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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 302 303 [304] 305 306 ... 309
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 06, 2018, 02:07:41 PM »
They are saying that the economy is doing the best it has done since 1969, and it is all baloney.

The rich are getting richer, but we have record numbers of homeless people. For those homeless people the economy sucks.

Until we can get the homeless people into housing, fed, cleaned up, and then back to work, you cannot say that the economy is great. The economy will be great when the economy is creating new jobs for the homeless people, and when the economy is creating jobs for the new immigrants. The USA used to have so many jobs that people could come from all over the world and get a job in the USA.

Of note, all of this talk about an improving economy is causing the interest rates to rise, and the rents are rising, and the bills are all going up, but the wages are not going up, and Social Security income is not rising, for the retired and for the disabled their income is not rising. Rent is going up, but the incomes are not rising. And jobs are not being created for the homeless and for the immigrants.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:25:12 PM »
On the issue of our economy...

We have fifty eight thousand homeless people in Los Angeles County alone, that is far from good. We need to get those people off of the streets and into housing, and we need to get them fed and cleaned up and healthy so that they can go back to work. We need housing for them, we need jobs for them, we need doctors for them, and social workers, etc.

We are building new high density housing in the Platinum Triangle in Orange County, and more housing needs to be built.,_Anaheim

And people can build new housing in Mojave, and in California City, in Southern California, but they need to create jobs. Guys like Richard Branson have projects in Mojave, and Mojave needs more mavericks.,_California

You cannot say that the economy is great, when you have enormous amounts of homeless people. For those homeless people the economy sucks. We need to get them off of the streets and into housing, and then we need to nurture them back to health, and then we need to get them into the workforce. 

And building our high speed trains in California will help our economy, as will high speed trains between Anaheim and Las Vegas. 

We also need to build electric cars in Van Nuys, they used to build Camaros and other cars and trucks in Van Nuys, and they need to manufacture electric cars to create jobs.

The economy sucks, until we can get all of the homeless people into housing, healed, and then employed. 


Tony V.

Western Europe / Re: Western Europe
« on: October 01, 2018, 03:44:04 PM »
When I was in Rome, Italy, the people in the Hostel watched the Italian version of MTV, and so you got to see all of the American stars talk about how much they loved Italy. Leonardo DiCaprio was on the Italian version of MTV, and a million other American stars, and they all talked about how much they loved Italy. And the Italian version of MTV seemed more interesting to me than the American version.

Of note, MTV needs to bring back the music. It is after all "MUSIC TELEVISION."


Tony V.

Business and Technology / Re: Business and Technology
« on: September 30, 2018, 07:19:19 PM »
I thought of a new invention, they need an app for your cell phone that allows you to open garage doors and security gates with your cell phone. 


Tony V.

Central and South America / Re: Central and South America
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:49:28 PM »
On the issue of the Catholic Church helping the Venezuelans...

In many areas the Catholic Church is the only charity which is helping the refugees, and the orphans, and the homeless, and the needy. And most of the people in the Catholic Church are wonderful people who have devoted their lives to helping other people, and to serving God, and doing as God asks in Matthew 25; 31-46. God tells us to help the poor, and the needy, and the fatherless, and to deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Those who harm children are not Christians, and God tells us to cast those who would harm children into the sea, and to drown them. 

"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin."

Those who molest children should be cast into the sea and drowned. But, the good priests and nuns are wonderful, and those who help the children are awesome. Those in the Catholic Church who help people, and who serve God, are great, and they should be supported. The bad ones need to be reported, and the good ones need to be supported. 

Also, sadly some people hate priests, while they praise pimps, and those people are confused; a good priest is wonderful, and a pimp needs to be punished. I hate pimps. 

The Catholic Church can help the Venezuelans, and it is a great church which does a lot of great things.


Tony V.

Religion and Politics / Re: Religion and Politics
« on: September 24, 2018, 03:34:05 PM »
In Hollywood there used to be housing for homeless actresses, run by nuns. When a young lady would come to Hollywood to be an actress, and if she ended up homeless, then the nuns would help her for free, until she became successful, or gave up and went home, or whatever.

And hostels are good too. Like the hostel I stayed at in Rome, Italy, it was only 15 dollars a night. Hollywood needs more hostels. The tourists would love the hostels too.


Tony V.

The Oban Hotel in Hollywood, on Yucca, would make a great hostel, they can fill it full of bunk beds, and people could get to take a nice hot shower and sleep in a nice comfortable bed for 15 dollars per night.

