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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2020, 07:10:37 PM »
AOC lays marker down for Biden-democrat party is incompetent

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called the Democrat Party “incompetent” for not placing progressives in top positions, warning former Vice President Joe Biden that if he does not select far-left people for top positions, the Democrats will lose big in the 2022 midterm elections.

Ocasio-Cortez told the New York Times that she sharply rejected the notion that progressive messaging around the Green New Deal and the Black Lives Matter movement led to the loss of congressional seats this election cycle.

The real problem is that she said Democrats could not run campaigns.

“There’s a reason Barack Obama built an entire national campaign apparatus outside of the Democratic National Committee,” she told the Times. “And there’s a reason that, when he didn’t activate or continue that, we lost House majorities. Because the party — in and of itself — does not have the core competencies, and no amount of money is going to fix that.”


Nice revisionist history.
Obama rode a blue wave in 2008 that included a clean sweep of legislative government with 257 House seats and 55 Senate votes.
Just two years later after he and Pelosi mis-managed the stimulus bill and OBAMACARE 64 House members were gone.By 2014 the GOP had the Senate. (It still does) If Obama had a strategy to work outside the party structure it didn’t work(except maybe for HIS re-election)

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 08, 2020, 06:36:17 PM »
Real Clear Politics has Biden at 259 EV's.
They haven't called PA or AZ or GA yet.
The only news org I'm aware that hasn't called the race.

RCP tries to hide it, but they are distinctly right leaning.
Last year it came out they they ran a bunch of right-wing websites.
They also like to pretend the extreme right and the left are equivalents.

They're also the only news org I've seen which has called the NC senate race and so hey have the Senate 49:48 for the GOP.
RealClearPolitics, et. al., is not a news  organization it is an aggregation of differing opinions and a compilation of polls. It has never hidden anything in describing itself as center-right reflecting the views of its two founders but who are more interested in offering left and right viewpoints for its readers’ consumption.
Interestingly the USA is center- right as the Tuesday election underscored.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2020, 01:05:43 PM »
But what about one of the major concerns often voiced about a popular vote – that rural areas would be ignored in favor of big population centers?

Patrick Rosenstiel, a senior consultant to National Popular Vote, says the current system overlooks both rural and urban voters, depending on the state they live in.

"States like New York and North Dakota are valued the exact same way under the current system. They're valued not at all, because they're reliably either Republican or Democrat," he says. "The only way I know how to put urban voters at parity with rural voters and rural voters at parity with urban voters is to make every voter in this country politically relevant in presidential elections."

The way to do that? a national popular vote that would require candidates to campaign in all 50 states.

The effect would be that every voter would know their vote matters, Rosenstiel says: "I don't care if you're in the heart of Manhattan or in the outskirts of Helena. When you go vote for the American president, you know what's going to count toward the final result in a national popular vote election. And you're not going to be treated like a second-class citizen."

My only question is -- if you can get a majority to go in on the NPV  Interstate Compact, why not just go for elimination of the EC?  If you have a compact that subverts the function of the EC,  why keep all that complex structure at all?   Ditch the 12th amendment as the antiquated crap it is,  and ratify a new one.   Seems like Americans in two-thirds of states could get behind dumping this stupid system.   As the article notes,  we'd be talking about Biden's cabinet choices now,  if it were the popular vote deciding things.   

(forum note:  I will reply to posts from anyone who read the entire article...)
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is unconstitutional, the sole constitutionally proper mechanism for doing so is a federal constitutional amendment, not an interstate compact negotiated by a handful of states.
End of debate

You can't unilaterally declare the end of a debate,  unless you're a monarch or dictator.   And the compact doesn't activate until it reaches 270, which is more than a "handful. "

As to the rest,  you actually seem to be in agreement that a ratified amendment is the better path.   But you you offered no real facts to justify calling the compact unconstitutional.   I'm not dismissing that it could be, but I find no reason from your post.
Read the Constitution

Article I, Section 10, Clause 3:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

A Constitutional Ammendment or Congressional Approval could change things but  either needs such heavy lifting they won’t be tried.  What we have is a movement to establish a cartel of states to permanently elect Presidents to the detriment of the rest of the states.
No state today is prohibited from assigning its electors to the winner of the “ popular” vote.
None do.
Why is that?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 07, 2020, 12:57:18 AM »
But what about one of the major concerns often voiced about a popular vote – that rural areas would be ignored in favor of big population centers?

Patrick Rosenstiel, a senior consultant to National Popular Vote, says the current system overlooks both rural and urban voters, depending on the state they live in.

"States like New York and North Dakota are valued the exact same way under the current system. They're valued not at all, because they're reliably either Republican or Democrat," he says. "The only way I know how to put urban voters at parity with rural voters and rural voters at parity with urban voters is to make every voter in this country politically relevant in presidential elections."

