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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 11, 2020, 12:09:16 PM »
Supreme Court appears ready to uphold Affordable Care Act over latest challenge from Trump, GOP

Alito and Breyer and others questioning whether the states have standing.
That is, how are they harmed?

Kavanaugh sees this as a simple severability case if the $0 mandate is deemed unconstitutional (ie not a tax because it doesn't raise any revenue anymore).

Roberts thinks it's bunk in many ways.

Right now, Thomas probably the only justice ready to strike down the entire ACA.
Possibly Barrett too, but would she want to start off so harsh and strident?

I'm guessing SCOTUS might just dump the case of lack of standing.
And if there are 5 or 6 votes agreeing the $0 mandate is not a tax and therefore beyond Congress' power, they'll likely be 6 or more votes for severability, just cutting out the mandate and leaving the law in place.

Not surprising.  Pandemic raging and the SCt is going to take insurance away from 23M Americans?  Not likely.  Roberts is going to keep things under control for a while longer, until the other 5 conservatives start ignoring him and doing as they please.
Questioning by justices is a rather unreliable guide as to how they will vote.
Probably not in this case.
CJ Roberts made the point

“It’s hard for you to ar­gue that Con­gress in­tended the en­tire act to fall if the (tax)man­date were struck down when the same Congress that low­ered the penalty to zero did not even try to re­peal the rest of the act,

Obviously Congress hoped SCOTUS would do the work for them.
This version of SCOTUS, with Amy Barrett aboard,now is flipping the script and telling Congress  to put its big boy pants on.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 10, 2020, 09:02:09 PM »

This lying whistle blower has a gofundme!    His recanting his story isn't hurting the online donations either.  FOUL!!!!

What concerns me,  when I see this kind of stuff,  is the nasty aspect of bias which is found in lack of follow-up.  A story is printed that highlights charges of an outrageous nature, leaving the reader with the impression that something truly sordid and/or perfidious will eventually be found... then, when the charges prove false, perhaps never were credible, a biased media outlet will fail to cover that. Imagine if the Washington Post hadn't followed up on the story of the postal worker in Pennsylvania.  Imagine if you gets news from a source that just ran the clickbait,  but didn't bother with tonight's news which pours cold water on the clickbait.   Earlier facts are contested by later facts.  You cannot responsibly ignore later facts.  That, my friends,  is the most horrific threat to democracy and rule of law right there.   Selection bias.
I see you are referring to the Trump Impeachment   

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 10, 2020, 09:00:22 PM »
Ah yes, the "worst educated/no college degree" folk.
Hope nobody here is going to be trying to tell me that such folk are 'dumb, 'stoopid', 'ignorant, or any like thing.

The post seems very elitist.

It is what is is.   You are the one choosing to describe it with your terms.

"Best educated" is subjective.
Bachelor of Arts degree is not much good for growing, corn, soy beans, horses, goats in Kentucky.

I don't know about Australia but in the US when you apply for a job they ask you what your highest level of education is.

So "Best Educated" really means "how many years did you devote to formal education in high school, college, and post-graduate study".

The better educated term just refers to more years in formal study.

I hope that helps.


And there are agricultural schools in the US as well.  You can get a Bachelors in agricultural science.

Degrees cost money, lots of money.

Biden began promoting a free college plan earlier this year that would allow a majority of students to attend public institutions tuition-free.

It would be community colleges.

You don't read or listen very well. Has anybody mentioned that to you or are they too kind?

"In addition, President Biden will:

"Make public colleges and universities tuition-free for all families with incomes below $125,000."
Bet you have a lot more people with incomes under $125000

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 10, 2020, 01:04:47 AM »
My scenario is simply if Trump had used the Insurrection Act once and put US military on the streets engaging with BLM and other protesters, he would have a shot at using the military and Insurrection Act to stop Biden and the Dems from stealing the election from him.

Also, worryingly the military would have been used as a campaign prop by trump.  Though we saw that in smaller form with Bush arriving on an aircraft carrier in a fighter jet to announce Mission Accomplished.
I think maybe DiddleyBop is drunk.
Certainly he is not sane.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 10:22:00 PM »

The problem with that chart is the irrelevant premise.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 08:25:44 PM »
Martha McCallum with the Trump speak re:  work of Operation Warp Speed crew, as word of FDA also approving a therapeutic for use on early COVID patients as early as tomorrow

"We have never seen anything like this"

A Fox News personality is impressed with something Trump did?!

How revolutionary!

That Kid quoted a Fox News personality rather than a pharmacy or medical specialist?

