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Author Topic: Religion and Politics  (Read 21747 times)


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2023, 05:16:35 PM »

A lot of people now are fake Christians, they only care about money, etc, and they are not serving the Lord like the Bible asks us to including in Mathew 25; 31-46.

I was able to do real Christian service when I went to Mexico with Youth For Christ to help the orphans, and people living in a garbage dump, we took them food and gifts and money and we showed them the love of Christ. That is what Christians do, I was not paid, and there was no reward in it for me, it was about helping those orphans in Mexico and serving God.

Also, as a teen I worked for the Burbank YMCA for two summers, and it was all about serving the Lord, I was not paid, I only made $40 per week for toothpaste, etc. I washed dishes, and I cleaned toilets, etc, I worked very hard, and it was all for Christ.

But now people are fake, and they only care about money. A friend in Quartz Hill, Earl, ended up homeless, and he went to the Church of Christ in Quartz Hill to worship and to pray for help. The church kicked Earl out of the church and they would not allow him to worship. They only cared about money and they did not care about serving God. They should have helped Earl, they should have let him worship and they should have helped him to get into the homeless shelter and to get help and housing so that he could get back into life. They should have helped Earl. I would never go to that church again after that. They are all fake Christians.

And guys like Joel Olteen only care about money, you would never see them helping the orphans in Mexico and giving money away to help the poor.

If we were smart, then the good Christians would control Mexico instead of the drug cartels. And our streets would not be full of homeless people if the Christians were doing as the Bible asks us to do.

I like Italy because Rome is the Christian capital of the world, and they are real Christians who help the homeless and who help the poor. And my dearly departed wonderful friend Lisa from the Philippines was Roman Catholic. The Philippines is a good Catholic country and a lot of the doctors here in the USA who are helping the homeless are from the Philippines, etc, etc, etc. My friend Rose was a cousin of the former President of the Philippines, Gloria Arrroyo, and Rose spent her whole life helping the homeless. Rose and Lisa were real Christians.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #61 on: October 11, 2023, 02:42:04 PM »

If you need a church in Anaheim, we have the Calvary Chapel Open Door Church...

The Minister is a retired Postal Worker who is very humble, Pastor Don, and the Church welcomes everyone including the homeless people.

In the movie "The Jesus Revolution" they have the Calvary Chapel in the movie, and also Harvest.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #62 on: October 11, 2023, 05:32:05 PM »

On the issue of helping the poor, groups such as Kiwanis, and churches, etc, can sell bottled water to raise money to help the children, etc.

For instance, there is a mountain stream in Tehachapi at the old Burbank YMCA summer camp and the water is pure and sweet, and the water can be bottled and sold by Kiwanis to raise money to help the children, etc.

Churches and charities can have products in the stores to sell to raise money to do charity work, etc. Such as the Paul Newman Spaghetti Sauce which raises money for charity, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2024, 11:58:47 PM »

Universal Studios could have a new Christian channel, with all Christian shows and movies.

54% of the modern services economy is streaming services such as movies and television shows, and Universal could have a new Christian channel.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #64 on: March 07, 2024, 01:09:16 PM »

God has given me miracles, I was in chronic pain for 2 years after an automobile accident, I should have gotten millions of dollars for my pain and suffering but all they gave me was sixteen grand, you hear the lawyers on the television talking about getting millions for people, I should have gotten millions, but anyhow, I was in severe pain for 2 years, and I was on my knees one day praying for God to take away my pain, and I felt like fire run down my spine and God took my pain away, God healed me and God took away my pain. So, today I am no longer in pain. I am so grateful not to be in pain.

Then, my Doctor told me that my blood tests were saying that I had Cancer, and the doctor told me to get my affairs in order and to prepare to die. Meanwhile they continued to run tests, and then after 2 years of tests all of a sudden they could no longer detect Cancer, I starting testing that I was healthy. So, God gave me another miracle and God healed me. I am still alive, and I do not have Cancer. This was my 3rd Cancer scare, I had a growth on my tongue that I had removed a long time ago, and I had lump in my armpit that they did surgery to remove, but everything was benign. God has taken care of me, I have had some scares but I am doing fine now.

Then, here is a little miracle that was just God letting me know he is with me... I was fishing at Newport Beach and I tied on a new lure and casted out and my line broke, and my new lure flew out into the ocean. So, I tied on another lure and I casted out. When I reeled in that lure then there was my lure that I had lost hanging from my hook, I caught the new lure that had flown out into the ocean when my line broke, I caught that lure, that is impossible, but it happened. It was God letting me know that he is still with me.

I have not been going to church like I should have been all of these years, but I have always had faith in God, and I have always been close with God. And I always try to obey the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule. I try to be a good Christian. And God has given me miracles.


Tony V.

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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2024, 03:21:42 PM »

God has given me miracles, I was in chronic pain for 2 years after an automobile accident, I should have gotten millions of dollars for my pain and suffering but all they gave me was sixteen grand, you hear the lawyers on the television talking about getting millions for people, I should have gotten millions, but anyhow, I was in severe pain for 2 years, and I was on my knees one day praying for God to take away my pain, and I felt like fire run down my spine and God took my pain away, God healed me and God took away my pain. So, today I am no longer in pain. I am so grateful not to be in pain.

