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Messages - bambu.

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Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 13, 2019, 03:37:45 PM »
Conservative UK
Conservative USA
Conservative Australia

Best thing for world peace.

If only Conservatives could get control of France, Canada, peace would be guaranteed.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 13, 2019, 03:33:27 PM »
Brits are slowly taking back their country.

Taking it back to the thirteenth century. Plagues and witch-hunts for all but the Scotts, who are splitting off to join the EU.

USA is not governed from Montreal.
UK should not, and no longer wants to be, governed from Brussels.

Australia governed from Singapore...yeah right...never in a million years.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 13, 2019, 12:55:23 AM »
Boris wins!


Brits are slowly taking back their country.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 08:13:45 PM »

© Toby Crockford     The Extinction Rebellion group blocked all traffic the four-lane bridge to demand action on climate change.

An estimated 150 climate change protesters have blocked all traffic on Brisbane's William Jolly Bridge.

The Extinction Rebellion group moved onto the bridge about 9 am on Friday and 15 minutes later sat down in a circle in the middle of the four-lane river crossing.
They are demanding action on climate change, with a specific focus on the recent Queensland and New South Wales bushfires.


Of course.
Talk about misguided.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 03:08:13 PM »
What did the US get for 2T in Afghanistan?
bin Laden dead.
He wasn't worth spending one dollar on, or worth losing one precious American/Allied life on.
If his soldiers were not on one's soil, they could not blow one up!
If only the cabin doors had been locked.
If only complacency hadn't been 'king'.
If only there hadn't been so much 'tolerance'.

Rambu 3 showed what a dumb idea it would be for anyone to invade Afghanistan.
Many have tried it, and many have failed.

'Regime change' is way overrated.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 02:59:11 PM »
Did you manage to put your country out, or is it still burning?

Still burning, the end will only come with rain [due next April they say], squillions of acres of dry wilderness going up in smoke.
2000 koalas dead already they estimate, and their habitat all being destroyed.

Every year the 'bush' [scrub/forest/wilderness] catches fire.
Arsonists, accidents, lightning.
Abolish fossil fuels, switch to clean renewables, good idea...there will still be bushfires and smoke.
There's smoke over cities/suburbs/towns when they do hazard reduction burns every time there are nice sunny days and not much wind.
Stop people from building homes near or in reach of forest firestorms would be the best idea.

'Horrified' doctors call for direct action on bushfire health threat

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 02:37:13 PM »
mrs bambu was approached in a mall downunder recently by girls in school uniform protesting 'climate change' inaction or whatever.
My guess is the girls were bashing Australia or the Conservative Prime Minister/govt.
She discussed the subject for a while, including about their use of phones, tvs, SUVs, tablets, laptops, flying in jets on vacation etc.
Then she told them that Australia's carbon emissions are miniscule and that they should be aiming their anger at China, a massive polluter.
She was told by one girl … "You are just old and racist".

The folly of engaging climate change protesting 'brainwashed' children. [who should be in school or at home studying spelling, grammar and maths]

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 02:24:51 PM »
Guess which person on the shortlist for Time's Person of the Year angrily tweeted an insult at the person selected for PotY?

  Following the President's tweet, Thunberg updated her Twitter bio to reflect Trump's comments: "A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend."

Time can do whatever it likes with its own award/s.
Greta can do and say whatever she likes in the world as long as it's legal.
So can those who oppose her actions and words.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 12, 2019, 02:20:04 PM »
Pastor says Jews gonna  burn in hell... he was invited to speak at the White House Hanukkah service as a “great faith leader!”

Oh dear.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 07:03:43 PM »
Then there are sniping politicians;

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a scathing attack on Scott Morrison's government for making religion a central issue of the climate change debate.

After being largely absent from the political scene since being ousted from the nation's top job, Mr Turnbull appeared on Monday night's Q&A program.
When asked about the bushfire crises, Mr Turnbull said a better plan was necessary as we will see 'more fires and hotter fires' due to global warming.

