 PM

Color me skeptical for the time being.

Thanks for the post.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on March 29, 2019, 10:20:17 PM
Orange County is doing a great job on helping the homeless, Los Angeles and others can learn from the OC...


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on April 10, 2019, 04:35:32 PM
OC Apparently Left Millions in Homeless Health & Housing Grants on the Table

Orange County has missed out on millions of state and federal taxpayer dollars to address its growing homelessness by not being assertive enough in preparing for and seeking the funds, according to a federal judge and interviews with people who closely follow county homelessness policy.

Smaller counties than OC have asked for and received tens of millions more in funding for preventative health and housing programs that studies have shown save taxpayer dollars overall, help homeless people get off the streets, and save lives.

And by applying for and receiving less funds, Orange County taxpayers appear to have been subsidizing other parts of the state rather than bringing back a proportionate share of funding.

County officials say they’re doing their best in applying for grants the county is eligible for. Others say Orange County is now playing catch-up under outside pressure, and should be eligible for more money than it’s getting, after years of the Board of Supervisors historically not making a high priority out of seeking funding for homeless services.


Orange County is doing a great job helping the homeless, but much more can be done, and there is much more money available.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on April 17, 2019, 07:55:58 PM
City of Anaheim- Municipal Government
45 mins ·

Last night the City Council approved the 2030 Neighborhood Investment Program.

The program, which Mayor Harry Sidhu announced at his State of the City address, pledges us to invest $250 million in Anaheim neighborhoods in the next 10 years.

"For years, the promise of Anaheim has been that as our economy thrives, our people will thrive with it," Mayor Sidhu said. "We have done a good job of meeting this promise, but we can do better. This initiative focuses the benefits of Anaheim’s growth on the priorities and desires of our neighborhoods."

Learn more:


Part of how the city of Anaheim gets funding is from the people of the city owning the electric company, and when Disneyland and others pay their electricity bills then some of the money goes into the city's general fund to be used to help the homeless, and to build new parks, and put in new train stations, the people can use the money from the general fund however they want.

Other cities can learn from Anaheim, and as everyone goes green, each area can own its own power company, and part of the money can go into a general fund to be used to help the homeless, and to build new parks, and other things that the people want. Puerto Rico can copy Anaheim and can own its own power company as they go green, and Australia and others can do it too.

People can benefit from the new green economy, as Anaheim is right now, and the homeless people can be helped, and the children can be fed, and good things can happen.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on June 25, 2019, 07:16:07 PM
Coffee has recently been shown to help people to burn fat.

So, there is the way right there to get teenage girls to drink coffee, teenage girls all want to be thin, and along with burning fat, coffee has also been shown to lower the risk of suicide, and the boys are going to drink coffee with the girls at the coffee shops, so suicides are going to be lowered for teenagers, and if they drink coffee for their lifetimes then there is a lifetime reduction in suicides.

Also, if you drink alcohol, coffee cleans your liver. So coffee is good for a lot of things.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 07, 2020, 03:01:47 PM
My Uncle Dennis was an ex-convict, and after he got out of prison the last time he went to work helping a Christian charity which housed and helped ex-convicts as they came out of prison, Live Again, they had a camp in Lake Hughes and stuff where he worked, and he managed a thrift store and stuff. Anyhow, he joked that when he died he was going to leave me a mansion full of ex-convicts to help. May he rest in peace.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on March 07, 2020, 04:47:24 PM
If you want to help the homeless, then instead of sending a cop with a badge and a gun, we need to send a trained Social Worker with a bottle of water and a sandwich. We need to have professionals who are trained to help the homeless, Social Workers, and Psychiatrists, etc, instead of pushing that responsibility onto the cops.

And we need a Homelessness Crisis Intervention Office at City Hall staffed with trained professionals who know how to best help the homeless.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 14, 2020, 05:33:35 PM
They used to put masks on mentally ill people so that they could not bite people or spit on people.


Now they just strap the person to a bed and they medicate them, and they keep the person strapped to the bed until they promise to calm down and behave. And then after they release the person from being strapped in the bed they keep the person medicated so the person just sleeps all of the time.

I spent a month in the mental hospital when I had my nervous breakdown, and it was a crazy place. And the nurses kept calling me to break up fights, I was sick, and I did not feel good, and they had me breaking up fights, and they had me acting as security for the place. I am not that big of a guy, and I was sick, I had just suffered from a nervous breakdown.

Probably the craziest thing that I had to deal with when I was living in a homeless shelter for mentally ill people, there was a guy who heard voices in his head, and the voices were telling him to stab the Black guy, so he had a knife and he was heading toward the Black guy, and I had to stop him, I told him that the only voice that mattered was my voice, and my voice was telling him to put down the knife, I told him that the voices in his head were all bullshit, and to just listen to my voice. I saved that Black guy's life that night.

Sometimes I was scared, and the crazy people sometimes do not make any sense, people can die for no fucking reason, just stupid mentally ill bullshit can get someone killed.

So, the first thing that the Doctors do is to get the people on medication to stop the voices in their heads, and then you get them into therapy so they can learn to determine reality from mentally ill bullshit. And they put them on medication to help people to relax, etc.

