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Messages - LarryB!

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 100
Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 29, 2023, 11:29:00 PM »
He was Black...the cops were is it 'racism'!
That's just plain ridiculous.

Those cops thought they were BLUE.

Fucked Around and Found Out.

Basketball / Re: Careful!
« on: January 28, 2023, 08:44:08 PM »
Bring on the Nyets.

Be careful what you wish for.
I also dislike the fin Nyets.
Just dont wanna jinx the Knicks.

Oh well.

At least we tried to make it look like a basketball game in the second half.

We are two games ahead of where I thought we would be at this juncture.

I am not mad at them.

Kyrie was a beast in the fourth. Nets three point game was ridiculous!

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 28, 2023, 05:18:32 PM »
In fact, the most potent instrument of the caste system is a sentinel at every rung, whose identity forswears any accusation of discrimination and helps keep the caste system humming.   

One thing about succeeding at stigmatizing a social group is that there will be a portion of that group who:

A. Believe in the stigma.


B. Believe themselves to be elevated in some way that sheds that stigma.

I know that happened with the Irish.  So soon as some families were pulled out of poverty, they immediately set about looking down on the "shanty irish" and treating them with contempt.   They in turn were labeled by the dominant WASP culture as "two toilet Irish" or more politely as "lace curtain Irish."

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 28, 2023, 05:18:01 PM »
In fact, the most potent instrument of the caste system is a sentinel at every rung, whose identity forswears any accusation of discrimination and helps keep the caste system humming.   

One thing about succeeding at stigmatizing a social group is that there will be a portion of that group who:

A. Believe in the stigma.


B. Believe themselves to be elevated in some way that sheds that stigma.

I know that happened with the Irish.  So soon as some families were pulled out of poverty, they immediately set about looking down on the "shanty irish" and treating them with contempt.   They in turn were labeled by the dominant WASP culture as "two toilet Irish" or more politely as "lace curtain Irish."

From an episode of Law and Order:

A.D.A. Abbie Carmichael : Why is everyone afraid of this woman?
D.A. Adam Schiff : Reginas (Mulroney) favorite joke. The difference between lace curtain Irish and shanty Irish...
Jack McCoy : Lace curtain Irish move the dishes before they piss in the kitchen sink.
D.A. Adam Schiff : Yeah. She's shanty Irish and proud of it.
Jack McCoy : And so am I.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 28, 2023, 04:30:56 PM »

Five fired Memphis police officers have been charged with murder in the death of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man hospitalized after a traffic stop early this month.

Later in the story the Times points out
that the Biden Justice Department, at the agitation of activists, is opening a civil rights investigation. Prosecutors are apparently scrutinizing it under Section 242 ,a civil rights provision that makes it a crime for people acting willfully and under color of law (e.g.on-duty police officers) to deprive others of their federal civil rights.

What is the basis for believing that the police ( in this case all of them black)beat Nichols to his death because he was a black man?

The officers all have been fired and charged with second degree murder under Tennessee law, which can result in a death penalty or life imprisonment.
First degree murder requires malice aforethought.

The The enforcers of caste come in every color, creed and gender. One does not have to be in the dominant caste to do its bidding.

Isabel Wilkerson

- From Caste:

The Origin of Our Discontents

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 28, 2023, 09:29:24 AM »
The republicans will nominate someone with obvious mental damage that renders them dangerously dysfunctional as a human being. They will lie about him, his opponent, and the results of the election while committing myriad acts of terrorism along the way. It is what they always do now. This is why the republicans as a criminal organization should be wrapped up, shut down and put away.

One day they'll find a sharp person with all the qualities I listed.
De Santis could be a he sharp?
Oh, definitely. As in "card sharp". Or this definition from Merriam Webster:

2 d. keen in attention to one's own interest sometimes to the point of being unethical

a sharp trader


sharp business practices

Pretty much Joe Biden without  the sharpness.

Biden just keeps punking the GOP and taking their lunch money.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: January 28, 2023, 09:27:10 AM »
The slow and horrific beating to death of Tyre Nichols clearly demonstrates that some cops, no matter their color, will "bash the tripe out of you"/ "do you in", with batons, fists, boots etc, when you're unarmed and helpless.
It's not all cops, most cops seem to be good, honest and true, protecting and serving the best they can "24/7/365".
Heaven help you if you meet up with the other kind though.

It is the culturof law enforcement. The US. vs THEM.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:19:52 PM »
Ben Carson should not be President for the same reason he should not be the pilot on your next cross country flight. And many, many more reasons beyond that. All of which were apparent by March of 2016.

