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What do you expect on Wednesday?

Reports of protests are overblown. A few incidents around the country, but nothing major.
- 5 (45.5%)
A few major incidents in capitals, but nothing much in DC.
- 5 (45.5%)
A major incident in DC, but nothing much around the country.
- 0 (0%)
More than 10 capitals have major upheavals, but nothing much in DC.
- 0 (0%)
A major incident in DC plus more than 10 capitals with significant upheavals.
- 1 (9.1%)
More than half the capitals around the country have problems with protesters, but DC is quiet.
- 0 (0%)
DC has major problems, while more than half the capitals around the country also have considerable trouble with protesters.
- 0 (0%)
Huge disruption to the day.
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: January 19, 2021, 10:49:21 PM

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Author Topic: Trump Administration  (Read 1691381 times)


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20685 on: September 23, 2019, 08:11:07 AM »

I don't think she would be a bad President.  She's just got imperfections that stand in her way.  Could be she should have waited. And could be we see her later on - after a bit of a softening and when someone like Trump, who is so difficult an opponent - is gone.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20687 on: September 23, 2019, 08:36:25 AM »

Donald Trump vs. the United States of America
Just the facts, in 40 sentences.

Sometimes it’s worth stepping back to look at the full picture.
He has pressured a foreign leader to interfere in the 2020 American presidential election.
He urged a foreign country to intervene in the 2016 presidential election.
He divulged classified information to foreign officials.
He publicly undermined American intelligence agents while standing next to a hostile foreign autocrat.
He hired a national security adviser whom he knew had secretly worked as a foreign lobbyist.
He encourages foreign leaders to enrich him and his family by staying at his hotels.
He genuflects to murderous dictators.
He has alienated America’s closest allies.
He lied to the American people about his company’s business dealings in Russia.
He tells new lies virtually every week — about the economy, voter fraud, even the weather.
He spends hours on end watching television and days on end staying at resorts.
He often declines to read briefing books or perform other basic functions of a president’s job.
He has aides, as well as members of his own party in Congress, who mock him behind his back as unfit for office.
He has repeatedly denigrated a deceased United States senator who was a war hero.
He insulted a Gold Star family — the survivors of American troops killed in action.
He described a former first lady, not long after she died, as “nasty.”
He described white supremacists as “some very fine people.”
He told four women of color, all citizens and members of Congress, to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.”
He made a joke about Pocahontas during a ceremony honoring Native American World War II veterans.
He launched his political career by falsely claiming that the first black president was not really American.
He launched his presidential campaign by describing Mexicans as “rapists.”
He has described women, variously, as “a dog,” “a pig” and “horseface,” as well as “bleeding badly from a facelift” and having “blood coming out of her wherever.”
He has been accused of sexual assault or misconduct by multiple women.
He enthusiastically campaigned for a Senate candidate who was accused of molesting multiple teenage girls.
He waved around his arms, while giving a speech, to ridicule a physically disabled person.
He has encouraged his supporters to commit violence against his political opponents.
He has called for his opponents and critics to be investigated and jailed.
He uses a phrase popular with dictators — “the enemy of the people” — to describe journalists.
He attempts to undermine any independent source of information that he does not like, including judges, scientists, journalists, election officials, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the Congressional Budget Office and the National Weather Service.
He has tried to harass the chairman of the Federal Reserve into lowering interest rates.
He said that a judge could not be objective because of his Mexican heritage.
He obstructed justice by trying to influence an investigation into his presidential campaign.
He violated federal law by directing his lawyer to pay $280,000 in hush money to cover up two apparent extramarital affairs.
He made his fortune partly through wide-scale financial fraud.
He has refused to release his tax returns.
He falsely accused his predecessor of wiretapping him.
He claimed that federal law-enforcement agents and prosecutors regularly fabricated evidence, thereby damaging the credibility of criminal investigations across the country.
He has ordered children to be physically separated from their parents.
He has suggested that America is no different from or better than Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
He has called America a “hellhole.”
He is the president of the United States, and he is a threat to virtually everything that the United States should stand for.

"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."  -  The impeached "president" on Feb 27, 2020


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20688 on: September 23, 2019, 09:24:38 AM »

Entertaining to watch Red regurgitate tired old "nuclear fusion will save us" memes. 

Thing is, we HAVE nuclear fusion.  A successful reactor has been running for the past five billion years, about 93 million miles away, sending us all the energy we need.
You can collect it either by harvesting mechanical energy from the air currents the reactor sets in motion("wind," they call it, except in a musical with Lee Marvin) or by directly harvesting photons in either a thermal converter or a photovoltaic one.   

All that stands in the way of fully tapping into this fusion reactor is the retarded fuckery of small and sclerotic minds.

Yeah but if you have solar energy, how you gonna make money creating entire industries to deal with nuclear waste?


There's the slightly dirty water produced when you wash and squeegee off the solar  panels.   And the medical waste resulting from all the people who catch cancer from windmill noise.  POTUS warned us!


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20689 on: September 23, 2019, 09:28:31 AM »

  Donald Trump vs. the United States of America
Just the facts, in 40 sentences.

Fake news!

They never landed on the moon, either.