Also, one idea that I had, is that I wrote a poetry book, and I thought about making copies of my poetry book, and then paying the homeless people to go door to door in the neighborhoods selling copies of my poetry book. The homeless people could earn enough money to shower and sleep in a hostel by selling copies of my poetry book, and they could earn a little money for food, etc, depending on how many books they sell. It is an idea.


Tony V.

Religion and Politics / Re: Religion and Politics
« on: September 22, 2018, 04:12:58 PM »
On the issue of helping the homeless... The old people are getting old, and they are dying, and there needs to be a new generation of young people to step forward to help the homeless. 

My friend Rose, she was the daughter of an American soldier who served in the Philippines during World War II against the Japanese, and after the war he stayed in the Philippines, and he married a Filipina woman, so Rose was automatically an American citizen. She wanted to help the USA because the USA saved the Philippines, and also she wanted to help America because her father was American, and so she came to the USA and attended college here, she attended UCLA, and then she became a school teacher in Compton, California, and she taught public school in Compton for twenty years. After she retired from teaching she went to work helping the homeless with my friend Lisa, and she helped the homeless for over thirty years, up until she died. Rose and Lisa were best friends. (Also, Rose's cousin Gloria Arroyo was President of the Philippines. Her whole family served other people.)

Lisa was born wealthy, and her father owned a banana plantation in the Philippines. Lisa is Christian, and she was taught that to those whom much is given, much is expected from, and so Lisa was raised doing public service and was raised helping others. After her father died, she sold the plantation, and she moved to America. She opened a night club in Los Angeles named "Manila Gardens" which was hugely successful. And she opened other businesses, and she invested in Real Estate, and she did some developing, and everything she touched turned to gold, everything she did was successful. Finally, after she amassed over one hundred million dollars, she retired and she went to work helping the homeless people full time. She bought houses and she filled the houses full of beds and she filled the houses full of homeless people, and she cooked and cleaned and stuff for the homeless people, and she ran everything to take care of homeless people. Some of the homeless people would help Lisa after they got healthy, they would help Lisa to help other people. My buddy Tom worked for Lisa, and many other people helped her. And Lisa and Rose would take a cooked pig to the park to feed everyone at the park for free. And on Thanksgiving Lisa and Rose would cook a thousand turkeys for the homeless. Lisa is still helping the homeless, the last that I heard Lisa has around one hundred homeless people living in her houses. But, Lisa is getting old, and new people have to rise up to do the work that Rose and Tom did, and that Lisa and others are doing, young people have to devote their lives to serving other people. The happiest people I know are the ones who devote their lives to serving other people, people who are on a mission, and whom have a life of purpose, are happiest. Young people need to learn from Lisa while Lisa is still alive to teach them. And not only here in Orange County, but in other areas, young people need to learn the joy of serving others.

Maybe someday I will travel the world with Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco donating libraries for poor children and cool stuff like that. I will do service for others in whatever ways I can. We all need to do service for others.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 19, 2018, 12:19:32 AM »
In the case of an emergency such as a hurricane, some good items to send are cans of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, and Kellogg's Pop Tarts. You can live on that....

If I'm in the middle of a catastrophe and that's what is provided,  just leave me for dead.

In the recent catastrophe in Puerto Rico, they sent them lame shit like Skittles. If you are going to send stuff, then send the good stuff. People wasted gasoline to go pick up lame stuff like free Skittles. At least send them Chef Boyardee Ravioli.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 18, 2018, 09:25:02 PM »
In the case of an emergency such as a hurricane, some good items to send are cans of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli, and Kellogg's Pop Tarts. You can live on that. Oh, and also cans of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.


Tony V.

Religion and Politics / Re: Religion and Politics
« on: September 16, 2018, 05:00:26 PM »
In Hollywood there used to be housing for homeless actresses, run by nuns. When a young lady would come to Hollywood to be an actress, and if she ended up homeless, then the nuns would help her for free, until she became successful, or gave up and went home, or whatever.

And hostels are good too. Like the hostel I stayed at in Rome, Italy, it was only 15 dollars a night. Hollywood needs more hostels. The tourists would love the hostels too.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2018, 05:06:16 PM »

What poverty means when confronted with a storm like Florence.   I wonder what political party the landlord mentioned in the article belongs to.  He boards up just the windows on his own unit,  and then leaves the rest of the complex to fend for itself.   I mean,  wow.   