The way to do that? a national popular vote that would require candidates to campaign in all 50 states.

The effect would be that every voter would know their vote matters, Rosenstiel says: "I don't care if you're in the heart of Manhattan or in the outskirts of Helena. When you go vote for the American president, you know what's going to count toward the final result in a national popular vote election. And you're not going to be treated like a second-class citizen."

My only question is -- if you can get a majority to go in on the NPV  Interstate Compact, why not just go for elimination of the EC?  If you have a compact that subverts the function of the EC,  why keep all that complex structure at all?   Ditch the 12th amendment as the antiquated crap it is,  and ratify a new one.   Seems like Americans in two-thirds of states could get behind dumping this stupid system.   As the article notes,  we'd be talking about Biden's cabinet choices now,  if it were the popular vote deciding things.   

(forum note:  I will reply to posts from anyone who read the entire article...)
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is unconstitutional, the sole constitutionally proper mechanism for doing so is a federal constitutional amendment, not an interstate compact negotiated by a handful of states.
End of debate

Have a seat.
I already said I did.
There is no debate.

There is no debate. SCOTUS says you are wrong and that a state legislature makes the call.
Next time try to get into the right ballpark.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 11:19:47 PM »
My favorite line in CNN today:

Another source familiar with ongoing discussions said there needs to be actual evidence to file a lawsuit and lawyers aren't going to put their reputations on the line if they don't have a case that they believe would be unethical to file.

Too many negatives, folks!
You must feel so relieved.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 11:18:19 PM »
But what about one of the major concerns often voiced about a popular vote – that rural areas would be ignored in favor of big population centers?

Patrick Rosenstiel, a senior consultant to National Popular Vote, says the current system overlooks both rural and urban voters, depending on the state they live in.

"States like New York and North Dakota are valued the exact same way under the current system. They're valued not at all, because they're reliably either Republican or Democrat," he says. "The only way I know how to put urban voters at parity with rural voters and rural voters at parity with urban voters is to make every voter in this country politically relevant in presidential elections."

The way to do that? a national popular vote that would require candidates to campaign in all 50 states.

The effect would be that every voter would know their vote matters, Rosenstiel says: "I don't care if you're in the heart of Manhattan or in the outskirts of Helena. When you go vote for the American president, you know what's going to count toward the final result in a national popular vote election. And you're not going to be treated like a second-class citizen."

My only question is -- if you can get a majority to go in on the NPV  Interstate Compact, why not just go for elimination of the EC?  If you have a compact that subverts the function of the EC,  why keep all that complex structure at all?   Ditch the 12th amendment as the antiquated crap it is,  and ratify a new one.   Seems like Americans in two-thirds of states could get behind dumping this stupid system.   As the article notes,  we'd be talking about Biden's cabinet choices now,  if it were the popular vote deciding things.   

(forum note:  I will reply to posts from anyone who read the entire article...)
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is unconstitutional, the sole constitutionally proper mechanism for doing so is a federal constitutional amendment, not an interstate compact negotiated by a handful of states.
End of debate

Have a seat.
I already said I did.
There is no debate.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 10:20:50 PM »
The suspicion is understandable, but no evidence of political manipulation has yet emerged...

Wow! What left-wing conspirator newspaper is printing this?

The Wall Street Journal, of course.

I found much to like in the editorial,
It wasn’t an editorial it was written for and edited by the news division of the WSJ.

It was an opinion piece.

Anti-American asswipe.

It was an essay. Says so right on it.
Written, edited, and published in the newspaper, not the editorial section.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 09:28:48 PM »
But what about one of the major concerns often voiced about a popular vote – that rural areas would be ignored in favor of big population centers?

Patrick Rosenstiel, a senior consultant to National Popular Vote, says the current system overlooks both rural and urban voters, depending on the state they live in.

"States like New York and North Dakota are valued the exact same way under the current system. They're valued not at all, because they're reliably either Republican or Democrat," he says. "The only way I know how to put urban voters at parity with rural voters and rural voters at parity with urban voters is to make every voter in this country politically relevant in presidential elections."

The way to do that? a national popular vote that would require candidates to campaign in all 50 states.

The effect would be that every voter would know their vote matters, Rosenstiel says: "I don't care if you're in the heart of Manhattan or in the outskirts of Helena. When you go vote for the American president, you know what's going to count toward the final result in a national popular vote election. And you're not going to be treated like a second-class citizen."

