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Messages - Oilcan

Pages: 1 ... 183 184 [185] 186 187 ... 210
Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:59:46 PM »
Tony,  you know poppies can also be grown to supply legitimate pharmaceuticals,  around the world,  right?   I've had three close relatives who were able to interact with us  coherently and pass away relatively peacefully thanks to derivatives of the poppy plant. 

And,  as was pointed out,  Afghanistan has something like ten million sheep,  and is a major producer of woolen products,  so I think they're not hurting for sheep.   Which would be baaaad.

As for Hefner,  he promotes a demeaning view of women,  and is about as much use to women's rights as Hitler was to Jewish rights.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 24, 2021, 01:49:54 PM »

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 22, 2021, 10:12:10 AM »
Donald Trump was elected in the first place because he sounded exactly like the drunk at the end of the bar who’s read two Tom Clancy novels and several tweets about vaccines’ supposed link to autism and so naturally sounds like the smartest guy in the room. After all, they’re drunk, too, and he’s just like them, except marginally more erudite because, you know, he’s read two books and they haven’t read any. (Honestly, all the think pieces about why Trump appeals to his base could probably be thrown in the trash. Occam’s razor, folks. They like him because he’s just as gutter stupid and racist as they are. I don’t think it goes very far beyond that.)   

(from the Daily KO that Fac shared, on the Fox "kill everyone" guest)

The problem with this very amusing paragraph is that there's a part of the base that's gullible and actually believe Trump is smart and that he's really not racist - they're not gutter stupid or racist,  which is actually kind of chilling.  Because it means that decent well-intentioned people who don't have the time or energy to track facts down will very naively swallow Far Right propaganda whole.   And that's the really scary prospect for our democracy's future.   It won't just be gutter stupids who elect the next white nationalist demagogue.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 20, 2021, 05:53:56 PM »

Angered by their inability to find a girlfriend, they're becoming violent extremists and committing murders.

Whatever happened to developing a knack for coin tricks?   Every incel  should learn to palm a quarter, or maybe to play a few blues riffs,  or to tell a good story, or recite poetry,  or recycle conundrums, or play bongo drums or....really any activity that fits your soul.   Also, here's a tip:  don't complain.  Ever.   Women don't like complaining,  except when it's part of stand-up comedy.  Sit yourself down near a girl you fancy, ask her what her favorite domestic coin is,  then pull that coin out of her ear.  If no preference is specified,  then go for the Kennedy half.  Also, this tip:  shave.   Seriously, no unshaven or bearded man looks as good as he thinks he does.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 18, 2021, 01:26:15 PM »
Sounds like Trump listened to his generals, where Joe has not - putting us in the current quagmire


Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Tuesday that he was concerned that then-President Donald Trump "undermined" the US' 2020 agreement with the Taliban by pushing for US forces to leave Afghanistan without the Taliban meeting the conditions of the deal.

Baseball / Re: Cat a tonic at Yankees game
« on: August 18, 2021, 01:01:09 PM »
  Sometimes, in a crisis, the brain can’t believe what it’s seeing and proceeds as if everything is normal. This is called “the incredulity response.” It takes a moment after the cat is spotted for attention to shift away from the manufactured stakes of the game and toward the primal stakes for the animal. As the cat tries to get its bearings, the crowd begins to cheer. When the cat jumps up onto the outfield wall, the crowd roars. In just a few moments, the cat has commanded the attention of the fans in the stands, the fans at home, the camera operators, the groundskeepers, the players, the announcers. It darts past the Orioles bullpen to a door and waits to be let out, but the man sitting behind the door does nothing, and the cat walks away in frustration. It trots along as the crowd chants: “Go, cat, go!” Groundskeepers jog impotently alongside the animal, which jumps up onto the wall again, then propels itself into the air in great vertical leaps. The crowd goes wild.

The thing about the cat: It’s so fast, so determined, so tenacious and tactical. It keeps trying different things in order to get what it wants, which is to get the hell out of this loud, crowded, confounding place. The cat is also an incredible athlete. Watching it is like watching an Olympic event. The cat is a sprinter. It’s a gravity-defying gymnast under stress. Unlike the cat at Coors Field in April, this cat doesn’t need to stop to catch its breath. Unlike the Killer Kitten, it doesn’t resort to violence. The crowd chants: “M.V.P., M.V.P.” People cheer as the cat evades the groundskeepers, even darting through one guy’s legs when cornered. Finally, someone opens a door, and the cat runs in, and the crowd boos, sad to see it go. “That was legitimately harrowing,” Brown says. “Amusing, but also harrowing. I don’t ever want to watch that again.”

