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Messages - Echo2

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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:32:03 AM »
And Monday brought Trump's claim that China is promoting the protests around the country to help Biden. These would be the same protests that Trump has claimed are damaging Biden's chances, but why bother with details, right?!

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:24:48 AM »
Plenty of people get used, abused, bullied and harassed in the workplace.
I hated commuting, and the whole workplace environment.
I liked staying home...washing, ironing, cooking, and cleaning, shopping.
Mrs bambu hated all that.
Mrs bambu, on the other hand, loved working, loved the workplace environment. Loved the 'war'.
As luck would have it, many men my age then, at the beginning of the 90's were made redundant, paid 2 to 1 that they had paid into superannuation account, and waved goodbye.
I then did yard work for widows in the wealthy north shore.
Yes, gentleman bambu the gardener....part time.
Social capitalism is best.

So, you were a whinging malcontent and you like being a domestic worker. How fortunate for Mrs. Bambi that you like doing that stuff. I wonder if she thinks you do it well - or do you make her do it at home?

Don't bother answering - your judgment about what she likes or not strikes me as unreliable, at best.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:22:05 AM »

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:06:55 AM »
WTF is going on with the Ys?

I saw they were up 6-2 against the Buffalo BJs and figured game over.

But the BJS put up a 10 spot.

This last 3 weeks they can't get out of their own way.

They were huge favorites to meet the LADs in the WS, and they might, but WTF is going on?

I may have to start paying attention and swap the Sox for schadenfreude.

Far as I could tell, the point at which Judge's stay on the injury list got extended the team fell apart.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 08, 2020, 03:05:20 AM »

I sure am glad that a biophysicist (with a Nobel for Chem because our science divisions no longer make much sense!) has decided that all the epidemiologists are wrong. Add into it Mr. Justin "I can prove that masks don't do anything" Hart and you  end up with fatuous observations like "We see this in HI, NZ - strict lockdowns - the virus is gonna do its thing."

He can say that until he's blue in the face, but it's not what we're seeing. Nor has Dr. Leavitt's model proven to be accurate. Or as Mr. Hart says, "I did not see that southern wave coming."

If I can be bothered, tomorrow I will explain what the problems with his assumptions are, which led him to erroneous conclusions. But the Gompertz model, as developed and applied 5 months ago, has totally failed in its predictive capacity when one tries to apply it to the lands to our South, Kid, not just to HI and NZ (among others).

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 08, 2020, 02:35:37 AM »
I hate work.
I only ever went to work to get money for food, housing, car.
Unless you're the boss...most of the time all that happens is you get  "used and abused", "bullied and harassed".
No wonder the suicide rate is sky high.

You are such a sad sack, Bambi. It's a wonder you made it to your 70s.

or if you prefer:

I'm sorry you hated your work and saw yourself as downtrodden. Pretty ironic that you, of all people, would be so virulently opposed to socialism, though.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:22:53 PM »
This is an illustration not only of short-sightedness, but arrogance. The inability to (publicly, at least) acknowledge having screwed up is phenomenal... if frighteningly familiar to (most of) us. Denialism is a co-morbid cause of too many COVID-19 deaths, not even of the deniers, but their loved ones, neighbors, community members...

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 09:40:38 PM »

Good thing President Trump has big "stones," Kid. It takes that kind of leadership to tell a reporter to take her mask off!

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 09:31:45 PM »

The President accused his own military officers of waging wars to boost the profits of defense manufacturing companies

Gee, Mr. President, where have you been for the last 3.6 years?! Or the last 50...

"I'm not saying the military's in love with me -- the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference.

Trump's extraordinary comments come as several defense officials tell CNN relations between the President and Pentagon leadership are becoming increasingly strained.

They also followed efforts by Trump to convince the public that he had not made a series of reported disparaging remarks about US military personnel and veterans, which were first reported by The Atlantic magazine.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 09:25:56 PM »

Not really much more to the "story" than that. "Unimpeachable" was her word for her sources, which I thought was pretty clever of her.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: September 07, 2020, 01:26:33 PM »
MLB today had a discussion on Seaver and Brock, discussing how linked their careers were, noting among other things that nobody pitched to Brock more often than Seaver and nobody hit against Seaver more than Brock.

I could not quickly find what batter/pitcher combination had happened most frequently.

Anybody have a good way to find that?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 01:16:25 PM »

The GOP tried to prevent the Census from getting the time extension they needed.

They may still prevail, but a judge has preliminarily said "wait a minute; let's have a hearing."

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 12:52:05 PM »

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 07, 2020, 07:47:57 AM »
Another of those wonderful COVID-19 moves by the Trump administration:

We were way overcharged, but the company also under-delivered!

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