The shit they put me through made it hard on me to get well, breaking up fights at the mental hospital was not cool, it did not help me. I needed to chill in a rose garden, I needed just peace and quiet, and I needed good food and a nice comfortable bed. It was nice with my friend Lisa, she fed me steak for dinner, and she always tried to make things nice. Lisa loves everyone, she is a very loving person.

And I met my buddy Tom in one of Lisa's houses. I met some of the best, coolest, nicest people in Lisa's houses. Mental illness and homelessness can happen to anyone. Tom was a Combat Medic for the Marines, he was a doctor for combat, and he was great at managing homeless shelters and helping the homeless, and he was famous for feeding steak and lobster to the people in the shelters he ran, he loved people and it was his honor to spoil his clients rotten. Tom and his crew even raised over a million dollars to feed the hungry, they raised money by selling beer and hot dogs and stuff at Angel Stadium and at the Rose Bowl, etc. Tom loved to help people.

As we get all of the homeless people off of the streets and into housing, we are going to have to help a lot of mentally ill people. And people at places such as the new Wellness Center in Orange are going to have to help a lot of mentally ill people. Of note, many people who go there for help when they are sick will learn and they will help other people when they are well. Many doctors were once homeless, and now they are helping other people.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on June 13, 2020, 05:19:57 PM
Life is better if you have an attitude of gratitude.

Having had a hard life can make you a better person, you can be more understanding, and empathetic, and compassionate, and you can be more loving, if you choose not to become bitter and hardened from the hard times. And it can also make you a better actor, and writer, and poet, etc.

A guy who looked just like George Lucas told me not to let the hard times ruin me before I succeed, and he told me not to let success ruin me after I succeed. Do not become bitter and hardened from the hard times, and do not become spoiled and arrogant and ruined from the good times.

And Roy Rogers told me that you need to go through the hard times so that you appreciate the good times. Roy Rogers experienced the Great Depression, and he experienced hard times before he became successful, and he was the coolest guy and he did a lot to help other people. And right now, I am poor, but I have a great apartment in a great city, and I have food, I have many blessings. I was homeless for 2 years, so I know what it is like to be out there on the streets, and I am so grateful to have a nice apartment. Because I experienced times of being homeless and hungry, I appreciate having a home and food.

As a child working with my grandmother, we worked hard, we used to work 12 hours a day grooming dogs, and she was proud of me for being a hard worker, and she always thought that I was going to be rich and successful. She even told me to keep my record clean in case I want to go into politics. She had a lot of faith in me. It was hard work helping my grandmother, but I am grateful that I spent that time with her. She was an awesome person, I wish she was still here. And the whole time I worked with her she was teaching me about business, and about life. I am a better person because I spent that time with my grandmother.

And the Bible says to focus on the good things, focus on the beautiful things, don't dwell on the hard times and the injustices.

Philippians 4:8 New International Version (NIV)

"8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

If we look at things in the right way then we can grow and mature in healthy ways regardless of the hard times, we can become better, we do not need to become bitter and hardened and ruined. And the hard times can leave you with some wonderful stuff if you are an actor, poet, writer, director, etc. If you are only wealthy and privileged all of your life then you are missing out on a whole other side of life, you become a deeper person by experiencing the whole spectrum.

And I had a cool therapist, he was a Ted Nugent fan, and he said that as long as you can be grateful then you can be happy. If I focus on my blessings and if I am grateful then I am happier.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on July 09, 2020, 07:17:35 PM
Here is some good stuff for the people whom are depressed, and whom feel empty... You need to get busy on a mission to help other people... And by helping others you can become more successful in your own life, and you can have more joy in your life.
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings: If you have "needing money" in your vibration, then you will keep attracting needing money. You have to find a way of being happy NOW, feeling good NOW, and being in joy NOW, without the money, because those great feelings are how you will feel with the money.
Money doesn't bring happiness - but happiness brings money.
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions
And the way to go from depression to joy is by helping others, you have to get outside of yourself and focus on helping others, such as by helping orphans, and helping the homeless people, etc, and joy attracts success.
As a friend sent me in an email:
"Biblically speaking, depression is the deepest form of self centeredness and the only real cure is to go outside of yourself and do something for someone else. That will clear the head and inspire the soul. Of course medication can cover it up, but I like to think of medication as more for recreation. Many may disagree, but it has worked extremely well for me over the years when I felt like I wanted to die and have just had it with the daily struggles to make ends meet."
The way to true joy is by helping others, such as by helping the homeless people, and by helping the orphans, etc, and joy attracts success.
The people whom I know whom are the happiest are the people whom are on a mission to help other people, and whom are on a mission to help to make our world a better place.
Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on November 15, 2020, 03:10:13 PM
I have a friend who is a Crisis Intervention Specialist in Newport Beach, California, and she earns a lot of money. Instead of calling the police and having everything public and in the news, some of the rich people call in a Crisis Intervention Specialist to deal with the crisis. If people have problems with mental illness, or drug addiction, or whatever, some of the rich people call in a Crisis Intervention Specialist to help them, and to keep it all private. It is a good job if you can handle it, it is a hard job, but the money is good.

Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on November 16, 2020, 10:51:57 AM
I have a friend who is a Crisis Intervention Specialist in Newport Beach, California, and she earns a lot of money. Instead of calling the police and having everything public and in the news, some of the rich people call in a Crisis Intervention Specialist to deal with the crisis. If people have problems with mental illness, or drug addiction, or whatever, some of the rich people call in a Crisis Intervention Specialist to help them, and to keep it all private. It is a good job if you can handle it, it is a hard job, but the money is good.

Tony V.

Not to mention that it saves lives.

If only the poor could have their lives saved.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 19, 2021, 03:43:51 PM
The social workers and others who are out there helping the homeless people need to remember to carry cigarettes, and you can deescalate a situation quickly by offering a person a cigarette, and you can talk peacefully with the person while they are smoking.

A lot of homeless people and mentally ill people smoke cigarettes. The social workers need to carry cigarettes, and the homeless shelters and wellness centers, etc, need to have smoking sections, etc.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 21, 2021, 07:54:20 PM
The Wellness Centers and Mental Health Associations all need to have the big coffee makers and free coffee needs to be available to the people. Free coffee, and smoking sections.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on March 24, 2021, 11:21:26 PM
KTLA 5 News 

14m  · 

Costa Mesa officials celebrate the opening of a new homeless shelter on Airway Avenue in a ribbon-cutting ceremony March 23, 2021. The 72-bed shelter at 3175 Airway Ave. was built inside a warehouse purchased by the city in March 2019 and retrofitted into a 12,285-square-foot space with an intake area, offices, fully equipped commercial kitchen, and living quarters for men and women.


The first step to helping the mentally ill people on the streets is to get them into a shelter, we need to get them into housing.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 18, 2021, 02:46:48 PM
I had a friend, her husband committed suicide, and she ended up homeless, so I was trying to help her by sending her to a friend who could help her with housing, then I just found out that my friend died back in December, so she isn't there to help the homeless people anymore, and so when I went to tell my friend about another lady who helps the homeless, I found that my friend committed suicide, so she is gone now. So sad. 

If she lived in Orange County she could have went to the Wellness Center for help, but she was in Detroit with no help. She was a homeless dance teacher, and I tried to get her to help to teach dance to the homeless women, I told her to contact City Hall in Detroit about teaching dance to the homeless women. But, she did not make it.

I hate it when people commit suicide. What a waste. She was young and beautiful and she was a dance teacher who had a lot to offer to the world. Plus she had 2 daughters, who are living with her parents.

So sad.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 19, 2021, 02:08:11 PM
The suicide rate in the USA has been increasing every year for the last 20 years.

The suicide rate in Italy has been going down every year for the last 20 years.


We have a lot of work to do in the USA, the high suicide rate is unacceptable. And we can look to Italy for guidance.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: Holly Martins on July 25, 2021, 09:50:28 AM

Jeff Bezos', um,  rocket.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on September 28, 2021, 01:37:03 PM
Orange County is building another Wellness Center, this new one will be in Irvine, so there will be a Wellness Center in Irvine, as well as the Wellness Center in Orange.

Plus there is the Mental Health Association in Santa Ana to help people.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 12, 2022, 10:17:07 PM
So sad about Naomi Judd, depression is horrible. I wish she would have asked for help instead of killing herself, so sad for her daughters and for her fans.

People need to realize that if you are so miserable that you feel like killing yourself then you need help, do not act on it, instead get help. We need to get that message out there. There is no shame in getting help.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 15, 2022, 03:00:40 PM
A new homeless shelter just opened with help from money from the late Alex Trebek...

If all of the rich people would care enough to help the poor, then so much suffering can be avoided. May God bless those who help the poorest among us.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 20, 2022, 04:48:03 PM

16 hours

When I was 13, I had stepped into a different world. A world where adults in charge of your care have unchecked powers over you, says 30-year-old Lea from Belgium as she looks back on her experience at a mental health institution.

Instead of studying and playing with her friends, Lea spent her days isolated and medicated.

I took my pills like I had to. And I just factored in that if I was too upset, I would be injected [with] a powerful drug and then tied to my bed for a while.

After her time in the institution, Lea had forgotten how to live in society. She no longer felt comfortable at home, school or spending time with her peers.

Mental health institutions are not only fertile ground for human rights violations, they also sever social ties. For young people, this initial removal from society can be the beginning of a lifetime of isolation and exclusion.

Today, Lea is on a mission to ensure this does not happen to another young person. 

These systems should foster inclusion rather than isolation and work with children, not against them. Deinstitutionalization and community-based support will be key in achieving this.

Governments must shift mental health care from institutions to community-based services, in order to provide humane, accessible and non-stigmatizing support for children, parents and caregivers during and beyond COVID-19.



There is Mike Muir and the band "Suicidal Tendencies" which has a gang for youth who have had issues with institutions and with Mental Illness, sometimes the youth can relate to other youth who have suffered from the same problems. The gang has over six million members world-wide. Sometimes music can bring the youth together with other youth.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 23, 2022, 08:28:27 PM
Vice President Kamala Harris

1 hour

The mental health of nurses, doctors, and hospital staff is deeply connected to the health and wellness of our communities. That is why our Administration has invested more than $100 million to expand mental health resources, including funding for health care organizations to create evidence-based programs around mental health and wellbeing for their employees.


We have a huge shortage of Psychiatrists here in California, and here in Anaheim, we need to train way more Psychiatrists, we need to invest in training Psychiatrists.

