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Messages - bambu.

Pages: 1 ... 452 453 [454] 455 456 ... 469
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 19, 2019, 04:00:59 AM »

I am sure that from our position in the moral high ground we can make them see the error of their ways.

President Trump: "Build them bigger and we'll send you some of ours, too!"

In India?
Well it can't be racism, because "everyone knows that only White people can be racist"?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 19, 2019, 03:57:30 AM »
Another global school climate-change protest day this Friday...
'Climate emergency'.
The kids would be far better off staying in school and learning how to spell and write correctly.

Climate change [or whatever they're calling it]...conference in NYC soon...Australia banned from speaking at it.  LOL
Seems only true believers are allowed to speak.
"China will be increasing its carbon emissions by multiples times of what Australia's are." - No1 radio host.
"China and India will be seeking trillions from the 'climate fund'" ...No1 radio host.

"It's a transfer of wealth....
A transfer of wealth from so-called "wealthy countries" to those not so wealthy." -No1 radio host.
Well, hey...if American taxpayers want to give China and India et al billions and trillions for 'climate change', then that is their choice.

I guess these kids should have followed your advice...

If the children had been kept at home they would not have been injured.

At least not that way.

The children were used as pawns by the adults in a bid to win the civil rights war [which was likely close to being won anyway].

Some say the school kids are being used as pawns in the 'Climate change' war.
Not at physical risk like the civil rights kids, [not in Australia anyway], but certainly at psychological risk..12 yr old girls crying in the streets like they have no future, and are about to become totally irrational/mentally ill, with all that could entail.
...obviously whipped up into a frenzy by adults.

Certain sections of the community are outraged.
There oughta be are law!

Whatever happened to "women and children first"...not "women and children in front of the hoses, batons, etc".

Your usual paternalistic bullshit is noted.

Yes, whipped into a frenzy by adults - but it is adults like you doing the whipping.

Not bambu-ilk I telling the kids about any "climate emergency"...whipping them up into a protest frenzy.
It's those other people.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:49:34 PM »
If Trump hits Mexico with a big enough hammer, there'll be no need for a wall.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:47:43 PM »
Another global school climate-change protest day this Friday...
'Climate emergency'.
The kids would be far better off staying in school and learning how to spell and write correctly.

Climate change [or whatever they're calling it]...conference in NYC soon...Australia banned from speaking at it.  LOL
Seems only true believers are allowed to speak.
"China will be increasing its carbon emissions by multiples times of what Australia's are." - No1 radio host.
"China and India will be seeking trillions from the 'climate fund'" ...No1 radio host.

"It's a transfer of wealth....
A transfer of wealth from so-called "wealthy countries" to those not so wealthy." -No1 radio host.
Well, hey...if American taxpayers want to give China and India et al billions and trillions for 'climate change', then that is their choice.

I guess these kids should have followed your advice...

If the children had been kept at home they would not have been injured.

At least not that way.

The children were used as pawns by the adults in a bid to win the civil rights war [which was likely close to being won anyway].

Some say the school kids are being used as pawns in the 'Climate change' war.
Not at physical risk like the civil rights kids, [not in Australia anyway], but certainly at psychological risk..12 yr old girls crying in the streets like they have no future, and are about to become totally irrational/mentally ill, with all that could entail.
...obviously whipped up into a frenzy by adults.

Certain sections of the community are outraged.
There oughta be are law!

Whatever happened to "women and children first"...not "women and children in front of the hoses, batons, etc".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 18, 2019, 09:21:16 PM »
Another global school climate-change protest day this Friday...
'Climate emergency'.
The kids would be far better off staying in school and learning how to spell and write correctly.

Climate change [or whatever they're calling it]...conference in NYC soon...Australia banned from speaking at it.  LOL
Seems only true believers are allowed to speak.
"China will be increasing its carbon emissions by multiples times of what Australia's are." - No1 radio host.
"China and India will be seeking trillions from the 'climate fund'" ...No1 radio host.

"It's a transfer of wealth....
A transfer of wealth from so-called "wealthy countries" to those not so wealthy." -No1 radio host.
Well, hey...if American taxpayers want to give China and India et al billions and trillions for 'climate change', then that is their choice.

