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Messages - FlyingVProd

Pages: 1 ... 306 307 [308] 309 310 ... 331
Meander Where You May / Re: Meander Where You May
« on: May 16, 2019, 03:35:45 PM »
Here are some ghost stories...

One time when I was a kid, just before my father died, I was laying in bed, and it was a bunk-bed with my bed on top, and my brother's bed under mine, and I saw a ghost, it was a lady in white, and she picked me up, and I started praying to God to help me, and the ghost carried me around the room, I remember looking out the window as we went by the window, and then she put me back in my bed, and she disappeared.

Then, I worked at a dog kennel that was haunted. One day I was feeding the dogs, and I had to get more food for them, so I grabbed the food pot and I left the cart there, and I went to the tub room to mix up a pot of food for the dogs, and I turned around to walk back to where the cart was, and there was the cart behind me. A ghost brought the cart to me. I was the only person there.

And another time at the kennel, in the tub room, I watched a funnel get thrown across the room by a ghost.

When my Grandmother died, I was home in bed, and I saw a ghost of a woman in white at the foot of my bed. I just put my blanket over my head, and prayed to God.

Another story... I had a friend, Drew, he was a retired studio executive at Paramount, and at Universal, we were roommates in a group home, the group home was a seven bedroom mansion, and at the time I owned a motor home, and there was a spot on the property to park motor homes, and so my motor home was parked there. We used to sit in my motor home and party, because we were not allowed to party in the house, and my motor home had a nice stereo and stuff, so it was nice to party in my motor home. My friend Drew loved my motor home, and he used to sleep in the motor home sometimes. Well, Drew died, and after Drew died I was in the motor home, and a light turned on in the motor home, and it was Drew turning on the light I bet.

I went from that mansion, to another mansion, and then to my apartment. When I moved into my apartment I soon found out that it was haunted. The stereo would turn on in the middle of the night while I was asleep. The VCR would turn on all by itself. The CD player would turn on all by itself. And I saw a ghost one night while I was in bed, the lady in white, and I put my blanket over my head and prayed. Then my Uncle Dennis died here in my apartment.

I have other stories too. Yes, I believe in ghosts.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 15, 2019, 08:04:00 PM »
I have been to France, and to Italy, and to Mexico. For Mexico I did not even need a passport. France never even asked to see my passport, and in Italy I had to have my passport stamped upon arrival and then stamped again upon departure. No forms were needed for any nation I have been to, and yes, I just waltzed in.

I guess in the future Europe will require everyone to get a travel visa, in 2021 I will have to go through a process to travel to Europe.

But right now I can just waltz into Europe, and I can go wherever I want. All that I need is my passport.

And I am allowed to own businesses in Italy, and real estate, and if I want to live in Italy I can get Italian citizenship easily, it is a piece of cake to get dual citizenship, but I still have to pay taxes to the USA regardless of where I do business.

Right now I want to go to Monaco, and I want to meet Charlotte Casiraghi, although, she comes to the USA often. I can just waltz into Monaco, no problem, I fly into Paris, switch planes and go to Nice, and then ride the train from Nice to Monaco. I have been to Nice when I went to the Cannes Film Festival, and I rode the train from Nice to Cannes, and that same train goes to Monaco.

I love that we are free to travel, and I love to travel and I love meeting new people and eating at new restaurants, and trying new foods, etc.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 15, 2019, 07:26:48 PM »
I have a friend who loves people, and he is a Christian and he wants to save every soul. He is disappointed because he lost a friend on Facebook over his political ideas.

My Mom always taught me when I was growing up that people are allowed to have their own opinions, and that is a great part of America, we are free to be ourselves.

And it is true that we need to be ourselves because everyone else is taken. Be yourself, this is America and you are free to have your own thoughts.

People who unfriend you over politics are missing out on what America is all about. What makes us great is that we are all free to be ourselves.

I have friends who are gay, I have friends who are communist, I have friends who are pagans, and in America they are all free to believe whatever they want.

By the way, I think Sabrina Cervantes is doing a great job for California, we may not agree on everything, but she is bringing jobs to California, and she is doing a great job.



Tony V.

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: May 14, 2019, 04:18:27 PM »
Tim Conway was great, "The Apple Dumpling Gang" was some of my favorite work that he did.

May he rest in peace.


Tony V.

Theater / Re: Theater
« on: May 13, 2019, 10:10:51 PM »
A few of the best acting teachers who left books behind were Konstantin Stanislavski, Uta Hagen, and Sanford Meisner....

My favorite personal acting teacher is Madonna Young Magee, whom I first encountered at the AADA, she is a great teacher, and she needs to write a book, she trained with Meisner and Hagen in New York.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 13, 2019, 03:57:01 PM »
All of the people who spent their money using Chinese slave labor instead of American workers are now suffering as the price for Chinese goods goes higher and higher. They should have invested in Nebraska instead of in China.

California lost over 500,000 jobs to China, and I say raise those tariffs on Chinese goods even higher!

And we will make those who thought that slave labor in China was okay, we will make them pay for our high speed trains.

Tourism creates over 160,000 jobs in Orange County, California, alone, and that number will grow when we build our high speed trains, including a high speed train between Anaheim and Las Vegas. The tourists will love our high speed trains.

Also, we should use some of the money from the tariffs for redevelopment money here in the USA to help people who lost jobs to China, and for small business loans here in the USA.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 12, 2019, 11:19:19 PM »
We also have Greece, and Israel, on our team.