We can help to train Psychiatrists in San Diego, San Diego has a great college where they train Psychiatrists.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on May 29, 2022, 12:46:07 AM
Vice President Kamala Harris

1 hour

The mental health of nurses, doctors, and hospital staff is deeply connected to the health and wellness of our communities. That is why our Administration has invested more than $100 million to expand mental health resources, including funding for health care organizations to create evidence-based programs around mental health and wellbeing for their employees.


We have a huge shortage of Psychiatrists here in California, and here in Anaheim, we need to train way more Psychiatrists, we need to invest in training Psychiatrists.

We can help to train Psychiatrists in San Diego, San Diego has a great college where they train Psychiatrists.

Only if you can find people who want the job, Tony.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 29, 2022, 03:29:07 PM
Vice President Kamala Harris

1 hour

The mental health of nurses, doctors, and hospital staff is deeply connected to the health and wellness of our communities. That is why our Administration has invested more than $100 million to expand mental health resources, including funding for health care organizations to create evidence-based programs around mental health and wellbeing for their employees.


We have a huge shortage of Psychiatrists here in California, and here in Anaheim, we need to train way more Psychiatrists, we need to invest in training Psychiatrists.

We can help to train Psychiatrists in San Diego, San Diego has a great college where they train Psychiatrists.

Only if you can find people who want the job, Tony.

I think some reasons behind the shortage of Psychiatrists are the long time that it takes to train to become a Psychiatrist, and also the high cost of an education. If we made it easier to become Psychiatrists then we would have more Psychiatrists, and the best way is to remove the high cost and we can give the students a free ride through college if they become Psychiatrists and if they serve our communities.

With the Wellness Centers and with the Homeless Shelters, we can get workers by training the people after they get help. There is a famous lawyer in Southern California who is mentally ill and is on medication, and he says "Hire Big Lou, he is on meds too." People who are helped can rise to work at the Wellness Centers, and at the Homeless Shelters, etc, and some people even rise to become lawyers like Big Lou. I am sure many people who are helped can rise to become Psychiatrists if we make it possible for them.

I have a friend who is a Psychiatrist at the Mental Health Association in Santa Ana, her husband is an actor and he was in the Lion King on Broadway, she is from Vietnam, she is a great Psychiatrist and she helped me a lot when I needed help. There was a thrift store next to the MHA and she and I went to the thrift store and we helped each other pick out clothes, it was fun. She gave me a lot of good advice. We need more great Psychiatrists like her, she is wonderful, and she has been serving the community for over 20 years.

Everyone thinks that Psychiatrists make the big bucks, but we need for people to be motivated by the desire to help other people instead of being motivated by money. If we send the people to college for free, and give them a free ride, then we can give them a path where they do not need to be motivated by money.

We can also use the Entertainment Industry to show people who are working as Psychiatrists in a good light, instead of just bad people like Nurse Ratchet in "One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest" and other bad characters like that. We need to show wonderful little sexy Psychiatrists like my friend from Vietnam who works at the MHA. We need for the Entertainment Industry to show good people who are Psychiatrists.

The whole issue of Mental Health has a bad stigma, and we need to change that, Mental Illness can happen to anyone, and we need to have a better view of workers in the Mental Health Industry, and we need good guys like Big Lou to become Lawyers and to show that Mental Illness is not a life sentence.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on May 29, 2022, 04:10:51 PM
I think some reasons behind the shortage of Psychiatrists are the long time that it takes to train to become a Psychiatrist, and also the high cost of an education. If we made it easier to become Psychiatrists then we would have more Psychiatrists, and the best way is to remove the high cost and we can give the students a free ride through college if they become Psychiatrists and if they serve our communities.

We can make it cheaper, but I don't think we want to make the educational/professional aspect of it easier. We already have a hard time finding competence in the non-meds aspects of the jobs.

Any medical condition that is out of the ordinary takes way too much explanation and education of the doctor and too often without curiosity on their parts.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 29, 2022, 04:23:35 PM
I sent my ideas to our Vice President, and to the Pope, telling them that we need to remove the high cost of an education for people who choose to become Psychiatrists.

And you are right Josh, they are not going to rise to a level of greatness if they are not personally motivated and if they are not curious for the purpose of helping the people. We need to train people who are passionate about helping people.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 29, 2022, 05:01:21 PM
As we look for youth to send to college for free to become Doctors, and Psychiatrists, etc...

We can find out in 6th grade how their aptitude is, and we can take them as far as they can go, and some students are going to go way ahead of the other students, and then as they get way ahead those students can work as student aids to help the teachers to teach the other students. The aids get a sense of what it is like to serve other people with their gift of high aptitude. And they are doing it all for free, their only motivation is to help to teach the other students. We can take those students, and we can give them a free ride through college so that they can become Doctors, and Psychiatrists, we know that those are smart people who are going to use their gifts to help people, and we know they are not motivated just by money.

We can also find people who serve people for free with Kiwanis, and with the YMCA, and with Youth For Christ, and with other charities. If the people are doing public service for free then those are the people who we want to send to college for free to become Doctors, and Psychiatrists, etc.