I guess these kids should have followed your advice...

If the children had been kept at home they would not have been injured.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 18, 2019, 05:28:02 PM »
Another global school climate-change protest day this Friday...
'Climate emergency'.
The kids would be far better off staying in school and learning how to spell and write correctly.

Climate change [or whatever they're calling it]...conference in NYC soon...Australia banned from speaking at it.  LOL
Seems only true believers are allowed to speak.
"China will be increasing its carbon emissions by multiples times of what Australia's are." - No1 radio host.
"China and India will be seeking trillions from the 'climate fund'" ...No1 radio host.

"It's a transfer of wealth....
A transfer of wealth from so-called "wealthy countries" to those not so wealthy." -No1 radio host.
Well, hey...if American taxpayers want to give China and India et al billions and trillions for 'climate change', then that is their choice.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 16, 2019, 06:59:16 PM »

Most American teens are frightened by climate change, poll finds, and about 1 in 4 are taking action
It’s like a dystopian novel: To grow up seeing the world fall apart around you, and knowing it’s going to be the fight of your lives to make people stop it.”

And who's frightened them?

As long as the sheep you are fucking is not afraid you are probably fine, ya dim daft dingo dropping.

We have 12 yr old girls at 'climate change' schoolkids protest rallies, seemingly scared senseless by teachers etc.
It's 'criminal'...there oughta be a law!

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 16, 2019, 06:53:56 PM »
Just watching "Law and Order SVU" on my tv.

Woman speaking at a rally about rape victims, telling the female audience holding candles:

"One in 4 students will be sexually assaulted before they graduate.
We must take back the night".

Ah yes, 'reclaim the night'...another dumb idea...unless the women are in a largish group ready to fight, or have armed men/women protecting them.

Jill Meagher tried that 'reclaim the night' shyte...walked home alone at night from a restaurant...she's dead, raped and murdered.

Eurydice Dixon tried that 'reclaim the night' shyte...walked home alone at night from her comedy gig...she's dead, raped and murdered.

There's a long list.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 16, 2019, 06:42:09 PM »

Most American teens are frightened by climate change, poll finds, and about 1 in 4 are taking action
It’s like a dystopian novel: To grow up seeing the world fall apart around you, and knowing it’s going to be the fight of your lives to make people stop it.”

And who's frightened them?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2019, 09:21:40 PM »
Maybe if there were less hatred of White people [particularly White men] in the world, there might be less White supremacists.
Maybe not though, because as we all know, today it's "every man and woman for himself/herself".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2019, 09:15:31 PM »

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2019, 06:56:06 PM »

Even if it meant pigs can fly the idea that government run insurance would be a popular choice is hysterical.

Yeah, people really HATE the FDIC and SSA.  I'm sending my SS checks back, and if my bank fails I will be happily broke!   
If you are happy with your SSA check enjoy it.
But thank goodness for 401k s and a plethora of other private investments to enjoy retirement.
Ac­cord­ing to the Fed­eral Re­serve, house-holds headed by peo­ple over the age of 55 own 73% of the value of do­mes­ti­cally owned stocks, and the same share of Amer­i­ca’s to­tal wealth.
House-holds of ages 65 to 74 have an av­er­age of $1,066,000 in net worth, while those be­tween ages 35 and 44 have less than a third as much on av­er­age, at $288,700.

I just took a look at median household net worth and the #s are nowhere near the #s that Red has posted, as the very wealthy can skew the averages dramatically. Its amazing what a handful of bilionaires can do to the #s...

And he misses my point that if he claims

  the idea that government run insurance would be a popular choice is hysterical.   

the claim is undermined by the fact that several forms of government insurance are quite popular.   The fact that there will always be supplements to government insurance marketed by private companies doesn't mean that people don't want the government program.
"No socialized medicine! And keep your hands off my medicare!"

Socialised medicine/healthcare is great if you're poor, not working, old and sick, young and sick, middle aged and sick...or working for the man for very little pay.

bambuland's 'PBS' scheme is great. Govt subsidised.
"Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme"..govt adds drugs to the 'PBS'...the People can buy them for $30 instead of $30,000, $3,000, $300, or $15 instead of $90 or $150...etc etc etc.
$6.50 for pensioners.