My only question is -- if you can get a majority to go in on the NPV  Interstate Compact, why not just go for elimination of the EC?  If you have a compact that subverts the function of the EC,  why keep all that complex structure at all?   Ditch the 12th amendment as the antiquated crap it is,  and ratify a new one.   Seems like Americans in two-thirds of states could get behind dumping this stupid system.   As the article notes,  we'd be talking about Biden's cabinet choices now,  if it were the popular vote deciding things.   

(forum note:  I will reply to posts from anyone who read the entire article...)
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is unconstitutional, the sole constitutionally proper mechanism for doing so is a federal constitutional amendment, not an interstate compact negotiated by a handful of states.
End of debate 

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 08:02:43 PM »
The suspicion is understandable, but no evidence of political manipulation has yet emerged...

Wow! What left-wing conspirator newspaper is printing this?

The Wall Street Journal, of course.

I found much to like in the editorial,
It wasn’t an editorial it was written for and edited by the news division of the WSJ.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 06, 2020, 11:42:09 AM »
I wish the DEMS had a basic national campaign strategy.
A simple 3 point list of what they would do with a DEM Senate.
Well the voters told the dems what NOT to do.

In the words of democrats themselves we heard:
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) said that Democrats should never say “defund the police” or use the word “socialism” during a press conference call on Thursday after her party lost many vulnerable seats.

“We have to commit to not saying the words ‘defund the police’ ever again and  warned that if they repeat these leftist tactics, We will get fucking torn apart.”

She called the election results “ a failure” given that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi predicted double digit gains.
So far the party has lost six seats in the House and the vote counting is far from over.

Biden King Maker James Clyburn(House majority whip) had similar thoughts 
, if “we are going to run on Medicare for All, defund the police, socialized medicine, we’re not going to win.”

As for Biden the fact that his party lost ground in the House and failed to gain control of the Senate in four consecutive elections means he is not gonna get the Green New Deal, he's not gonna get D.C. as a state or Puerto Rico. He's not gonna pack the court.

Americans, as the voting Tuesday shows, like the checks and balances our Constitution provides.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 05, 2020, 11:47:27 PM »
Canceling someone's driver's license over a $50 fine is draconian.
and likely counterproductive -- a hindrance to gainful employment and having an extra $50.

I wouldn't go that far.  Don't need to suck people into the maw of bureaucracy just to get them to vote.  And you should have the right to vote for whoever you want or to vote stupidly or protest vote.

Really I prefer making it as easy and convenient as possible for everyone to vote.
But making it mandatory has some appeal.
The Gov't doesn't require you to do much except pay taxes and follow a million laws.  People should be engaged in choosing their gov't.

I would resist making "should" into "must. "  Agree on making it easy,  but I would prefer that someone who is really uninformed can choose to abstain from voting as guesswork.   Also,  not voting can be a legitimate form of free speech,  even if I may not personally like the "they all suck! " message.   Better to find positive ways to engage young people in the political process and form lifetime habits.
Nowhere in the world is it easier to vote than in the USA.

This election proved that.
No it did not.
Not to mention also this election proved the wisdom of the Electoral College.
False. (for the reasons provided in hundreds of posts here,  going back 20 years

Google "brazil voting system" or similar.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 05, 2020, 11:46:05 PM »
Election facts.

Democrats targeted ten states and spent $88 million to flip those state legislatures and went 0-10.

Republicans are close to flipping 2 of 2.

Of the 98 partisan state  chambers, Republicans will control at least 59 next year.

More important Republicans will control both legislative chambers in 24 of the 36 states in which legislatures draw district lines for U.S. Congress, the state legislature itself, or both.

And continue to put party over country. Good point, Ward.

Nice evasion of the obvious truth.
Which is what, junior?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 05, 2020, 10:05:59 PM »
Election facts.

Democrats targeted ten states and spent $88 million to flip those state legislatures and went 0-10.

Republicans are close to flipping 2 of 2.

Of the 98 partisan state  chambers, Republicans will control at least 59 next year.

More important Republicans will control both legislative chambers in 24 of the 36 states in which legislatures draw district lines for U.S. Congress, the state legislature itself, or both.

And continue to put party over country. Good point, Ward.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 05, 2020, 10:03:29 PM »
Some states,  due to slow mail, allow several days for ballots POSTMARKED ELECTION DAY to arrive.   The postmark is evidence they voted on or before election day.   This is pretty simple to figure out.
Nice evasion of the obvious question.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 05, 2020, 09:38:24 PM »
Election facts.

Democrats targeted ten states and spent $88 million to flip those state legislatures and went 0-10.

Republicans are close to flipping 2 of 2.

Of the 98 partisan state  chambers, Republicans will control at least 59 next year.

More important Republicans will control both legislative chambers in 24 of the 36 states in which legislatures draw district lines for U.S. Congress, the state legislature itself, or both.

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