We need the best and the brightest to become Doctors and Psychiatrists, and along with that we need for them to love to serve other people and to be service motivated.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on June 17, 2022, 03:05:04 PM
Weingart Center

2 minutes

We are here to help. If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, visit us in person at our Access Center in #DTLA or call us from M-F, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM.

Regular business hours: (213) 833-5020

After hours: (213) 627-5302


For the homeless, and for those at risk of becoming homeless in Los Angeles.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on June 17, 2022, 03:09:20 PM
Kiwanis International

1 hour

Kiwanis is serious about youth protection.

That is why we have created a toll-free, confidential helpline that can be used 24 hours a day by Kiwanis family members and the youth we serve. To access the U.S. helpline, call 866-607-SAFE (7233).


A young gentleman came to me for help on Facebook last night, so I gave him the number for the Kiwanis helpline. The number is there for anyone who needs help.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: josh on June 25, 2022, 05:20:18 PM
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on July 14, 2022, 07:15:53 PM
Hi this Kathy from M.H.A KEEP IT SIMPLE THRIFTH STORE (Mental Health Association Thrift Store)
At 2416 south Main Street Santa Ana California 92707.
I know its been awhile since I've been on Facebook with freands.
Well I need help for or homeless and the Thriftstore
Mans pants shirts shoes jackets
Women pants shirts tennis shoes
Backpacks Roolaway luggage
Phone (714)424-9111
Store hours mon/fri
8:00am to 3:45 pm


The MHA Thrift Store helps the homeless and the mentally ill, they give the homeless free furniture when they get housing, and they feed the homeless, and they help to sign people up for the government benefits, etc, and for the local charities, etc. They are also connected to group homes for the homeless, where the homeless are housed and fed, etc.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on August 11, 2022, 03:47:15 PM
CASA of Orange County - Court Appointed Special Advocates

Great news! CASA OC is HIRING! If you have a desire to help children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or abandonment, consider becoming a part of our team.

Learn more at:


I met a representative from CASA when I was in Kiwanis International, and she explained the program to us, and CASA is a great program. I support CASA and I support helping our foster youth

The City of Anaheim owns Angel Stadium, so the City can use the Stadium whenever we want, and I have a friend from Kiwanis who ran for Mayor of Anaheim, and she said that if she won as Mayor that I could produce a concert at Angel Stadium to help the foster children of Orange County, we could raise money for CASA, etc, and my friend said that she has always wanted to do something like that. Gwen Stefani is from Anaheim and I am sure she would sing to help the foster children, and we could get the Red Hot Chili Peppers who live local, and we could broadcast the concert on television and we can have a telephone number where people can donate to help the foster children. They can have the whole idea for free and I do not need any money if I were to organize the event and put the event together, it would all be about helping the foster youth. But, my friend lost as Mayor, she did not win sadly.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on August 31, 2022, 01:27:07 PM
One thing that I can relate to on the issue of helping the Foster Youth, is that after my Father died when I was 9 years old, I had step fathers who wanted my Mother, but they did not want us kids. I lived with people who did not want me there. I know how it feels to be unwanted.

And then, when the Foster Youth grow up, they end up homeless on the streets because they never learned how to make money and how to provide for themselves. The streets are full of Foster Youth who aged out of the system without learning how to make money.

The Foster Youth need to have people who care about them, and the Foster Youth need to be taught how to do business and how to make money.

One example from my life so far as helping the poor youth, I took a Small Business Management Consulting class in community college, and we trained on how to go in and help to save a business that is having problems, we trained on how to go in and how to turn around a struggling business and how to make them successful. The professor was a Black man and he went into Compton and he taught the young men of Compton how to do business, and he helped them to secure a loan with the Small Business Administration, and he helped them to become successful, and then after they all succeeded they took a trip to Africa together to celebrate. But, the training is not just for Black Youth, it could be used to help the Foster Youth just as easily.

We need to care about the Youth, and we need to help them. And the streets are full of Foster Youth right now.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on August 31, 2022, 01:47:01 PM
The largest buyer of goods and services in the world right now is the Unites States Government, and there are special programs to help the Minorities to open small businesses to support Government programs, etc, and the SBA will help, etc.

The SBA also will work with HUD to build housing, and the Minorities can get the contracts to build the housing.

We need to make sure that the Foster Youth get the same opportunities that the Minorities get. The Foster Youth need to have help joining SBA programs, and the Foster Youth need access to the HUD contracts to build housing, etc.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on August 31, 2022, 04:24:27 PM
In some cases while our suffering has been felt by others as well, and our suffering unites us, that is why we love poetry and sad movies like "Beaches" and "Steel Magnolias." But we should never get stuck dwelling on our suffering, we need to rise above that. We need to move forward.

And I support being able to go out and learn whatever it is we want to learn, and being able to live and work wherever we want at the work of our choice.

The main thing in life is Love, and that is what my poetry is about, and that is what my movies are going to all be about, I love the love stories. Both of my Grandmothers on both sides of my family read Romance novels, so I read hundreds of paperback Love stories. Love is what life is all about, and that fuels my poetry and my writing.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on October 27, 2022, 02:59:32 PM
It is so important to focus on the beauty in the world, and not the bad stuff, as the Bible tells us. And there are many opportunities that you will miss out on if you only see the bad in the world, and by being negative one pushes the good people away. People love good positive people who see the good in the world, and who cheer them up and make them feel good.