US can afford it...just reduce the defence budget of $600billion pa by a few billion.
Reduce the Foreign Aid budget...[Australia did]

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2019, 12:30:47 AM »

Felicity Huffman's two-week jail sentence triggers claims of 'white privilege'

Actress Felicity Huffman has been accused of benefiting from “white privilege” after getting just a two-week jail sentence over paying to inflate her daughter’s exam results.

US congressman Hakeem Jeffries, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and Martina Navratilova, the tennis player, were among those who took to Twitter to suggest Ms Huffman had got off lightly given her background.
There was also criticism of the minimum-security prison she will be incarcerated in, which reportedly has the nickname “Club Fed” because of its cushy conditions.

She was sentenced to 14 days in prison, as well as a fine $30,000 fine, supervised release for a year and 250 hours of community service.
Like many, Mr Jeffries and Navratilova questioned the sentence by comparing it to Crystal Mason, an African-American woman given a five-year sentence for voting while on supervised release from prison.


Think if you put that on any pub bar and asked "is that White privilege"?   most of the answers you would get would be "yes".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 15, 2019, 12:22:20 AM »
Meanwhile...down in bambuland;

“I lied about my address to get my child into the school I wanted"

Parents desperate to get their kids into a school are using fake addresses and now officials are threatening to involve the police.


Been going on forever, seems to me.
Massive immigration seems to have caused a tightening of the rules now.

A child’s education is so important to a parent they will do almost anything to ensure their offspring is learning in the best possible environment.

That includes doing what they teach their children not to do - lie.
In most Australian states a child is zoned to a primary or high school. But some areas are more strict than others about allowing students to attend schools if they don’t live within it’s catchment, especially if the school is in high demand.

So mums and dads are pulling a risky move to ensure their child gets into the school they want by making up their home address.

Parents faking it to get what they want

*Sally, a mum-of-two tells Kidspot she used a fake address to get her son into kindergarten for 2017 at a school she isn’t zoned to.
The only way she could enrol her child there was if the principal of both her zoned school and her preferred school gave consent.

“We didn’t want him at our zoned school because of big numbers in the class, and we haven’t heard the best reviews,” she says.
“But they are very strict here, and the principal where we are zoned, refused to sign off. The school is huge, it’s bursting at the seams they should just let us go out of the zone.”
“I was a little bit scared, people were saying it’s fraud”

Sally’s four-year-old son has already been to pre-kindergarten classes at the preferred school for six months so the family is familiar with the schools, students and teachers.
She says she decided to use her friend’s home address on her son’s enrolment papers to get him into it, so he could continue there in smaller classes with closer teacher attention and more modern facilities.

“I was a little bit scared. But the friend’s address I used they have older kids so aren’t connected to the school. I was thinking how could it come back to me that it’s definitely not my address? People were saying it was fraud," she says.

“But you do what you need to do to fit into the school you want. My son needs to be challenged, he needs to have people who are there with him, the smaller classes will help him.”

"Sometimes there are rules, and sometimes there are rules to be bent”

Enrolment guidelines for parents at high-demand schools such as Brisbane State High School warn parents will be required to sign statutory declarations to provide legal evidence of their child’s eligibility to attend the school. The guidelines state those found to be misleading will be turned over to the police.

Mr Mara said dishonestly applying for enrolment at any school by providing false information constituted fraud.


Signing your name to false statements on a Statutory Declaration is big trouble for you if you get caught.
Putting a fake address on an application where the schools don't care much, small trouble.

There's big ripping off investors for hundreds of millions of dollars, or any dollars.
Then there's little fraud.
Being tossed in prison over a school enrolment address...ridiculous.
IMO, paying someone to alter exam results is a far worse offence.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: September 14, 2019, 11:53:37 PM »
America is a harsh place...way too harsh, you get tossed in prison for doing nothing much wrong.
You make a small mistake, and your life is basically to prison you go for many years, 'branded' 'ex-con' when you get out, if you get out alive and functioning.
Homeless, poor, Black young mom, off to the horror of prison she went.
There oughta be a law against that punishment, for what she did.

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