Then, my Doctor told me that my blood tests were saying that I had Cancer, and the doctor told me to get my affairs in order and to prepare to die. Meanwhile they continued to run tests, and then after 2 years of tests all of a sudden they could no longer detect Cancer, I starting testing that I was healthy. So, God gave me another miracle and God healed me. I am still alive, and I do not have Cancer. This was my 3rd Cancer scare, I had a growth on my tongue that I had removed a long time ago, and I had lump in my armpit that they did surgery to remove, but everything was benign. God has taken care of me, I have had some scares but I am doing fine now.

Then, here is a little miracle that was just God letting me know he is with me... I was fishing at Newport Beach and I tied on a new lure and casted out and my line broke, and my new lure flew out into the ocean. So, I tied on another lure and I casted out. When I reeled in that lure then there was my lure that I had lost hanging from my hook, I caught the new lure that had flown out into the ocean when my line broke, I caught that lure, that is impossible, but it happened. It was God letting me know that he is still with me.

I have not been going to church like I should have been all of these years, but I have always had faith in God, and I have always been close with God. And I always try to obey the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule. I try to be a good Christian. And God has given me miracles.


Tony V.
You do not want the kind of injuries that get you a $2,000,000 settlement. Not at any price.

If prayer healed you, you should return the money you did get.
A parrot bit me.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #66 on: March 07, 2024, 06:01:27 PM »

God has given me miracles, I was in chronic pain for 2 years after an automobile accident, I should have gotten millions of dollars for my pain and suffering but all they gave me was sixteen grand, you hear the lawyers on the television talking about getting millions for people, I should have gotten millions, but anyhow, I was in severe pain for 2 years, and I was on my knees one day praying for God to take away my pain, and I felt like fire run down my spine and God took my pain away, God healed me and God took away my pain. So, today I am no longer in pain. I am so grateful not to be in pain.

Then, my Doctor told me that my blood tests were saying that I had Cancer, and the doctor told me to get my affairs in order and to prepare to die. Meanwhile they continued to run tests, and then after 2 years of tests all of a sudden they could no longer detect Cancer, I starting testing that I was healthy. So, God gave me another miracle and God healed me. I am still alive, and I do not have Cancer. This was my 3rd Cancer scare, I had a growth on my tongue that I had removed a long time ago, and I had lump in my armpit that they did surgery to remove, but everything was benign. God has taken care of me, I have had some scares but I am doing fine now.

Then, here is a little miracle that was just God letting me know he is with me... I was fishing at Newport Beach and I tied on a new lure and casted out and my line broke, and my new lure flew out into the ocean. So, I tied on another lure and I casted out. When I reeled in that lure then there was my lure that I had lost hanging from my hook, I caught the new lure that had flown out into the ocean when my line broke, I caught that lure, that is impossible, but it happened. It was God letting me know that he is still with me.

I have not been going to church like I should have been all of these years, but I have always had faith in God, and I have always been close with God. And I always try to obey the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule. I try to be a good Christian. And God has given me miracles.


Tony V.
You do not want the kind of injuries that get you a $2,000,000 settlement. Not at any price.

If prayer healed you, you should return the money you did get.

I was in severe pain at any price, for 2 years, I should have gotten a big settlement for that. And then God gave me a miracle and God healed me. I went to 4 doctors and all that they did was give me pain pills and tell me that there was nothing they could do. I did not want to get addicted to pain pills, that is how a lot of people have problems is by being in pain and getting addicted to pain pills, then they start doing heroin, etc. Elizabeth Taylor fell off of a horse and had to take pain pills, and then she got addicted to pain pills, and she had to go to the Betty Ford Center to get help for her addiction. I did not want to get addicted to pain pills so I suffered. Then after 2 years of suffering God took pity on me and gave me a miracle.

And the same when the doctor told me I was going to die of Cancer, God healed me, it was all up to God, I prayed, and then I started testing free from Cancer. For 2 years they were running tests, and then the tests started saying I was healthy. I got well.

God is in charge. With my pain, and with the Cancer, God handled it for me, and God gave me miracles.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #67 on: March 07, 2024, 08:24:47 PM »

Last Sunday Dr Charles Stanley talked about waiting upon the Lord, and not being tired from waiting, and not getting burned out, when you learn to wait upon the Lord then when the opportunities present themselves you will be able to act with freshness and vigor.

Here is an example of a man waiting upon the Lord; Lech Walesa was an unemployed electrician in Poland, but at the right time in his life he climbed a fence to make a speech and he ended up helping to lead Poland to freedom, with Pope John Paul II helping him ( Who was also from Poland), and with the help of America. At the right time in his life God took an unemployed electrician and made him a rebel leader, and God made him President of a free Poland. Lech was not tired from waiting, he became President of Poland with great vigor and freshness.