Hairy Lime

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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20690 on: September 23, 2019, 09:30:21 AM »

The president’s defenders are rightly emphasizing the lack of evidence (so far) of any express quid pro quo tying vital aid to Ukraine to an investigation of Trump’s political opponents...

Trump, holding gas can and lighter: "Nice country you have here, President Zelensky. Shame if something happened to it."

kid: "No express quid pro quo!  Draaaaama!"
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20691 on: September 23, 2019, 09:48:15 AM »

Yeah, Trump's holding a gas can and lighter next to Democracy in general, and swing voters in focus groups are wringing their hands over Warren's personality and if Congress will take a woman seriously.   Vast tracts of America are in some kind of stupor, rearranging their lawn furniture while a locomotive is bearing down on the house.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20692 on: September 23, 2019, 10:00:44 AM »

Yeah, Trump's holding a gas can and lighter next to Democracy in general, and swing voters in focus groups are wringing their hands over Warren's personality and if Congress will take a woman seriously.   Vast tracts of America are in some kind of stupor, rearranging their lawn furniture while a locomotive is bearing down on the house.

I hate to say it’s racial... but it is.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20693 on: September 23, 2019, 12:12:16 PM »

It would help to flip the Senate.  This looks like it will be an interesting race....

I think Utah will also reach a point where it tells Mitt:  you can be loyal to the Trump wing, or you can be loyal to the interests of the state of Utah, what's it gonna be, boy?  I have family in Utah and they tell me that the state's turning purple, partly due to west coasters moving to the state, partly due to growing rift between Utah moderate values and Trumpist GOP values, partly due to millenials and younger who are drifting away from the LDS church. 



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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20694 on: September 23, 2019, 12:13:05 PM »

Donald Trump vs. the United States of America
Just the facts, in 40 sentences.

You're gonna need more sentences. 


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20695 on: September 23, 2019, 01:09:16 PM »

All this hemming and hawing about how to release the transcript of Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine…yeah, it’s a real pickle, you don’t want foreign leaders to have conversations with our President thinking there is a possibility their every word could be made public.  A real quandary, that.

If only there was a mechanism in place, that is current law that would dictate how a whistleblower complaint re: sensitive intelligence info can be passed to Congress for their review. Something like having an inspector general review the complaint first to ensure that it is credible and urgent (could even be one that the President himself put in place) and then if so, hand it off to the Intelligence Committee who can review the complaint on the merits without making any of the details public.

But for some reason the Trump Administration dismisses this process which is again current law.   I wonder if that might be because there is more to the complaint than that one conversation.  Hmmm…
"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."  -  The impeached "president" on Feb 27, 2020


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20696 on: September 23, 2019, 01:12:32 PM »

All this hemming and hawing about how to release the transcript of Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine…yeah, it’s a real pickle, you don’t want foreign leaders to have conversations with our President thinking there is a possibility their every word could be made public.  A real quandary, that.

If only there was a mechanism in place, that is current law that would dictate how a whistleblower complaint re: sensitive intelligence info can be passed to Congress for their review. Something like having an inspector general review the complaint first to ensure that it is credible and urgent (could even be one that the President himself put in place) and then if so, hand it off to the Intelligence Committee who can review the complaint on the merits without making any of the details public.

But for some reason the Trump Administration dismisses this process which is again current law.   I wonder if that might be because there is more to the complaint than that one conversation.  Hmmm…

And Kasich has this exactly right.  Republicans putting party over country.  Again:

"You have to make sure you're not putting your party and your own little hide ahead of what is correct in this case," Kasich said. "All you should be calling for is for all of this to be sent to the intelligence committee. That's what the law says and that is what you should be advocating."
"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."  -  The impeached "president" on Feb 27, 2020

Hairy Lime

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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20697 on: September 23, 2019, 01:35:03 PM »

Donald Trump vs. the United States of America
Just the facts, in 40 sentences.

You're gonna need more sentences.
Like a sentence for obstruction of justice, and a sentence for campaign finance violations, and a sentence for trying to get a foreign government to interfere in an election...
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20698 on: September 23, 2019, 01:50:15 PM »

All this hemming and hawing about how to release the transcript of Trump’s conversation with the President of Ukraine…yeah, it’s a real pickle, you don’t want foreign leaders to have conversations with our President thinking there is a possibility their every word could be made public.  A real quandary, that.

If only there was a mechanism in place, that is current law that would dictate how a whistleblower complaint re: sensitive intelligence info can be passed to Congress for their review. Something like having an inspector general review the complaint first to ensure that it is credible and urgent (could even be one that the President himself put in place) and then if so, hand it off to the Intelligence Committee who can review the complaint on the merits without making any of the details public.

But for some reason the Trump Administration dismisses this process which is again current law.   I wonder if that might be because there is more to the complaint than that one conversation.  Hmmm…


Hairy Lime

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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #20699 on: September 23, 2019, 02:00:31 PM »

Yeah, pointing out the Trump adminiistration is violating existing black letter law is weak. The law is for.cowards!

In the context I am familiar with, Trump's comments about the whistleblower would be a clear case of retaliation. Not.that I expect kid and the rest.of the 5th Avenue Shooting Brigade to care. It is only the law.
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.
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