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 17, 2021, 06:41:42 PM »
I don't know who that is - sorry.

Hey, Kid, do you know who this is?

Abbott has COVID-19.

And I am sure - like so many others - that he will be fine

One more for natural immunity

He was vaccinated and is now receiving expensive monoclonal antibodies.   LoL.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 17, 2021, 06:40:22 PM »
I do not approve of DeSantis’ policy in Florida.

Headline makes it not worthy of reading

The largest donor to DeSantis in 2020 was a man named Ken Griffin. Griffin is the founder and CEO of investment firm Citadel. And, as Yahoo Finance reported in June about Regeneron Pharmaceuticals:

The second largest stake is held by Citadel Investment Group, managed by Ken Griffin, which holds a $171.2 million call position   

In the last 7 days, 151,300 Floridians have tested positive for COVID-19. If every one of those patients got REGEN-COV, that one week would be 10% of all the doses that have been purchased since the outset of the pandemic. The cost of that one week of doses would be roughly $200-450 million. And even if it still performed as it did in the spring, a 70% reduction in severe illness would be less than what could be achieved had Florida simply vaccinated these residents in advance.

Still, any unvaccinated patient who tests positive for COVID-19 and displays mild symptoms should definitely take REGEN-COV if they can find it and can find a location capable of providing the IV-based treatment. So DeSantis’s declaration that’s he’s rolling out a mobile “strike team” and creating a pop-up treatment site in Jacksonville are good things. Except it is a mobile strike team. As in one. And that site in Jacksonville has just been joined by one in Orlando. NPR reports that DeSantis is “looking at” other sites, but it doesn’t seem to have happened yet.

If the mobile team is as effective as the fixed sites, then all three together have a capacity to treat about 900 patients a day. Or about 4% of the daily caseload Florida has seen over the last week. 96% of those testing positive in Florida cannot get the antibody treatment, no matter what Ron DeSantis says. .. 

Well worth reading. 

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 17, 2021, 06:37:56 PM »
I don't know who that is - sorry.

Hey, Kid, do you know who this is?

Abbott has COVID-19.

And I am sure - like so many others - that he will be fine

One more for natural immunity

He was vaccinated and is now receiving expensive monoclonal antibodies.   LoL.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 17, 2021, 06:11:29 PM »
Some Afghans were always going to welcome the Taliban back,  because they saw them (in spite of the oppression) as less corrupt than any civil government.  Taliban is the Pashto word for "students, " and refers to them all being raised in the madrassa system and its very disciplined approach to life.   For Pashtuns generally,  who are about fifty percent of Afghans,  Taliban rule means more Pashtun power.   For men,  it promises better job prospects when all women are forced from their present jobs (as has already begun,  per NYT,  in major cities) and vacancies need filling.   

Basically,  most ordinary people there aren't concerned with big-picture stuff,  like how great western secular government maybe possibly someday be.   Poor nations are full of poor people who have poor people priorities. 

Some are concerned about women's rights,  which may explain why the Taliban spokespeeps are singing happy songs about the New Improved Softer emirate they're bringing.   It'll be interesting to see if any of that is real -- one could hope that students fresh from the madrassa in the 90s are now older and wiser.   Sending women home suggests maybe not.   Maybe not chopping off your hands for swiping an orange is the best that can be expected.

What, like when I left school in 1964, and because married women were not allowed to work in almost all occupations there was a job vacancy for me?.
Man was king, and there were jobs for men, and jobs for women. Male rates of pay and female rates of pay.
The female rates of pay were less.

I think he was describing a mindset of Afghan men, and how the Taliban try to sell their little Islamic utopia to them.   It's a bit of analysis that might help us understand why so many Afghan forces laid down their weapons.   Like Trumpists,  the Taliban say regressive things that others are thinking. 

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 14, 2021, 07:03:24 PM »

Solid analysis of why we weren't going to ever fix Afghanistan.   We got about the same results that Britain and USSR got.   

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 13, 2021, 09:05:08 PM »
Achtung, Hündinnen!

The official responsible for the breach is off at Pillow Man's "symposium"  in Bartonland.

Biden Administration / Re: Biden Administration
« on: August 11, 2021, 01:09:29 PM »
What now, geniuses?

There are some really nice, affordable AirBnB places south of DC.  We stayed at one that had yurts, and an amazing breakfast selection for the price. 

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