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Author Topic: Home  (Read 24273 times)


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« on: July 30, 2018, 12:07:02 PM »

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Re: Home
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2018, 03:01:17 PM »

Here is the house where I lived in Malibu... It is a nice house, and I loved living there.

There are some good photos of the house on that page.

You had to go through two security gates to get to our house, it was very safe, and I used to sit in our rose garden overlooking the ocean and I would watch the Bald Eagles fly. 

And we had a huge dance room, and the whole neighborhood came to our house to do Yoga. 

I loved living there. It was a blessing to be able to live there.

I rented a room from the ex-wife of Sammy Hagar's family doctor, he had a lot of famous patients. 

They remodeled it, when I lived there it was six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, with a large dance room.

We had a nice fully stocked wine cellar too. It was great.

It was such a blessing to be able to live there.

If I was wealthy I would buy the house. 


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 06:40:44 PM »

Here is a page with info about a condominium building where I lived in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when I was a kid, in between sixth and seventh grade, the Wind Jammer condos...

I had a step father who was a supervisor on the Space Shuttle, and so when the Space Shuttle program went from the Antelope Valley to Florida we went with the Shuttle program.

We lived right on the beach in Cape Canaveral, it was awesome. The whole experience was like being on vacation the whole time we lived there. 


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2018, 05:48:49 PM »

A new 162 unit apartment complex is being built down the street from where I live here in Anaheim, they said that we can share our comments on it, and I think that they should do like the condominium high rise where I worked as a valet/doorman for Suzanne Pleshette, Empire West, in West Hollywood, they can build a high rise with about twenty stories, and put a swimming pool on the roof with a clubhouse and stuff for parties on the roof, and also they can have a tennis court, etc, and with underground parking. Then, over by Angel Stadium they need to do towers like the Trump tower, along with other development (they want to make it like Rome, where everything you need is right in your neighborhood so that you do not even need to drive, and have it tied in with transportation hubs).

There is a housing shortage here, so they need to build like crazy, but people need to plan wisely, and we need piazzas with fountains and stuff like in Rome, Italy, we can learn a lot from Rome as we develop Anaheim. We can also learn from Crystal City, Virginia, where they have transportation and stuff underground, they have a bunch of stuff underground there, we can learn from a lot of places.

Anaheim needs to plan wisely as the city grows, and it all needs to be done really nice.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2019, 02:58:29 PM »

In my youth I lived in Anaheim for a couple years in a place called the club continental apartments. Low priced and beautiful  alas those days are gone looking for retirement nothing there. Florida seems a retirement heaven. 55+ communities all over the place. I am looking at the Tampa St Pete area. Large metro area and for me VA facilities all over, at amazingly affordable prices for the fixed income retiree.
Stuck in Nueva Tegucigalpa with a shotgun by my side.


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Re: Home
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2019, 04:52:29 PM »

In my youth I lived in Anaheim for a couple years in a place called the club continental apartments. Low priced and beautiful  alas those days are gone looking for retirement nothing there. Florida seems a retirement heaven. 55+ communities all over the place. I am looking at the Tampa St Pete area. Large metro area and for me VA facilities all over, at amazingly affordable prices for the fixed income retiree.

Yes, Anaheim is great, but it is getting expensive, and there is a housing shortage, new housing is being built but it is still expensive.

Florida is beautiful, I love Florida, but there are hurricanes and tornadoes, and bugs.

Have you considered Nevada? Do you like Las Vegas? Or Reno? Or Elko? Or maybe Carson City? Just a thought. Nevada is cheap, and Nevada does not have bad storms or anything, and there are no bugs, etc.


Tony V.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2019, 05:06:20 PM by FlyingVProd »


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Re: Home
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2019, 04:55:02 PM »

For the people who love the Antelope Valley in California, you need to fight to save the Antelope Valley. Get rid of the prison, demolish the prison, and build a high speed train between Lancaster and Los Angeles. And create preserves to preserve the ancient Joshua Tree forests. Etc, etc, etc. And force the builders to build nicer homes, on larger lots, with horse property, etc, etc, etc. 

