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Messages - facilitatorn

Pages: 1 ... 1257 1258 [1259] 1260 1261 ... 1305
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:07:28 PM »
He reminded the fraud that everyone knows he’s a fraud and that there are laws against fraud and that blade dangles over his head. It was a very good tell that trump and his whole admin know he’s guilty as hell. Bringing it up makes trump do a maneuver called inverted mushroom which means Kelly Anne and Sarah have to spend all night with tweezers and magnifying lenses looking. Gagging and looking. Just one of the reasons Melania doesn’t go in that wing of the White House anymore.

Previous Administration / Re: A Modest Proposal for Alabama etc.
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:05:38 PM »

I would suggest that Alabama and Wrest Vagina go their own way and secede with all the other deep red cracker states and form a republic called Gilead, where women know their place and wear white cowls around their faces and "reproductive rights" means "the right of men to plan families and maintain bloodlines."  Anyone violating their sacred duty as breeding maid or wetnurse will be given a choice of stoning or, in Deep South regions, fed to alligators.

Kiid, Red, and Pence have a coast to coast version of Gilead in mind and are more than happy to spill rivers of American blood to achieve it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:55:50 AM »
I like trump’s strategy for ensuring members of his party who lost races are ready to really help him out in the lame duck session.

Basketball / Re: Knicks
« on: November 08, 2018, 02:52:19 AM »
They have to kick different rocks tonight.

It’s good to have a range of potentially effective guards. It would look better if more of them could be more effective more often. That seems to be what we’re working towards.

Mudiay could not have done what Frank did defensively tonight on even his best day.

Good nights from all our bruisers. Mitch even hit a short J.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2018, 12:50:24 AM »
To what end, pass such bills? To be like the GOP's endless "repeal Obamacare" efforts?

The GOP “repeal Obamacare” efforts, a wildly unpopular effort to screw millions of Americans, did drive debate and amplify discussion of healthcare to the point where Democrats had to endlessly defend themselves on the issue until now where it has become widely understood that healthcare is a right. The difference is that Democratic bills would benefit Americans and cover issues that have huge majorities supporting action and sane policies.

The idea is to get republicans on record as to why they encourage school shootings, give aways to foreign corporations, and poisoning the drinking water.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 04:46:16 PM »
Cut it out already

Let the guy lead the nation, for God's sake.

No. GOP has shown us how to stymie and attack a good President and great American with only a hold in Congress. Now they have provided a terrible president and a real bastard scoundrel for the office. He should be made to feel the full weight of his copious sins and be stopped from doing as much as can possibly be stopped. He’s the Whitey Bulger of our political system.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 04:11:29 PM »
He would be trump’s perfect attorney general, with the possible exception of Duncan Hunter.

Speaking of that job, now that Jeffery has been dragged on for more than a year by his lovely ex-boss and abandoned by his colleagues and his party, one can presume he has strolled across the street and continued to unburden himself to Mueller.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 03:51:57 PM »
For Larry.....

Ms S E Cupp

She counts the white caps and completely misses the undertow. Fortunately most Americans are smarter then you about what’s good for the country.

Kobach? You mean the incompetent version of Jeff Sessions? His ideas are about the same, only his execution is much worse. It certainly fits the chump administration theme of failing up.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 03:44:40 PM »
Did someone drop you on your head when you were young?

Australian PE. Bambu did the remedial version. Twice for some reason.

First bit of business is putting the Election Transparency and Security Act on the table. It will play better to vote out of the House 50 times than an Obamacare repeal. They can tandem it with an American Healthcare act.

Why are republicans against Election Security and American Healthcare when they both poll over 70%?

American Energy Security Act would be a good follow up with really lurid expert testimony and initial prepatory investigations.

Banking reforms would be good in the same vein.

It will be nice to see real experts called before committees for the purpose of improving American life and repairing American law again.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 03:10:26 PM »
The 59% women who voted for the Left...are they the ones who think the world can be powered by windmills?

They are the ones who were warned by their mothers and who warn their daughters to have nothing to do with men like you, men who are racist, sexist, stupid, and have ugly hearts.

There will need to be a select committee on the fraudulent basis of the misadministration which has tentacles in every aspect of law breaking from fraud to treason.

Fortunately only the NYS Attorney General is needed to dissolve the trump “organization” and seize its assets.

The GOP has curdled down to the trump but lick party. An unhinged decompensating trump is an unhinged decomensating GOP, not at all attractive in 2020.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 02:42:06 PM »
Congress can pass gun control, private prison ban, drinking water safety, solar freedom (preventing utilities from squashing solar), and public option bills. They can pass a bill authorizing the post office to operate personal banking services.

While waiting for the corrupt immoral and incompetent Senate to pick any of these bills up, they can investigate the shit out of the trump klan, the dirty dirty GOP, NRA, KKK, GRU, Fox axis, and the petroleum industry as well as all the rapey new GOP judges.

The new American Majority can pass these bills and have the subpoenas flying by Valentines Day.   

Basketball / Re: Ekant be all bad
« on: November 07, 2018, 04:10:47 AM »
I'm just saying you're going to have your heart broke when we let him go.

Celebrate him. A two-season Knick at most.  Why would he come back here after we let him go?

Also, no matter what stats he puts up there is simply no way to get any value for him. We might as well enjoy him while he’s here.

Bridges has nice shooting percentages, but he’s not exactly lighting the world on fire. He’s also got Kemba, Nic, and Tony setting him up which doesn’t hurt. Knox has played through 3 games not counting the one he got hurt in or his time against the Bulls. Let them both get a few more games in at least before making comparisons.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2018, 04:04:11 AM »
Go look up the subjunctive, so you can learn to speak your native tongue properly.

He speaks perfect convict.

House & Governorships looking good. The Senate could have been better and could have been worse.

Depending on how Florida handles the renfranchisement of a million or so of its citizens, and how much a factor Democrats being in total control of voting rolls and voting booths in Harris county (Houston remembers), Texas and Florida should be even more gettable next cycle.

CA keeps its gas tax & Nevada joins the West Coast.

Also the House can hire Mueller to continue his work should something unfortunate happen to his current assignment.

Dems should go Bush 2000 in Georgia and Florida, if only to uncover more of the nature of this and prior cycles’ dirty GOP tricks.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2018, 04:38:54 PM »
Maybe you prefer it when posters toss monkey poo back and forth at one another.  I have chosen to not take part in such folly.

Plus he’s drowning in monkey poo and none of the shit he throws seems to stick.

Republicans are ratfucking hard this year knowing they are lacking any way to attract votes.

This is fun!

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