I had a friend from Michigan, Pari, she was beautiful, and smart, when I met her she was a dance teacher and she spoke 4 languages, she lived downstairs, and she was great. But, she got into illegal drugs, and she started hanging out with bad people, she ended up back in Michigan homeless with her boyfriend, and she had 2 daughters. Her boyfriend ended up shooting himself in the head with a shotgun and killing himself, and then she died soon after from suicide. What a sad life she had. She was so smart and pretty with so much potential, and she threw it all away, and she could not see the beauty in the world, all that she could see was the bad in the world.

We need to see the beauty in the world, and then life is always worth living.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on October 29, 2022, 07:13:01 PM
San Diego State University is the best at training Psychologists and Psychiatrists...


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on October 29, 2022, 08:09:45 PM
In Bolivia the prisoners are involved in a new program that rewards the prisoners for reading books, they can shorten their time in prison by reading books.

So, for a great book that I recommended to Bolivia for the prisoners to read is "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers. Carl Rogers taught at San Diego State University, and he helped to design the program at the Betty Ford Center. Carl Rogers was great.

And if we can change how the prisoners think and feel, then we can change how they behave. And if we can teach the prisoners to value themselves as a person, and to set honest goals for their lives away from crime, then they can set honest goals and they can map out an honest path to achieve those goals.

Other books that can be provided for the prisoners are books about architecture and the construction trades, which might help some prisoners to map out life goals, and people will always need housing so there will always be jobs building housing, etc.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on October 31, 2022, 10:40:59 PM
The best way to overcome depression is by getting outside of yourself and helping other people, and doing charity work is also a good way to make good new friends, the people who do charity work are the best people.

And we have had a lot of stars who have committed suicide, instead we need to get them to do charity work and to help other people and to stop being so damn selfish that they commit suicide. Suicide is a very selfish act. When you pull your head out of your own ass and start helping other people then you snap out of the depression and you start feeling betting, and your self esteem improves, you feel valued, and your whole mental health improves, and your life improves because you are bringing good new people into your life.

In Hollywood we have Kiwanis International which is global, and we have Children of the Night to help the homeless teens on the streets of Hollywood, and there are a lot of other good charities. We have Habitat for Humanity, and we have a lot of great charities. Instead of the stars committing suicide they need to pick a good charity and get busy helping other people, and they can use their lives to help other people and to make the world a better place. There is no such thing as being washed up, or black listed, or whatever, when it comes to doing charity work, Kiwanis will welcome the stars gladly, and they will feel better, and they can help other people. As a lot of stars are getting older and they may feel like they are no longer valued, then they can join Kiwanis and they will feel valued. Then when people feel better maybe they can find future jobs or whatever, but the main thing is that instead of committing suicide they need to start doing service, and they will feel better.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: Holly Martins on November 07, 2022, 02:48:57 PM

Seven ways to not fall into despair from following the news.

(Yes, I know the obvious eighth way...)
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on December 05, 2022, 07:47:29 PM
Mayor Eric Garcetti is in Los Angeles, California.

With current low temperatures and L.A. Rain, LAHSA now has Winter Shelters open.

This year, the Augmented Winter Shelter Program is providing motel vouchers to homeless Angelenos in parts of the County with severe weather.

More info at: or by dialing (800)-548-6047.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on December 15, 2022, 03:14:37 PM
Sad about Twitch committing suicide, I never met him, but he seemed to have been well loved in the Entertainment Industry, and he had a wife and children, so sad.

There is the 988 number to call for suicide prevention. I hope that people will call 988 instead of committing suicide.

Also of note, is that depression is a deep form of self centeredness, depressed people need to stop focusing on their own problems and they need to look around at the world around them, and it helps people to feel better if they start helping other people. Helping other people helps people to feel better. Volunteering to do service in groups such as Kiwanis International will help one to feel better.

My friend Chris was very depressed because his family left him, he found himself alone after having spent his whole life trying to help his family, and what saved him was that he volunteered to help the homeless, he drove around in a van with a female social worker and they picked up homeless people and they gave them rides to shelters where they could get help, and Chris also managed homeless shelters, he ended up dying of Cancer, but he did not commit suicide, he spent his last days helping other people.

What if Twitch would have started helping the homeless people? Maybe helping the homeless people would have saved Twitch.

Also, drinking coffee helps to fight depression, and coffee drinkers are less likely to commit suicide, and coffee is a social drink. If you are depressed, then go have some coffee and talk with someone and get help. That is why I support coffee shops being opened on the Native American Indian Reservations which have high suicide rates, we need to get the Indians to drink coffee.

My Uncle Dennis committed suicide here in my apartment, he took a bunch of pills and then he came to my apartment to die, he died on my sofa. I tried so hard to help him, he had a lot of problems from being raised without a Father, and being poor, and spending years in prison, he just gave up, and he took a bunch of pills and that was the end for him. But, it was very selfish of him, because he could have helped the homeless, and he could have stayed alive to be my Uncle, and everyone loved him, it was sad.

Anyway, dial 988 if you need help.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 05, 2023, 01:13:28 PM
Flagmans Sober Living Homes has both Male and Female beds available.

(714) 745-0948

Housing for the homeless in Orange County, California.


