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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 463
Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:08:28 PM »
A comment in my newspaper reads:

"She should have to repay the money".

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:03:59 PM »
Some people believe that if America doesn't change the way it's doing things that eventually it will become an Islamic republic, part of the global Islamic caliphate.

Britain is well on the way:

Hindustan Times:

"Muslim population on the rise in UK; Christians now in minority, reveals Census. 3.9 million Muslims are now living in London."

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 08:29:17 PM »
It seems Mark Burnett has Trump on tape calling a contestant on the The Apprentice a n*gger!

If this gets out it could cost Trump scores of votes!

What I don't understand is why Black people in America walk around with N....... emblazoned in CAPITAL LETTERS on their clothing.
You should walk around with IDIOT enlazoned in CAPITAL LETTERS on your clothing so intelligent people can give you room and avoid lowering their IQ just by casual contact with you.

Well I just can't understand it.
I can't see any benefit in doing it, none at all.
Then there's Dave Chappelle using the word to describe Black people singularly and in a group just like it's a common and acceptable name.
Maybe I missed something.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:25:22 PM »

Old news!

Republicans are dusting off the LaRouche campaign from 1988.

If there is an appeal, the first level appellate body should render its decision quickly, some time in 2025.

It is a shame donald cannot vote for himself this time round.

Trump will appeal directly to his Supreme Court to have this overturned along
with all future verdicts that go against the Chosen One!

America/West need Trump back as President, to take America/West back from the brigades of, well, you know, same as last Hamas and its cheer squads.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:17:45 PM »
It seems Mark Burnett has Trump on tape calling a contestant on the The Apprentice a n*gger!

If this gets out it could cost Trump scores of votes!

What I don't understand is why Black people in America walk around with N....... emblazoned in CAPITAL LETTERS on their clothing.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 02:24:53 PM »
Announced yesterday:

"The war in Gaza will be continuing until 2025".

Probably about the amount of time needed to eradicate Hamas terrorists from the landscape and free the hostages, if Hamas hasn't killed all of them by then.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:22:50 AM »

Death threats, boycotts target Jewish creatives

A five-year-old child was threatened, livelihoods have been lost, and 600 people have had their private details released in widespread attacks on Jews in the arts community.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: May 30, 2024, 05:59:03 AM »
If a couple of jurors are nearly as fucking stupid as the putrid defendant, trump stands a reasonable chance of skating on some felonies in this case.

Trump expects to lose.

Mother Teresa could not beat these charges, Trump said to a gaggle of reporters in the hallway. These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged.

Don John is counting on his legion of saps to see his Guilty verdict as the
Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in the History of Jurisprudence.
Their checkbooks will fly open and Trump will head for his next Trial.

A jury of 12 in dyed in the wool blue state NY.   
What chance does he have?

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 30, 2024, 05:56:34 AM »
Thing is, Jews in Australia are way too nice, too polite, too caring, too well mannered, too civilised, too 'law abiding', too mindful of the human rights of others.
As such they're being persecuted, walked all over if you like. Australia now awash with antisemitism.

One way they could lessen the persecution of themselves would be to "do unto their persecutors what is being done to them".

For example they could, or import muscle to do it on their behalf, start with turning the chant on their;

"From the river to the sea...Israel it will be!
From the river to the sea...Israel it will be!"

And seeing anything and everything is just being allowed now in the name of 'free speech'...return serve with  "f... the ............ in street marches, protests.

My guess is what's being allowed now would very quickly no longer be 'free speech'.....'Sarah Palin' hanging in a noose from that roof in LA was soon no longer 'free speech' when 'Barack Obama' was found hanging in a noose from a tree in Kentucky in reply.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 29, 2024, 08:16:19 AM »
Get out in the streets and communicate with your countrymen, mate. I certainly do not share any of the utter garbage you spew constantly with any of my Australian friends unless I want to give them shit about how utterly stupidly self-fucking and horrible their people can be. Even then I paraphrase.

I do not see what good it can possibly do anyone when you post more inane bassackwards drivel here.

