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Messages - facilitatorn

Pages: 1 ... 1254 1255 [1256] 1257 1258 ... 1271
Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: August 28, 2018, 07:39:07 PM »
A good take on another aspect of our backcourt situation,

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 28, 2018, 05:26:38 AM »
One for the emoluments and public corruption pile,

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 28, 2018, 05:06:32 AM »
Trump just had his GHW Bush moment. No, not, “David Cop-a-feel”. That was earlier and spawned a whole mire of criminal activity to cover it up, as well as bringing us the delightful and charming Michael Avanatti, et al.. It was trump’s GHWB grocery shopping moment; trying to patch through an incoming call. If, after 18 months on the job, between your tech and your staff, you are unable to easily patch through an incoming telephone call, how much work can you really say you’ve been doing? Do they take official phone calls so infrequently that they are catastrophically out of practice? Maybe he just calls people and they never call him back. He’s not the kind of guy you’d want to talk to unless, like Putin and Pecker, you had a whole safe of blackmail material to make him heel, sit, fetch, roll over, and play dead.

It’s hilarious how terrified trump is of Almo. It’s a good thing though, because it got him to throw up the white flag and surrender his trade war with Mexico. Hurray for our historic return to the status quo! Trump is sure strong on weakness. It’s his long suit to go with his long tie.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 28, 2018, 02:41:27 AM »
No proof except those quotes from myriad Republican politicians explaining the precise reason for ID laws. For approximately the 12,465,233rd time since these discussions began.Why enact these laws?

But you have your chance. Again. Why are ID laws needed?
A little late since that ship has sailed over 30 times.
So back to your original answer: SCOREBOARD. No reason needed.
You got a better yardstick to measure with?
I'll answer your question when you answer mine you amoral hack.
You could point out that the rights enshrined in The Constitution are the yardstick, but Red lost his copy long ago and won’t know what you are talking about.

When the government is ready to issue free IDs and free replacement IDs to all citizens, then they can become part of a just process for administering a basic right. Otherwise, it’s just a weapon in the race and class war the GOP is waging.

Any voter ID states issuing free IDs?

Didn’t think so. 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 10:04:40 PM »
Is his bathrobe open or closed while he’s bellowing?

Red knows voting means the end of republican power forever.

Denial is not just a river in Ohio.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:58:03 PM »
The message to republicans is that trump will happily spit on your grave. The means of prevention is making sure you get to do it to him first.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 05:23:32 PM »
Red is why we will pass an amendment mandating fair and transparent elections with paper ballots with the abolition of the electoral college added on in a nod to freedom and modernity.

Red has been letting Newt Gingrich deposit his poxy semen in his gaping rectum for so long he can no longer see anything but skewed poll results. He represents a large caste of dead white men who’s decomposing hands need to be pried from the tiller since all the do now is crash the ship of state and emit a ferocious stench.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: August 27, 2018, 01:51:17 PM »
A heavy diet of pick up ball with NBA vets, strength & conditioning plus skills work is going to be more helpful to Frank in adjusting his playing style to be optimized for the NBA than international play in Euro style by FIBA rules. Getting time in w players on the team is also very positive and will take some of the hesitation that cost Frank last year out of his game.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 11:28:20 AM »
Kid doesn’t believe in public libraries. The fly in the face of his Purge/Hunger Games vision of America’s future.

In Australia, betrayals May have (easily predicted) consequences

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 12:20:53 AM »
When confronted with the truth, Red can always find a way to become more of an asshole. While his tantrums pass like farts in the wind, the truth remains

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 27, 2018, 12:09:31 AM »
Red does know that. He’s damn proud of his pirate band of shameless hacks as they work to reverse every positive step in American History. He’s living a zero-sum life, both in defining his core philosophy and also in calculating what the end results of all his efforts will be worth.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 26, 2018, 10:02:53 PM »
Obama was the last Republican President. I sort of miss that party, a little. The brainless fucks who took the name deserve the asswhooping they are going to get in November.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: August 26, 2018, 03:43:07 PM »
I’m reading the Frank pass on international play as him feeling great growth in the offseason program and wanting to keep continuity to maximize the benefit of development in the remaining time. Down the line this helps Frank, his Knicks team, and his national team.

He probably got a peep at Lonzo Ball’s latest flex shot and decided moving iron was better use of time than dominating a qualifying tournament.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 25, 2018, 08:56:37 PM »
RIP John McCain, one of the richest characters in recent American history. I’m not talking dollars, which he had via marriage. He was rich in experiences and influence with a knack for sometimes rising to the moment.

There are few men half as good left in the GOP.

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