Tony V.
Title: offtopic
Post by: yargkvbrov on February 23, 2023, 09:48:44 PM
mega darknet (
<a href="">
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Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on April 12, 2023, 06:21:04 PM
They say that the longer that people are homeless and on the street then the harder it is for them to re-enter society, the people become more and more damaged from being out there homeless on the streets. But, an education can help them.

I studied Psychology, and Sociology, and other stuff before I became homeless, and also I am a poet and a writer, and an actor and filmmaker, and so the artists roam among the people and they observe the neighborhoods, etc.

In Psychology one thing that they taught us about was how people do brain washing, back then there were a lot of cults, and in class the Professor taught us that the way to avoid being brain-washed was to be aware of how they do it so you can spot it and stop it from working, so if you know how the cults trap people then you can better avoid being trapped. Being homeless also conditions people, so you need to be aware of how it is affecting you so that you have control over it.

In Sociology one thing that they teach you is that educated people value an education, while people in the working class may not value an education the same way. In Malibu they all value an education, the rich educated people tend to value an education, but the poor truck driver may not value an education as much. My Grandfather was an old Cowboy from Oregon and he did not like the educated people, he did not respect an education. So, opinions change depending on the neighborhood that you are in and things change depending on the people you are around.

And the whole time I was writing poetry, I have stacks of poetry that I wrote while out there on the streets of Hollywood.

And I wrote a movie script that takes place here in Hollywood.

I am damaged from being out there homeless on the streets, I was treated like human garbage here in my own country. I was clean, and sober, with a college degree, and acting training, and management experience, and cooking experience, and experience working at Universal Studios, etc, and I was stuck out there homeless on the streets. It damages a person to experience that. But you need to pull out of that, you cannot be pissed off and angry all of the time. And one can never move forward to good goals if they are stuck on negative garbage, you need to have a good positive attitude.

All one can do is to keep a positive attitude and try to set positive goals, and do not let the past ruin the future.

And as an artist one can grow as a writer and a poet and as a filmmaker if one can observe and learn without letting the hard times permanently damage a person. 

It is hard to pull oneself out of deep depression, but a person has to do it, there is nothing good in the deep dark places.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on May 13, 2023, 02:16:15 PM
I met a disabled man outside of a local Vons grocery store, and he was angry and crying because the store refused him service, he had cash money, but they would not accept his money and they refused to sell him food. If they would have taken the time to listen to his story, they would have learned that he was in a motorcycle accident and he was in a coma, and when he came out of the coma he could not walk nor talk, he had to learn how to walk and talk all over again. The doctors told him that it is a miracle that he is walking and talking. I felt so bad for the guy.

I told him where a good Mexican Market is that will accept his business, and I told him where a good Church is in case he wants to go to Church on Sunday, I told him about the Calvary Chapel Open Door which was a church mentioned in "The Jesus Revolution." And while I was telling him about the church an Asian lady walked up and gave him $20 and he went from being sad and angry to crying because of the love that he felt from me and the Asian lady, he was smiling through his tears.

I need to write a letter to the owners of Vons telling them that one of their workers refused service to a disabled man, and the man was kind and gentle and he was not a threat to anyone. He had problems but that was all because of his motorcycle accident.

We need to be more kind and gentle, and our City Motto here in Anaheim is "City of Kindness" and we need for Vons to be more kind. Vons is a good store, and they have good food, but our disabled people from our community need to be able to shop there without being discriminated against.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on June 23, 2023, 01:09:21 PM
City of Anaheim- Municipal Government

Welcome Finamore Place, Anaheim's newest affordable housing community!

This community which opened in February of 2023, is made up of 102 apartments and provides homes to more than 200 residents. The property is home to those who qualify for extremely low to low-income categories, as well as 20 apartments for those formerly homeless.

This site is unique in that it offers onsite healthcare, childcare and emotional support services to those living here and in the surrounding community.

Onsite services include:

St. Jude Neighborhood Health Center: pediatric, womens health and prenatal care, optometry

Orange County Head Start: early education center serving education, social, health and nutritional needs

Child Guidance Center: family behavioral health services including military veterans family treatment and support

Anaheim continues to do its part in providing affordable housing opportunities for our residents. Finamore Place is one of 42 adorable communities in our city with more on the way!

If you qualify for low-income affordable housing, the Anaheim Housing Authority is here to help. Visit or call (714) 765-4300, ext. 4810.

For more on Anaheims affordable housing efforts, visit


Anaheim is great, and the city is working hard to help the homeless, mentally ill, poor children, and the Vets and their families, etc.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on October 09, 2023, 07:44:45 PM
Here is the telephone number for our Community Care Response Team in Anaheim (714) 820-9090.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on November 19, 2023, 03:40:36 PM
On the issue of Cognitive Dissonance.

As a child we had a family Preacher in Oregon, Fred, who taught us that if we became uncomfortable that it is a sign from God that we need to change our life. God gives us a signal that we need to change by allowing us to become uncomfortable and unhappy.

With Carl Rogers and his therapy at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs he explained to them that their source of discomfort was Cognitive Dissonance, and that they need to keep their thoughts, feelings, and behavior, congruent or we become uncomfortable. Carl Rogers was a Christian, and he was a humanist, and the Betty Ford Center attracted Ozzy Osbourne, and Elizabeth Taylor, and a lot of rich and famous people.

