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Messages - jaqdavisone

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Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 20, 2019, 09:32:21 AM »
Sorry guys Frank is growing on me, I am liking that he is slowly getting his confidence.  Frank can shoot, Frank can pass, Frank can orchestrate an offense, Frank can play defense.  To me it seems he has no confidence.  Fizz should be in his ear at every practice egging him to shoot and shoot with confidence like every shot was going in.  You can't keep yanking him out of the game because he doesn't shoot, get in his ass.  The more I watch him he reminds me of a young Bruce Bowen except Bowen couldn't shoot a lick, but with confidence started hitting them shots.  Give the keys to Frank build his confidence and lets win some games.  I got a feeling we gonna take this game in Philly.  :D

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 18, 2019, 08:44:39 AM »
DSmith chewing that gum as the whole basketball universe implodes around him drives me nuts.  I swear his body language says he ain't happy here, his game is suffering for it.  I'm going to say it again  FIZZ cannot coach.  Some of the schemes and plays he run, I be shaking my head.  The season is quickly heading into tankmode unless we switch coaches and try to implement winning as a necessity and not a luxury.  We need strong coaches who will speak their minds and coach.  Lastly Fizz late game coaching, once again WTF.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 15, 2019, 10:01:54 AM »
Wow did Smith wake up out of his slumber, we should play the Mavs 82 games a season.  Dribble penetration is exactly what this team is missing, getting to the basket, easy layups for the bigs.  Smith did the thing tonite, that jumper is scary tho. please don't shoot that again in crunch time(LOL) still altho Morris shot went in, your telling me Fizz wouldn't call a timeout and set up a last minute play to win the game, just a dribble dribble dribble and a prayer from the 3 point line.  Fizz needs to go, he is not good on the players phyche.  Stick to a lineup and run it til they build continuity, and STOP THAT DAMN SWITCH DEFENSE. If Doncic didn't shoot so much, he would have seen, Zing and the other big had the mismatch alllllllllllll game because of that switch defense.  They could have blown us out if Doncic didn't shoot so much.  Lucky for us DOncic needs to get his numbers up.  Good game tho.  lastly Kenny Smith is bitter bcuz he ddn't get the coaching job and he sounds like it. Barkley been a Knick hater as long as I can remember.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 14, 2019, 10:54:21 AM »
Finally everybody is seeing that Fizz is trash and has been since he been here.  Here's an Idea CP3 is still looking good over in purgatory in OKC.  lets trade for the remains of CP3 who cares about his salary no stars want to play for us anyway.  Get some floor leadership on the court and in the locker room so we don't fuck the heads up of this young core that we have.  Contrary to what everyone keep saying about management I do not believe the roster is as bad as Fizz is making it look.  We have some decent parts, I rarely see more than 2 dunks  with this knick squad every shot is from the perimeter, our bigs take more jumpers then the guards, this is not healthy basketball.  We need more pick and rolls to the basket, more guard penetration and set plays to get players in rhythm.  It is a free for all out there.  Again as far as DSmith his body language says he doesn't want to be a knick, he looks nothing like the Dallas smith, when he shoot its like its who cares if it goes in kind of form.  Get him outta here trade him to OKC for Cpaul, shit throw in Ellington and we take back CP3 salary.  Save the Season NOW. P.s. this is my last year wasting $250 on the league pass to watch these sorry ass knicks play.  On the other hand I am loving me some Phoenix Suns.  Them dudes are well coached and that squad is gon be dangerous by next year.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 13, 2019, 11:50:25 AM »
The players look lost, especially in the fourth quarter when the coach is suppose to calm his team and call set plays to blow time off the clock.  Everybody looks confused especially Fizz.  We are losing these players at the beginning of the year they all sound confident, now everybody sounds like this is another losing season and we should be patient.  No don't let that mentality sink in with another crop of players.  This is now the NY mentality, Losing is accepted we need new leadership to make losing a curse, someone the players will trust and who better then the original Golden state Warrior.  Remember how heartbroken the team was when Mark left, Steph did not even want to talk to Steve Kerr.  Now thats a players coach, and just like Oakley, Melo, and Steph, Mark is banned and nobody knows why.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 13, 2019, 09:26:07 AM »
Frank is growning on me and I think Mudiay resurgence was more of him realizing this was his last chance and he was out the door or a permanent 3rd stringer.  We been bad for years and at some point we got to get pass the rebuilding process and start playing with some sense of urgency.  These coaches get a pass because we suck.  The Lakers sucked for one season and was making power moves to get the ship right.  We are stuck in mediocrity and everyone is content, even new players come and fall in line with the Knick suck mantra.  We need a coach who is preaching winning and making these players believe they can win.  Fizz is not the guy.  Imagine at work if you can get away with being mediocre and your boss just says, maybe next time you'll do better.  You will have no fear of punishment so you become stuck in mediocrity.  The boss who the workers fear always have the best workers who over achieve.  We need a new boss.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 13, 2019, 08:50:05 AM »
WTF Happened to SmithJr,  ever since he stepped on the court he look lost, unmotivated, shots look flat, not driven to the hoop, he looks like D. Rose did when he came here.  It seems evident to me Smith does not want to be a Knick his body language is telling a story.  He played above the rim in Dallas, he may be heartbroken to have been traded but this is a business suck it up and move on.  If this guy doesn't get it together by December it's time to cash him in for beans.  I'll reiterate one more time Fizz cannot coach, some people have the last 20 we tried did not.  Im starting to feel like the pressure of coaching in NY is much harder then in other markets.  Fuck it bring back Mike Woodson at least he wasn't afraid and besides that switching defense which it seems we are playing now (Grrrr) He was a damn good coach who wasn't afraid of the spotlight.  Smith and Ellington for jacks beans ASAP.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 12, 2019, 12:40:31 PM »
Kidd I'm not sure what you see in Ellington, all I see is a guy who can get around a screen and launch a brick, Again This bunch is screaming to be coached,  Fizz is not the guy, niether Fisher, Niether Hornychex,  No more newbies, or headcase coaches.  I like Mark Jackson.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 12, 2019, 08:17:27 AM »
I'm not sure why we got rid of Mudiay, He was just getting comfortable and coming into his own.  Sorry guys this team isn't great but there is surely enuff on the squad to not be 2-8.  Fizzdale does not know how to coach and these dudes are young and needs coaching.  I don't blame Mills, or even Dolan because Dolan will dish out the bucks for whatever product is on the floor.  These guys needs consistency. I hate a coach who can't just pick a starting five and ride with them for some games and see what you got.  Ellington is a bust, take the L and move on put the stock back in Dotson, shit Bradzelikissss looked like a pro in Dleague along side Barrett, Lets see what we got.  Anyway pick your 9-10 man rotation and run them like deer.  We need consistency, someone looks like trash swap out the five.  Fizz cannot coach especially in the final 2 minutes I've never seen such blunder. Get Mark Jackson and straighten the ship, It will save the PG play, I still think Frank can be something his game looks refined,  He lacks confidence, every mistake he thinks he is going to the bench and just playing him instead of calling plays for him does not build it up. 