People need to be smart when they build. Everything needs to be planned out. It cannot just be a bunch of greedy people wanting to make money, you have to actually have people who care and who want to make the area nice. Also, people need jobs, and so you cannot build a bunch of houses with no jobs, you need to create jobs for the people, so you need to zone areas for industrial, etc. Areas can also be cleaned up by turning the areas into retirement areas, for people over 55, etc. And people need to save land for parks and for preserves. Etc. 

Quartz Hill needs to have nicer homes, with larger lots, and horse property, etc. Some of the apartment complexes can be turned into retirement housing for people 55 and over. Way back, the people of Quartz Hill were for zero growth, we did not want to allow any building at all, but if they were going to build then it had to be nice houses like Los Hermanos, etc, and even nicer, with ranch property, etc. Way out on the westside can be ranches. And someone needs to build a night club on top of Quartz Hill Mountain, Eddie Fisher was going to build a club there, but it never happened. Those are some thoughts on that area.

People can build factories in Mojave, to manufacture things such as batteries, and airplane windows, and equipment for green energy, etc, etc, etc, many things can be manufactured in Mojave. I told them all of my ideas and they read my email at a town hall meeting there. Great jobs can be created in Mojave. Mojave needs to be zoned for manufacturing. 

California City can have affordable housing for retired people, the retired people can play golf, and there can be air conditioned movie theatres for them, and good restaurants, and bowling, and all of the clubs such as Kiwanis, and there can be other things that retired people like to do. 

Also, the high speed train between Lancaster and Los Angeles needs to be built right now. Why wait? We should build the train now, it is in the master plan, we need to hurry and get it built so that people can ride the trains instead of being stuck in a traffic jam. The Metro trains are great, but we need the high speed trains. I bet some old aerospace and defense people could build a great high speed train, the Antelope Valley has some brilliant people. 

The people who love the Antelope Valley need to take ownership, like they do in Malibu. People need to value and respect and want to protect and improve the areas where they live. 

Oh, and build a movie studio, and have movie equipment rentals, and demolish the prison. 

If you love the Antelope Valley then you need to show up at the city hall meetings and stuff, and you need to be involved in having a say pertaining to what happens in your home where you live and where you are raising children and grandchildren, etc, and for future generations. 


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2019, 09:06:48 PM »

On the issue of our high speed trains...

Richard Branson and Virgin has entered the game here in the USA now, and Virgin is working together with Brightline in Florida, and they are wanting to build a high speed train between Anaheim and Las Vegas. It can happen if Branson comes on to help. Also, Warren Buffett is into freight trains, and maybe Buffett can join together with Branson to help our high speed trains to happen, maybe Buffett would want high speed freight.

And the high speed train between Bakersfield and Merced is great, at least we built something. I want to go ride it. I want to check out the new technology and engineering. If people like the California high speed rail that we built, then maybe we will finish the whole route.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2019, 03:48:48 PM »

Edwards Air Force Base
23 mins ·

Acting Secretary of the Air Force Matthew Donovan announced Sept. 16 that the B-21 Raider is being produced in Northrop Grumman’s Palmdale, California, facility - the same location as the B-2 Spirit. In addition, the 420th Flight Test Squadron at Edwards Air Force Base, California, will be reactivated to support testing of the B-21 Raider, as it did for the B-2.


Very cool! The Antelope Valley needs the jobs, and these are great jobs.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2019, 03:30:04 PM »

There needs to be a giant aerospace museum built in Lancaster, California, celebrating the rich history of aerospace in the Antelope Valley. And the museum needs to be so great that people will travel from Los Angeles to Lancaster to visit the museum, and the museum needs to be so great that it will attract people from around the world.