A funny thing, a Christian friend, Jon, reminds me of Pastor Fred from Oregon, he has the same love of God, and he has a band named "Cognitive Dissonance."

Of note, Cognitive Dissonance explains how movies, music, television shows, poetry, books, etc, can change how people behave; because if you can change how people think and feel then you can change how they behave.

If you are unhappy and miserable then it is a sign from God that you need to change your life to find happiness. God loves you, and God wants for you to be happy.

You can change location, you can change your job, you can change who you hang out with, you can study and improve yourself, you can set new goals, you can exercise and get in shape, and you can go to Church on Sunday, and you can learn the word of God, and you can surround yourself with good Christian people, etc, etc, etc. There are many ways to make choices to change things so that you can find happiness and so that you can become more comfortable.

Cognitive Dissonance is a gift from God to tell you to change your life, and to show you when you are on the wrong path. When you become uncomfortable it is a sign from God that you need to make changes.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on November 20, 2023, 12:39:50 AM
Some people get so depressed and off track that they forget that they are a loved child of God. Some people forget that they deserve the same love and happiness as all of God's children.

So, Carl Rogers wrote a book "On Becoming a Person" to help people to realize that they deserve the same good human rights and prosperity as all human beings. We all matter. And we are God's children. Carl Rogers knew that God created Man and that Man was special, and he incorporated all of that as he designed the program at the Betty Ford Center, where Ozzy and Elizabeth Taylor went to get clean and to get help.

Bolivia started a reading program for Prisoners in their prisons many years back, and I suggested that they give the book "On Becoming a Person" by Carl Rogers to all of the prisoners to read.

And once you realize that you are a human just like everyone else, then you start treating yourself like you matter, and like you are a loved child of God.

Carl Rogers was awesome.


Tony V.
Title: offtopic
Post by: artebzavg on December 10, 2023, 08:29:30 PM
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Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on December 17, 2023, 03:11:23 PM
For people who get panic attacks and anxiety, they say to eat sour candy, and the sour candy will help to keep you grounded and in the moment. So, Lemon Drops would work for that, if you have panic attacks then carry Lemon Drops candy.

It is good advice.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on December 21, 2023, 07:43:42 PM
Looking to get away? Camp Kennedy Meadows has you covered! These units are equipped with lights, heat,and propane fire pits. WiFi is available. Call for pricing and availability.

Located in Kennedy Meadows (760) 382-7971.


Grumpy Bear's Retreat is a hang out for the scientists at China Lake, and the road is a fun curvy road and they drive there in their Corvettes and other sports cars.

It is also a good safe place to hide people, if someone from New York or Chicago or Miami needs to hide, then Kennedy Meadows is a great place to hide and they will never find whoever is trying to hide. Kennedy Meadows is a great place for people to hide. You can also get there in a helicopter, from the Inyokern Airport, etc.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 06, 2024, 10:01:45 PM
The Daughter of the President of China studied Psychology at Harvard here in the USA, and so did Natalie Portman who also studied Psychology at Harvard, maybe Muzi and Natalie can be friends here in Malibu and maybe they can help on the issue of Mental Health, and on the issue of Mental Health Associations and Wellness Centers, etc.

We can also deal with issues such as teaching the children how to deal with feelings of Envy in a healthy way, we need to teach children how to deal with feelings of jealousy in a healthy way.

We can also teach the students things that can make them better parents, and better partners in a relationship as they get older in High School, etc.

And we can teach the students healthy conflict resolution skills, etc.

We also need to stop the bullies on the playgrounds and we need to stop the school-yard violence from happening. The children need to be safe at school.

We can also warn the children about bad actors who try to start race-wars and violence for their own benefit, we need for the children to not be foolish enough to fight among themselves when provoked to hate each other by bad actors, the children need to be taught that bad people are going to try to make them fight against their friends and neighbors and not to fall for it. Just say "No" when they try to instigate the race wars and hatred.


Tony V.

Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on February 19, 2024, 10:56:43 PM
Treatment Not Tents.

Prop 1 in California...

If passed we will help to provide help and housing for our homeless Veterans and our homeless Mentally Ill people, etc. Everyone supports Prop 1, there is no one against it.

And we need Sober Living Homes for $450 per month, and Cheap Hostels with a shower and a bed for $15 per night, etc.

We also need more Mental Health Associations like the one in Santa Ana, California, and we need more Wellness Centers like the one in Orange.


Tony V.
Title: Re: Mental Health and Treatment
Post by: FlyingVProd on March 13, 2024, 03:25:38 AM
We need to give the cops tranquilizer darts to tranquilize the Mentally Ill people instead of shooting them with guns. They can tranquilize the people and then they can take the people to Mental Hospitals for evaluation. Cops need more non-lethal tools such as tranquilizer darts.

Also, we need to have Emergency Response Teams at the Anaheim Housing Authority to help people who are in danger of becoming homeless because their unit failed inspection, if they fail inspection then the people need to be able to go to the Anaheim Housing Authority for help so that they do not become homeless.


Tony V.
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Title: offtopic
Post by: tisamanda on May 04, 2024, 12:52:44 PM
mega sb новости (
<a href="">
m3ga точка gl</a>