Equally revolutionary.
Trump will never be out of Josh’s head.
What would he have to talk about.?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 07:18:02 PM »
The idea of the democrats packing the Supreme court or ending the filibuster is now “ off the table”.

Joe Manchin just said so.

A subtle campaign nudge to Georgia voters.

Previous Administration / Re: It Could Have Happened Here ...
« on: November 09, 2020, 07:07:47 PM »
Mr. Esper’s downfall had been expected for months, after he took the rare step in June of disagreeing publicly with Mr. Trump and saying that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities. The president, who had threatened to use the Insurrection Act to do exactly that, was furious, officials said.

There was a moment there where the use of the military in major cities was contemplated and could have occurred.  When Trump marched with his generals and defense secretary past protesters who had just been teargassed for a photo-op at a church he never attends.  Don't forget that Trump kept coddling and buddying up to the military by putting generals in charge in civilian positions and dumping lots of extra billions into the military complex.  Fortunately he never succeeded in buying off their loyalty.

Who knows how such an alternate reality goes, but the protests might have ramped up in reaction to such a blatant un-American approach to policing.  A military crackdown in US cities might have caused even greater division and helped Trump push lawnorder and overshadowed the Virus somewhat.  There almost certainly would have been more violence on both sides.   Hell, even more violence by armed Trump supporters at BLM protests could have sparked Trump to bring in the military.

As it was, Trump used unmarked Homeland security goons in Portland but it never became widespread or accepted.  But if Trump had invoked the Insurrection Act and the military was deployed to keep order/crack heads in US cities, this could have set the stage for Trump not only contesting the election result but claiming victory and having the military back him up.  Just saying this was possible if Trump had successfully put the military into the midst of US cities and the election campaign.
It might sound far-fetched but only because it didn't happen.  Trump never went full fascist or got the military fully on board with his personality cult.  But we also weren't that far from such a scenario being played out or tried.
You wonder if DiddleyBones  lives anywhere close to reality.
That mask he wears must cover his eyes AND ears.

Esper honored the Constitution and the law.  The public protest demonstrations did not meet the criteria of the exemptions to the Posse Comitatus Act.   

Why are you afraid of democracy?
You should ask that of the Generals and the NeverTrumpers.

Ward should just say "usual non-answer," each time. No less informative. Fewer letters.
Simpler and more direct language and it still passes over you head 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 07:03:33 PM »
Red still supports trump. Poor crisis management and deceptive practices are considered good government in the leper colony of his mind.

They lost!
Not by much
Trump lost the popular vote on 2016 and lost it by a much larger margin in 2020.

There is no universe where Trump supporters outnumber the opposition.
Biden’s popular vote margin is skewed by the California vote.

Biden’s popular vote margin is skewed by a murderous campaign of disinformation, lies, and dirty tricks emanating from trump’s White House and other seats of American fascism. Without these treasonous efforts, the whole country will vote a lot more like California.

But those are going to be ongoing for as long as it seems effective, Fac.

What Ward wishes to ignore is that the votes are more skewed in the Idaho, Dakotas, etc. And while their electoral college votes add up fast, they are no more representative of America than California is.

The Biden advantage will widen as NY finishes its count, such that he would win the popular vote by a million or more even without California.

There are a lot of narrow win places, as I pointed out previously. Not all of them were won by Dems and they won't all be won by the GOP next time around.

Previous Administration / Re: It Could Have Happened Here ...
« on: November 09, 2020, 06:07:29 PM »
Mr. Esper’s downfall had been expected for months, after he took the rare step in June of disagreeing publicly with Mr. Trump and saying that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities. The president, who had threatened to use the Insurrection Act to do exactly that, was furious, officials said.

There was a moment there where the use of the military in major cities was contemplated and could have occurred.  When Trump marched with his generals and defense secretary past protesters who had just been teargassed for a photo-op at a church he never attends.  Don't forget that Trump kept coddling and buddying up to the military by putting generals in charge in civilian positions and dumping lots of extra billions into the military complex.  Fortunately he never succeeded in buying off their loyalty.

Who knows how such an alternate reality goes, but the protests might have ramped up in reaction to such a blatant un-American approach to policing.  A military crackdown in US cities might have caused even greater division and helped Trump push lawnorder and overshadowed the Virus somewhat.  There almost certainly would have been more violence on both sides.   Hell, even more violence by armed Trump supporters at BLM protests could have sparked Trump to bring in the military.