'The problem is that people… on the right, they are treating what should be a question of physics and science and economics and engineering as though it were an issue of religion and belief... and it's nuts,' Mr Turnbull said.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese, also on Monday's Q&A panel, agreed - saying certain people have 'held the environment to ransom'.

He said Australia should be pushing to become the clean energy superpower of the world.


Oh puhlease!
Energy superpower of the world?
If Australia disappeared under the ocean tomorrow it would make miniscule difference to anything, including climate change.
China etc would just get their coal from somewhere else.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 06:42:13 PM »
Bambu, I get occasional chances to hang out with people who spend a lot of time evaluating data on climate change and can tell you not one of them views Jane Fonda as a reputable climatologist.  As for the Industrial Revolution, there is no dispute that it enabled humans to go from 1 billion to 7.2 billion.   At one billion, a fossil fuel based system of production might be indefinitely sustainable.  It's pretty clear that at 7.2 billion, not so much.   Hence the need to adapt, with cleaner forms of energy and production.   The IR fed billions, but it also created those billions.  It's a phase in the rise of tech civilization, not a sustainable end point.   Jane's analogy is ridiculous, I agree, and she does dedicated scientists and crafters of sane policies no service with her kooky and inflammatory rhetoric.   I've always liked her, but she gets flaky when she strays beyond her areas of expertise.

Dedicated scientists and crafters of sane policies seem to be getting lost in the stampede.

From that same article;

Environmental extremists like Fonda also refuse to acknowledge that the science of climate change is far from settled. In the scientific world the links between climate change and man made fossil fuels is far from unanimous.

Not only do many scientists argue carbon is an essential part of the atmosphere ensuring plant growth but they also argue such is the complexity involved in analysing cause and effect that it is simplistic and wrong to only focus on one cause.


The point by those questioning the religious fervour associated with climate extinction ideology is that climate change is an enduring characteristic of planet earth and that there always have been and always will be periods of global warming and cooling. Vineyards once existed in Iceland and the Thames river in London once froze over.

Also ignored by Fonda and the climate messiah Greta Thunberg is the untold damage they are inflicting on young and vulnerable children, the majority of who are incapable of making informed and rational decisions.

Countless children are reportedly suffering climate change anxiety and as a result argue they will never have babies as the end of the world in nigh.

What is known as the Birthstrike movement is based on what its British founder, Blythe Pepino, states, namely that it is no longer feasible or morally responsible to have children as we are facing an “ecological crisis”.


The American actor Miley Cyrus likewise goes as far as arguing the exploitation of the planet is the same as the way women are exploited by men.


In our major cities increased population is leading to issues about waste disposal and poor air and water quality.


The irony, of course, is that many of those families and children involved in climate day strikes and days off school love their mobile phones, SUVs, expensive active wear and holidays in Noosa and Bali and as a result of cognitive dissonance never realise how hypocritical they are.

It is also time for Hollywood celebrates like Fonda to stop taking the moral high ground and virtue signalling, especially given the environmental cost of their extravagant lifestyles and the fact that no amount of hollow pontificating equates with sound dialogue and debate.

The problem, of course, proven by the recent demonstrations at the climate conference in Madrid, Spain is that emotion has long since replaced being balanced and rational.


It's a 'minefield' to traverse.


Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 04:55:06 PM »
NZ tourist disasters.
This time a volcano strikes.
What were tourists even doing there...even allowed to set foot on that island?

IMO NZ seems to take risks with tourists.

1976 mr and mrs bambu toured NZ by car.

Ended up on a glacier on foot, in a tour group.
bambu questioned in his mind the safety of it all. His mind thought it was not somewhere 'team bambu' should be.

Stoopid guide decided the group was 'late' and quickened his pace down the somewhat slippery small rocks/stones trail.
Yes, mrs bambu slipped and started to slide sideways off the trail and down towards a large black hole, never to be seen again.

As Divine intervention/providence ...or luck, take your pick...would have it...behind mrs bambu was a US Marine.
He took one step, planted his foot so he wouldn't slip, then reached out and grabbed mrs bambu, pulling her back to safety.
Gotta love the US Marines.