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 07, 2019, 09:22:19 AM »
Me and my guys were talking about the Knicks body language.  They all look confused, it looks like we are winging it out there.  Im not sure if they are not listening to Fizz but the group does not look well coached.  We shouldn't have a blowout sale yet. CHANGE THE COACH, get a proven coach who is not stuck in his ways.  Get Mark Jackson now, he is really good with connecting with the players, He may get Frenchie playing well before we trade him and he become the Walt Frazier on the Spurs.  Nobody on our squad looks well coached.  Fire Fizdale now........For the sake of Humanity FIRE FIZDALE...

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 04, 2019, 09:18:47 AM »
Randle, and  Ntikilina look like trash out there, Randle shoots way to many damn jumpers for a PF, get yo ass in the paint.  Fizz got everybody shooting jumpers.  Pathetic.  It look like freestyle street basketball, Fizz fucked up Trier trying to get him to be a PG who distributes when his name is get buckets ISOZo. Couldn't hurt to see what Iggy got, he looked good in preseason, stop playing Barrett 40 minutes when the game is lost and see whats on the bench.   My GOd I thought the coaching couldn't get worse then the last crop of clowns we had.  Please just fuking hire Mark Jackson and try to save this ratchet season.  Lastly why the fuck do decent Knick tickets still cost close to $200.  TO SEE WHAT?????

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: October 31, 2019, 08:23:29 AM »
Fizdale is clueless, why do we keep getting these bonehead coaches that always look confused on the sideline.  What is up with Mark Jackson, why is Dolan scared of a real coach.  Ellington looks like a waste, Frenchie needs to go play soccer and we still need a PG.  Is there any logical trade we can make to GS to pry D Angelo from them.  We need a stud.  Also I noticed nobody really dunks on this team. A whole team of non shooting jump shooters.  I sure hope DSmith is working on his drives while he is out.  We need a slasher who can get to the rim and make plays.  Looks like another lost season. Damn

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: October 25, 2019, 09:19:41 AM »
I think we got to go at least 9 deep,  Dennis has to get his legs don't let him become an casualty of NY after one bad game.  The kid was beasting with the Mavs.  Agreed he has looked like trash since he got to NY but I think Fiz is confused and he is acting like Phil Jackass.  He is playing to a system instead of to the players strengths.  Trier is NOT a PG he is a 6th man scoring machine, let him thrive in his role.  D Smith is not a passing PG he is a scoring PG like Kyrie, let him play his game that he is good at.  Peyton def earned the starting Nod. Mitchell wild defense was definitely missing from that game.



Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: October 23, 2019, 09:47:07 AM »
Did you sleep through the 2019 draft and not follow the preseason?  :)  Kidcarter feed me more.  What do you mean?????

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: October 23, 2019, 08:21:36 AM »
I think the Knicks problem has been consistency.  We cannot keep rolling out different lineups to see what works.  I'd start D.Smith, Trier, Knox, Randle and Taj for stability in the young lineup.  Bringing in Robinson to learn not foul so much.  I would let that unit play for the first two weeks and let them get familiar with the plays and each other, build some kind of chemistry.  Do you realize the knicks has not had any continuity since the Ewing days.  We been rolling out lineups like a firing squad.  Stick to a lineup, any lineup and let them play together for awhile before playing guess who starting this week game.

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