Regarding black bootstrap tugging... Josh points out some aspects that that nice (Utley quoted,  prev.  page)  pep talk won't fix.   I would add that gangs,  terrible as they are,  are a response to urban government and law enforcement which has caused a lack of trust in marginalized communities in said governance and policing.   Ethnic groups subject to bigotry and abuse,  including Italians,  Irish,  Latinos,  have all formed gang subcultures when they fear a more powerful ruling class.  We are all part of the solution,  if there is to be one.

As a Christian, and being involved with Youth For Christ, and the Burbank YMCA, etc, I was taught that I am third. God is first, and everyone else but me is second, and I am third. And even on the farm as a kid, you feed the animals before you eat, and you learn to take care of a living thing outside of yourself. The same with managing a dog kennel, etc. Many people are selfish, and then selfishness attracts depression, and you have tons of people committing suicide, etc. The answer is to get outside of yourself, and take care and help a living thing outside of yourself. Then as we all help each other then we will all be happier, and things improve. 

And like here at my apartment complex, I would help the neighbors all board up, and then I would board mine up last. That is just the way I was raised.

(And I am sort of scared on my apartment complex, we have new owners and they are raising the rent. That is how the housing crisis happened, people are buying the housing and they are raising rent, and people are all into flipping houses, they want to buy low and sell high, and the poor people are ending up homeless. And we also have gentrification in Anaheim, everyone wants to live in Anaheim, and so they can charge high rents. Please add me to your prayers if you pray. I need for a lot of good things to happen.)

On the issue of gangs, and Godfathers, you also have the issue of the immigrants being afraid of the police, and being afraid of ICE, etc. They cannot go to the police, so they go to the Godfather, or whomever. We need to make our immigrants legal so that they are not afraid to call the police and so they can legally work and join unions, etc.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2018, 04:00:40 PM »
Some of my neighbors are out doing public service by knocking on doors to discuss issues for the up-coming election. I agree with them on the issues.

Measure L in Anaheim will require employers who receive a subsidy from the tax payers to pay employees at least 15 dollars per hour, and it will also require employers to allow valets and waitresses and others to keep their tips. I fully support Measure L.

And they told me that Jose Moreno is running for re-election, and they want to make sure that I support him. Jose attended Harvard, he is a smart guy, and I fully support Jose Moreno.


Tony V.

Measure L is sort of like Prevailing Wage on government jobs. People support Prevailing Wage on government jobs, so they should support a living wage being paid to workers at Disneyland, etc, if the corporations receive subsidies from the tax payers. And when you pay huge amounts of money to go to Disneyland and stay at the hotels, and eat at the restaurants, etc, you want the workers to be paid fair, and you want the workers to be able to keep the tips that they earn, etc.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2018, 03:39:03 PM »
Some of my neighbors are out doing public service by knocking on doors to discuss issues for the up-coming election. I agree with them on the issues.

Measure L in Anaheim will require employers who receive a subsidy from the tax payers to pay employees at least 15 dollars per hour, and it will also require employers to allow valets and waitresses and others to keep their tips. I fully support Measure L. 

And they told me that Jose Moreno is running for re-election, and they want to make sure that I support him. Jose attended Harvard, he is a smart guy, and I fully support Jose Moreno.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 14, 2018, 04:05:06 PM »
The French are big investors in California...

Maybe we can get the French to open a new movie studio here in Anaheim.

I knew that the Japanese are big investors in California, but I did not know that the French are big investors here.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 14, 2018, 02:55:31 PM »
Meghan Markle was an actress from California when she met the Prince of England, Prince Harry, and she later married him. My buddy Jon's friend's Mom, Gigi Perreau, was one of her acting teachers here in California.

Grace Kelly was an actress who attended the same acting school that I attended, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, when she met Prince Rainier of Monaco, and she later married him.

Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco is not married yet, she is pregnant, and she has a kid, but maybe I have a shot at dating her after she has her kid.

And I would love to go to Monte Carlo, Monaco, to try to get a financier to put up the money to make my movie, and if my movie is successful then I can cover the cost of my own dreams.

Of note, everyone loves Anaheim, maybe Princess Charlotte Casiraghi would like to come check out Anaheim, and go to Disneyland, and to go party at Club 33. And Malibu is close by. Etc. California is pretty great, maybe the Princess would like to come spend some time in California. And she can help me to make my movie. I will hire all of my friends and pay them huge amounts of money.

Anyhow, people love actors and filmmakers, the Princess might love me, and she might want to come spend some time right here in California. We can go to Europe later, after I make my movie here.


Tony V.

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