I saw him at the National Prayer Breakfast in2013 and I was shocked.

My sister has been best friends with Pat Schmoke for decades. As result my spouse and I were invited to many Baltimore events during Mayor Kurt Scmoke term. Dr. Carson was usually the center of attention especially after Gifted Hands autobiography came out. That man is long gone.

When he ripped on Obama being raised white and went full on MAGA folks were just sad. I must have given out 20 copies of Gifted Hands back in the 90s

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:07:00 PM »
The next President needs to be "sharp".
Enough of the "Trump and Biden" show, two old men with not much idea of what's required in the modern world.
A "sharp" man or woman, no crazy Left or crazy Right ideas.
Someone with no 'baggage'...with a nice family.
Someone who can lead America and the western world strongly.
Respectable, responsible, someone you'd be proud of as the Commander In Chief, and be proud to salute.

We have Dr Ben Carson to consider for President, he is 71 years old, and he is a Black Republican from Detroit, Michigan. Dr Carson might be our best choice. We need to consider him for the 2024 Presidential election.

And we need to elect the leader with the best vision. Like with Martin Luther King who had a dream, and who climbed the mountain top and saw the other side. We need to elect a President who has a wonderful vision of what the USA can become. As well as seeing the good and understanding the foundation of what we truly are. We need to build on what is great about America.

And I know like for me, I speak up because I love America and I know that we can be better than what we are now. When I see the streets full of homeless people, and when I see the jobs all going to China, and when I see children wanting to be gangsters, and when we have neighborhoods fighting against each other for drug turf and bullshit like that, we need to speak up to make America better.

We need to have a vision of a better America, and then a good leader needs to enroll everyone in their vision, and then great things can happen.

And gardens for the homeless people with apartments like in Santorini, Greece, etc, with swimming pools and with tennis courts and with libraries, etc. Those are the kind of visions we need, visions of a better America, with more kindness for our homeless, etc.


Tony V.

Dr. Carson is not the same person he was before cancer. He has lost his fucking mind.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 27, 2023, 11:47:00 AM »
Went to a local hospital in NJ more convenient. than the VA in NYC. Packed, i just wanted Anti-blotics for a bad head cold. Never got it no time for older American citizens. After a fruitless weekend including a couple hours out on a crowded floor in a guerney. Went to the VA got the full treatment. No wonder the liberal mayor of nueva Yorka is calling for border restrictions. Only 30,000 a month cries sleepy Joe. Sold his soul to get nominated.

Should have gone to the VA in the first place but then how would you be able to wail about all the primitives invading our shores?

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: January 26, 2023, 10:43:35 PM »
Wow, What a relief!

Hillary Clinton assures us she has NO classified Documents from her


Barr and Durham


Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: January 26, 2023, 05:19:22 PM »

Four years

Millions of dolllars

Thank God there is now a Select Sub-Committee on the Weaponization of Federal Government to look into this scandal.


On one of Mr. Barr and Mr. Durhams trips to Europe, according to people familiar with the matter, Italian officials - while denying any role in setting off the Russia investigation - unexpectedly offered a potentially explosive tip linking Mr. Trump to certain suspected financial crimes.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: January 26, 2023, 04:21:31 PM »
5 Memphis cops  fired, arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder.

No administrative leave

No ongoing investigation

This video must be heinous.

Fuck Tim Scott

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: January 26, 2023, 12:48:14 PM »
Rui to the Lakeshow for Nunn and three seconds.

This is so interesting.

I thought early in the year when the Wizards were winning that it was illusory and they would start to falter. And they did. But playing them last week when they're healthy, I mean damn, they've got an array of offensive threats. And they moved the ball around beautifully.

And when Hachimura plays, he looks pretty good!

If they make the playoffs, we've got their first round pick, no? So I wonder if they're going to unload somebody else, forget about the now, and just make a push for the future.

Not seeing that.

With Kuzma, Kispert and Avidja, Wiz are pretty flush with big wings.

Rui wasn't a happy camper.

Nunn gives them some depth at the point. 

Porzingis, Kuzma, Beal is a core they would like to keep together.  Porzingis might not pick up his option.

So Wiz are looking to keep their core together

This is what you most often do when deciding to not give a rookie extension.  Wiz wanted a first rounder for Hachi but were offered two number 2s.  In the.
r end they settled when third number 2 was offered.  Nun was just trade filler

Nunn played for Whiz last night. First game.

22 minutes
14 point
4 rebounds
4 assists

Sparked a comeback from 19 points down

Not bad for filler

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