Here you go;

From "Never Again";

Former Prime Minister John Howard [who was in NYC 9/11 when the Islamic terrorists blew it up, saw it all first hand, invoked 'ANZUS', and signed Australia up to the Coalition Of the Willing];

"Israel has every right to drive towards the extermination of Hamas. Every right.
If Hamas is not defeated it will then regroup and come again".

Howard did ban guns so he is not the total irredeemable piece of shit Scummo is. That said he is nearly as big, loose and floppy a whore as Scummo is in every other aspect. He is after all a serial condoner of genocide as long as it is perpetrated by people he deems white against people he deems too dark skinned for polite society.

What a load of rubbish.
He's a very wise man, a national treasure.
Is why his counsel is sought on such a matter as antisemitism being awash in Australia's universities (SkyNews), with Jewish university students fearing for their safety.
On terrorism.
On national security.
On global security.
On immigration.
On border security.
On financial matters, ...he's a former federal Treasurer.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:09:16 AM »
Get out in the streets and communicate with your countrymen, mate. I certainly do not share any of the utter garbage you spew constantly with any of my Australian friends unless I want to give them shit about how utterly stupidly self-fucking and horrible their people can be. Even then I paraphrase.

I do not see what good it can possibly do anyone when you post more inane bassackwards drivel here.

Read it and learn;

A former boss of ASIO, and Defence and Foreign Affairs, and former Ambassador to the United States...says in doco Never Again:

"What you saw on the 7th of October is a statement of what Hamas is and stands for".


In the doco Never Again he was asked the following question:

Q- "If an event like Oct 7 happened here in Australia, what would be your advice to government?"

His answer:

"To pursue them as vigorously as possible, as long as it takes, wherever it takes us".

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 29, 2024, 02:35:53 AM »
Get out in the streets and communicate with your countrymen, mate. I certainly do not share any of the utter garbage you spew constantly with any of my Australian friends unless I want to give them shit about how utterly stupidly self-fucking and horrible their people can be. Even then I paraphrase.

I do not see what good it can possibly do anyone when you post more inane bassackwards drivel here.

Here you go;

From "Never Again";

Former Prime Minister John Howard [who was in NYC 9/11 when the Islamic terrorists blew it up, saw it all first hand, invoked 'ANZUS', and signed Australia up to the Coalition Of the Willing];

"Israel has every right to drive towards the extermination of Hamas. Every right.
If Hamas is not defeated it will then regroup and come again".

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 29, 2024, 01:48:18 AM »
Get out in the streets and communicate with your countrymen, mate. I certainly do not share any of the utter garbage you spew constantly with any of my Australian friends unless I want to give them shit about how utterly stupidly self-fucking and horrible their people can be. Even then I paraphrase.

I do not see what good it can possibly do anyone when you post more inane bassackwards drivel here.

You propably get on well with them...probably "keep marching" leftists like you.
All happily supporting antisemitism in Australia, and cheering on the pro-Palestine supporters like the *rest* of the leftists...who seem to be just looking the other way and pretending it's all not happening?

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:37:39 PM »

Israel population is 73.6% Jewish. And 13.6% is Haredi, the ultra orthodox sect that is the main driver of the Bibi Far Right coalition.  So anti-Israel, atm, is mainly directed towards a minority that seeks to erase Palestinians and take their land for the Haredis that want a theocracy and are averaging 6-7 children per family.

The message sprayed on the painted white front fence/wall of a Jewish school in Sydney..."JEWDIE" didn't say anything about Haredi.
"From the river to the sea' means the extermination of Israel and all the Jews in it.
It's about time it was explained clearly to all Australians. Also explained should be exactly what Hamas' charter is.

Biden Administration / Re: News in General
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:06:08 PM »
Right wing religious freaks plan and try to execute deadly acts of terror all the time. Right wing governments lead by similarly deranged fanatics regularly fail to stop them because right wing politicians and governments suck donkey balls and do not give a shit about the safety and wellbeing of the people who they lie their way into power over.

Bambu, before you start calling for a race war understand that most white people who know you would very much like to see you dead.

Totall incorrect.
and, I'm not calling for a race war
I want the rampant and growing antisemitism in Australia stopped.
The lefist federal govt could stop it, in an instant, if it wanted to.
But, there are all those leftist electorates in west and SW Sydney, Melbourne etc.

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