As it was, Trump used unmarked Homeland security goons in Portland but it never became widespread or accepted.  But if Trump had invoked the Insurrection Act and the military was deployed to keep order/crack heads in US cities, this could have set the stage for Trump not only contesting the election result but claiming victory and having the military back him up.  Just saying this was possible if Trump had successfully put the military into the midst of US cities and the election campaign.
It might sound far-fetched but only because it didn't happen.  Trump never went full fascist or got the military fully on board with his personality cult.  But we also weren't that far from such a scenario being played out or tried.
You wonder if DiddleyBones  lives anywhere close to reality.
That mask he wears must cover his eyes AND ears.

Esper honored the Constitution and the law.  The public protest demonstrations did not meet the criteria of the exemptions to the Posse Comitatus Act.   

Why are you afraid of democracy?
You should ask that of the Generals and the NeverTrumpers.

Previous Administration / Re: It Could Have Happened Here ...
« on: November 09, 2020, 05:16:41 PM »
Mr. Esper’s downfall had been expected for months, after he took the rare step in June of disagreeing publicly with Mr. Trump and saying that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities. The president, who had threatened to use the Insurrection Act to do exactly that, was furious, officials said.

There was a moment there where the use of the military in major cities was contemplated and could have occurred.  When Trump marched with his generals and defense secretary past protesters who had just been teargassed for a photo-op at a church he never attends.  Don't forget that Trump kept coddling and buddying up to the military by putting generals in charge in civilian positions and dumping lots of extra billions into the military complex.  Fortunately he never succeeded in buying off their loyalty.

Who knows how such an alternate reality goes, but the protests might have ramped up in reaction to such a blatant un-American approach to policing.  A military crackdown in US cities might have caused even greater division and helped Trump push lawnorder and overshadowed the Virus somewhat.  There almost certainly would have been more violence on both sides.   Hell, even more violence by armed Trump supporters at BLM protests could have sparked Trump to bring in the military.

As it was, Trump used unmarked Homeland security goons in Portland but it never became widespread or accepted.  But if Trump had invoked the Insurrection Act and the military was deployed to keep order/crack heads in US cities, this could have set the stage for Trump not only contesting the election result but claiming victory and having the military back him up.  Just saying this was possible if Trump had successfully put the military into the midst of US cities and the election campaign.
It might sound far-fetched but only because it didn't happen.  Trump never went full fascist or got the military fully on board with his personality cult.  But we also weren't that far from such a scenario being played out or tried.
You wonder if DiddleyBones  lives anywhere close to reality.
That mask he wears must cover his eyes AND ears.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 03:23:07 PM »
Noem?   Trump's lap dog?   Allowed Sturgis to go and infect the northern tier of states,  and add to the rise in others?   Tried to stop sovereign Native tribes from protecting their people from covid,  with perfectly sensible checkpoints at Rez borders?   Promotes wild conspiracy theories?   Presided over second highest covid surge in US due to lax policies on spread?   Tried to conceal damning stats from the Argus Leader paper?

We might want to mark that post as an early indicator of just how bright Noem’s political future really is.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 09, 2020, 03:18:47 PM »
They lost!
Not by much
Trump lost the popular vote on 2016 and lost it by a much larger margin in 2020.

There is no universe where Trump supporters outnumber the opposition.
Biden’s popular vote margin is skewed by the California vote.
In the Electoral College it is much closer, as it was in 2016. The victory margin in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania is so close it is less than the votes won by Jo Jorgensen in those four states.
What is more telling is how GOP voters felt on down tickets where they added 14 House Seats( minimum) in a year Pelosi was predicting just the opposite, upped its control of state legislatures to roughly 67% and secured control of 24 of the 36 states redistricting powers.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2020, 10:47:36 PM »

The PA legislature says their electors will go for the national popular vote winner.
LOL, you ingesting stupid pills tonight?
Joe Biden’s PA electors will vote for him in the Electoral College because he won the vote in Pennsylvania.

(I could point out Biden also won the cumulative total of votes cast in all 50 states but I don’t want to confuse you)

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2020, 07:24:52 PM »
  Rather a turnoff for me, and I stopped visiting the site 2 or 3 years ago, whereas in prior years I used to use it regularly as a source for articles I might otherwise miss.  Now most of the links are very partisan and not informative, but more in line with propaganda.
Seems odd you haven’t visited in years but are so knowledgeable about what is on the site.
A quick perusal of its lineup today on the main page shows 13 articles from liberal Publications and 12 from conservative sites  And the reader controls which article to click on.

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