And many others.


Tony V. 

Previous Administration / Re: Campaign Trail
« on: May 12, 2019, 09:59:47 PM »
Marco Rubio of Florida as President, with Gordon Smith of Oregon as Vice President.

They can save the agriculture industry in the USA, and they would be good for America.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 12, 2019, 08:23:01 PM »
Here Bambu, if you want to survive and have freedom, then you need to have Spain and the Organization of Ibero American States as your allies, along with Italy, France, Portugal, Poland, the Philippines, and others.

And of course Australia and the USA are great allies. Americans love the Australians.

We must also support a free and independent Taiwan.


Tony V.

Pets / Re: Pets
« on: May 10, 2019, 05:09:20 PM »
And if San Bernardino needs better management then they need to hire the people who are coming out of the military, who have experience running military dog kennels, etc. The people from the military are disciplined and professional. A kennel manager from the Marines would do a great job.

When I managed a dog kennel, my boss was trained in the Marine Corps, he ran kennels for the Marines, and he was a dog trainer and a dog handler for the Marines during World War II, he was very professional.


Tony V.

Pets / Re: Pets
« on: May 10, 2019, 04:49:00 PM »
San Bernardino needs new animal control facilities, estimated to cost eighteen million dollars.

There are television shows that could come in and help San Bernardino. And also, maybe they could get Habitat for Humanity to help to build the new facilities. The city just needs to ask for help, and then allow people to help.

Many construction workers love dogs, and people will show up to volunteer.

And maybe Petco and some other companies can donate money for building supplies, etc, and they can get advertising and a good reputation.

San Bernardino just needs to ask for help, and people will help, many people love animals and they would help.


Tony V.

Fitness and Nutrition / Re: Fitness and Nutrition
« on: May 09, 2019, 04:47:24 PM »
The Real McDonald’s: The San Bernardino Origins of a Fast Food Empire

Hadley MearesAugust 5, 2016  

McDonald's started in San Bernardino, and Carl's Jr started in Anaheim, now they are both worldwide.

I met a guy who was lucky enough to have Spielberg make his movie, "Amistad," and he used some of the money that he earned to open 5 McDonald's restaurants in South Africa, and he hired his family members to work at his restaurants.

In Rome you can get a glass of wine with your Big Mac.


Tony V.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: May 09, 2019, 01:28:03 PM »
Thanks Bo, it is cool that the web is global and that you are able to join in from China.

How free are they now in China? Is the middle class growing? How about the working hours, do they get leisure time? Are conditions improving for the common man in China as their economy improves? Is the money making it to the workers?

Sometimes the bosses are all getting rich, while the workers starve, which is why unions are so important.

I would like to see the workers get paid fair, and then I want their markets to be open to American products, and Americans make good stuff that the Chinese will enjoy and which can compete.

Here is some old news on projects which the Chinese have been doing in Los Angeles...

They built towering new cities in China. Now they're trying it in downtown L.A.

AUG 26, 2016 | 3:10 PM


And it is good that the Chinese are doing business in South America, and with Africa, and others. The Colombians would love to sell the Chinese coffee I bet.

Do you see a lot of American products? American entertainment?

I would rather see the USA and China be allies, instead of adversaries. And I would like to see them be free, wealthy, and happy, and to be consumers whom we can sell to.

And I saw on television that some firms in Idaho are making computer chips now, and they are exporting computer chips around the world.

Here is one article about technology in Idaho...


This Boise firm has developed bendable computer chips. They may be on your body soon.
FEBRUARY 23, 2018 08:19 PM


And yes, California has a lot of fruit and nuts to send to the Chinese, we have had a good winter so far as rain and snow, and we have a lot of water for the growers. And that is good that the Chinese are drinking wine, they will like California wine if it is available for them, and Californians are great at marketing and Californians can have the Chinese eating California cheese in no time. :)


Tony V.

Theater / Re: Theater
« on: May 08, 2019, 05:08:01 PM »
I would like to start going to see plays, Anaheim does not have much by way of theatre, the creative community needs to do a lot more to bring theatre to Anaheim, and Anaheim also needs a film and television industry, and we need a movie studio, and there needs to be movie equipment rentals, etc.

Meanwhile, there are some good plays coming up at the Pantages in Hollywood.

It would be cool to go see some plays.

I also want to start seeing Company plays at the AADA, I always loved watching the Company plays.

Lancaster actually has more theatre than Anaheim. There is the Lancaster Performing Arts Center, and the Cedar Street Theatre puts on plays there, and there are plays at Antelope Valley College. Then in Palmdale there is the Palmdale Playhouse.

Anaheim has the Chance Theatre, but I have never been there.


Tony V.

Asia / Re: Australia and Oceania
« on: May 07, 2019, 06:41:09 PM »
On the issue of Venezuela, we know the situation is horrible, and people are starving in Venezuela.

We need to get them aid such as food and clean water and stuff, we need places where the people can be helped in the neighboring countries, such as Colombia, which we are doing, we need to open up the USA to immigrants from Venezuela (I suggest that they look at Nevada), while we help the people of Venezuela to hold a free and fair election to elect a new President whom they can all support, and then, and this is why this post is on the Australia and Oceania thread, the world needs to immediately expand trade with a free and democratic Venezuela.

And Australia is wealthy, Australia needs to immediately expand trade with Venezuela once a free and democratic Venezuela happens, it would really help.


Tony V.

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