And history is still being made in the Antelope Valley.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2019, 03:49:06 PM »

The children need heroes, and they need to realize that they can achieve great things. Guys like Chuck Yeager were real-life heroes. And a great museum in Lancaster can help to spark the childrens' imaginations, and can help to educate them about real heroes.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2019, 04:58:10 PM »

Chuck Yeager is still alive, he is 96, maybe he can be at the opening of the aerospace museum in Lancaster, California, if it gets built.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2019, 04:53:06 PM »

I sent some emails to some of our local politicians about building an aerospace museum in Lancaster, and here is a response that I just received...


Thank you for your message to Supervisor Barger.

A new aerospace museum for the Antelope Valley is under construction now.

The Flight Test Historical Foundation at Edwards AFB is building a new museum for which it has been raising funds for a number of years.

The new museum will be outside Edwards’ west gate on Rosamond Boulevard, so members of the public will be able to visit it. The new museum is going up near the display of 1950s-era jet fighters and the historic Edwards control tower that were installed several years ago.

Edwards has had a museum with historic aircraft and displays on base for years, but since the 9/11 attacks sometimes it has meant members of the public had to sign up several months in advance to get permission to enter the base.

Charles Bostwick

Assistant Field Deputy

Office: (661) 726-3600

Fax: (661) 942-5069


I helped to build a visitor's center at NASA out at Edwards many years ago, so there is that too.

But the Antelope Valley needs a huge museum to display and reflect on all that the Antelope Valley has done in the field of aerospace.

I hope that the new museum that they are building at Edwards is great. And I hope that they include all of the space aspects along with the flight testing, etc. The Antelope Valley built the Space Shuttles, along with building the record breaking aircraft and along with the flight testing that has been done at Edwards. I hope the museum includes all that the Antelope Valley has done in the field of aerospace.

People are calling the Antelope Valley a ghetto, and people need to wake up to all that that the Antelope Valley has done in the field of aerospace. The A.V. is a great place which has done great things. And today, right now, you can go to college at Antelope Valley College to train to help to build top secret aircraft, etc. And the desert is beautiful. People need to take pride in the A.V., it is not a ghetto.


Tony V.


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Re: Home
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2019, 07:28:49 PM »

The winter sometimes is hard when you do not have a car. And if you have a bicycle you are lucky, but you will get rained on, and you have to ride in the cold and in the wind.

One time I got caught in the rain as I made an appointment at City Hall, my bicycle was broken and I had to walk, and I was kind of feeling sorry for myself, and then I saw all of these other people out in the rain getting wet too, women and children, and other men, there were a whole bunch of us who got wet that day. I was not the only one who had to walk in the rain. And the neighbors all love me because I get out there and walk in the rain with them.

We have gentrification happening now, but this was a very humble, cool, down to earth spot for a long time. And right next to Disneyland, which made this place all the more magical.

And in the old days we could have parties here, with live music, and free mahi mahi tacos for everyone, and the secret to throwing parties is that if you invite everyone then they will not complain, they do not complain if they are all invited.

Here is a video of my friend Jon's band at a mahi mahi taco party that we held here...

I have been here for 13 years, since 2006. I planned on going back to Rome, Italy, but I have not went back yet, I want to make "Echo, A Rock and Roll Tragedy" here in Hollywood, with Ariana Grande.

We will see what happens.

Meanwhile, I count my blessings.


Tony V.



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Re: Home
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2019, 02:28:08 PM »

I want to start going to Disneyland, I went once when I was a kid, and I went to Disney World in Florida, I live right by Disneyland and it is silly not to go.

And Anaheim has a great public bus system.

I need to get an annual multi- park pass.

The cheapest one is $399.00

It would be like living in Malibu and not going to the beach. I live right by Disneyland, so I need to start going there.

In 2020 I plan to get a pass for Disney, that would be cool.

( I guess my Grandfather's Brother drove a stage coach at Disneyland, he gave people rides around Disneyland, that was his job there. I worked at Universal Studios, and I applied at Disneyland when I first moved to Anaheim, but I did not get hired.)


Tony V.
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