When we learn to wait upon the Lord, and listen to the Lord, then we will be able to enter the activities that God wants us to enter with freshness and vigor.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #68 on: May 12, 2024, 03:07:41 PM »

Today Dr Charles Stanley talked about how Christ is an encourager, and so too should we encourage others. When we see someone struggling and doing good it is nice to encourage them. And it is nice to compliment people. And always for sure at least give people on the street a nice smile.

Here is a show business story...

One time I went to an acting workshop at Take One Studios in Beverly Hills, and the workshop was on my Birthday one year, and Julie Hutchinson did the workshop, at that time she was head of casting for 20th Century Fox, and then later she was head of casting for Universal Pictures, and now she is retired. But, she was huge at that time, she started on Off Broadway in New York, then she did Broadway, and then she came to Hollywood, and she was at the top of casting at Fox at that time.

So, Julie broke us all up into groups of 2 to do scene work, and there was an odd number of people, so she said that she would be my scene partner and that she would work with me, she said she was a trained actress before she got into casting, and so I worked with her.

We did a scene from "A Life Less Ordinary" where she was my willing kidnap victim, and it was awesome, it felt great, she loved it, it was nice. She told me I was going to be huge. It was a great day. And she gave me encouragement that really helped.

I kept going, and kept trying, because of nice encouragement, and sometimes it is about the journey and not the destination, and we never know what the future holds. But, if we can make the present better by being kind and by being encouraging to someone, then it is nice to be kind and encouraging.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #69 on: May 12, 2024, 03:12:37 PM »

It would be nice if Shakira could sing the song "In The Ghetto" by Elvis Presley and then donate the money from the song to clean up the ghettos in Chicago, and in Saint Louis, and in Los Angeles, and in Detroit, and in New York, etc, it would be nice if they could put a nice new fresh coat of paint on the ghettos, and if they could build libraries, and coffee shops, etc, in the ghettos, and fountains, and cobblestones, and trees, etc, etc, etc. And Wellness Centers, etc.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #70 on: May 12, 2024, 04:23:39 PM »

Anaheim is being blessed right now, and maybe God is blessing Anaheim because God knows I live here. It is just all about keeping the faith, and staying close with the Lord. God has given me miracles, and impossible things have happened. It will be fun to see what will happen in the future. And then when I get old I will have good stories to tell.

My Grandfather was in his 80s and he had a lot of stories, and so we sat around the Benjamin Franklin Stove  and we drank coffee, and we smoked cigarettes, and Grandpa told stories until bedtime. That is how the Cowboys live out in Nevada, they sit around and tell each other stories.

The economy is fantastic in Anaheim now, Disney is investing $2 Billion in Disneyland, and Newsom lowered taxes for producers so there will be more work in the entertainment industry here. And the new Star Wars will be made here in Hollywood, etc. Lots of good things are happening. God is blessing Anaheim.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2024, 08:58:45 PM »

God always sends us helpers, and even when times seem the darkest then God will send Angels to help you. Here is a story, though I have many stories of God being there for me and giving me miracles.

I had a nervous breakdown, and I ended up in the mental hospital in Olive View in Sylmar, I had to spend a month in the hospital and times were dark, the mental hospital in Sylmar is a brutal place, and they put me in with the worst of the worst of mentally ill people. Then I came out of the hospital homeless. The mental hospital told me to go to any hospital for help, and for medication, so I went to a hospital on the beach in Laguna Beach. The doctor in Laguna was very cool, he was an old surfer, and he put me in a multi-million dollar home in Anaheim with the rich people who were homeless. That was where I met my wealthiest friend Lisa who was from the Philippines, Lisa fed me steak for dinner, and she was friends with Suzanne Pleshette so we had mutual friends, and Lisa nurtured me back to health, her and Rose who was a cousin of Gloria Arroyo who was the President of the Philippines. They all took care of me, God sent me helpers.

Then, I went to the Mental Health Association in Santa Ana where they gave me all new Italian suits from the Thrift Store, I got 6 new suits from Italy. So, I wore suits to Church on Sunday, etc. And the Psychiatrist at the MHA in Santa Ana was the wife of an actor, her husband was in the Lion King on Broadway, she was beautiful and we helped each other pick out free clothes from the Thrift Store, she was beautiful and it was fun to pick out clothes for her, and she picked out nice stuff for me. It was a great experience. And then I received help from every direction at the MHA and they helped me to sign up for housing, and medical care, etc.

So, I went from dark times, to living in a multi-million dollar house with 6 new Italian suits with a beautiful Psychiatrist, and wealthy new powerful friends from the Philippines. God took care of me, and God sent me helpers.

I need to always trust that God is with me.


Tony V.


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Re: Religion and Politics
« Reply #72 on: July 10, 2024, 06:19:17 PM »

We need to win China over for Christ, it would be great if Pope Francis could make a special trip to China, and now Pope Francis is with the G-7 along with Giorgia Meloni, maybe the Pope can help to bring the Lord to the Chinese people. And the Church can help the poor and the hungry in China, etc, and the orphans and the widows, etc.


Tony V.
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