Then, his wife verbally attacked him:
Para; "That'd be right, save the pretty young brunette, and not me". Let him have it bigtime.
She, his wife, wasn't sliding to certain death, and was nowhere near him.
He was not happy...don't blame him.
Poor guy, he'd just saved a life and all he got from his mrs was hate.
Hope he ditched her when he got home and found another woman who really loved him.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 04:25:21 PM »

Logic Crimes of the New York Times

Tim Blair, The Daily Telegraph
December 9, 2019 1:38am
Subscriber only

Formerly a newspaper of record, the New York Times has in recent decades become a newspaper of leftist causes.
Name any fashionable political trend and the New York Times is all over it.

Climate change is of particular interest to the Times, which in 2014 ran this headline: “The End of Snow?”

But five years later, the same paper reported: “A powerful winter storm socked much of Montana with a wave of heavy snowfall on Sunday, with weekend totals climbing to 40 inches in some places, and breaking century-long daily records.” the Times’ theory, supported by a few local pundits, that Prime Minister Scott Morrison is somehow responsible for the fires and is able to stop both them and climate change.
“In some countries, such widespread environmental effects have led to changes in policy,” the Times notes.

“In Australia, however — where the air in Sydney was ranked among the worst in the world last month — Prime Minister Scott Morrison has resisted.”

What is he meant to do? Pass a law against bushfire smoke?


After 3 days of NE winds...the wind has changed to a Westerly...and the smoke is back.
The fires are still burning, in the magic wand to wave...just gotta let 'em burn.
Living in the bush [scrub/woods/forest] or on the edge of it and within reach of a firestorm, is a risky business. Nice lifestyle...animals, land...until a fire comes.
The gum trees/eucalyptus trees explode as fire races thru the canopy...can't put these fires out with a 'garden hose'. [Fire truck hose v exploding canopy, fire hose got no chance even if trucks could get in there.]
Planes have no chance either if the winds are strong.
Hot, dry westerly winds from the desert fanning exploding canopies...the smoke ends up in Sydney/in east coast towns.
All our Christian Prime Minister can do is stand and watch like everyone else.
Be nice if Jesus could make a return

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 02:59:44 PM »

Kevin Donnelly

Jane Fonda leads the world into the grip of anti-human hysteria over climate change

Jane Fonda’s comments about the fossil fuel industry are only the tip of the iceberg as celebs and civilians alike find themselves in the grips of an anti-human hysteria, writes Kevin Donnelly.

It would be impossible to find a more egregious, harmful and deeply offensive example of climate change extremism than American actor Jane Fonda’s comparison of the fossil fuel industry to the Nazis who perpetrated the Holocaust.

Last week on the BBC’s Newsnight the Hollywood activist – who during the Vietnam War posed for the cameras alongside artillery used by the North Vietnamese to shoot down American pilots — argued the extermination of millions in concentration camps equalled the impact of fossil fuels like coal and oil on the world and its population.

Fonda also went on to argue, much like the other extremists associated with deep green environmental ideology, that the world is facing an existential crisis that unless immediately addressed will lead to the end of the world as we know it.

Much like the doomsayers of the past warming about an impending apocalypse Fonda argues in 40 years democracy will collapse, dictatorships will rule the world as humanity will be overwhelmed with rising seas, droughts and famine.

‘Hanoi Jane’ Fonda is a radical activist out of touch with the climate debate. Artwork: Terry Pontikos

Apart from insulting the memory of the millions tortured, starved and murdered in concentration camps because of Hitler’s madness Fonda’s comments ignore the reality that fossils fuels over many years have led to the increased prosperity and health of billions around the world.

In both affluent countries and especially the third world coal and petrol have led to dramatic improvements in transportation, communication and food production as well as providing the essential necessities of life like electricity. Not surprisingly the world has never experienced such a period of improvement.


Oh dear.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: December 09, 2019, 02:51:35 PM »
This time there are no "flooding rains" it's the end.
No rain, no hope.
There would've been hope, if the federal govts now and in the past had any idea.
"Pipe water from where it is to where it's needed" - no 1 radio host tells them, they never look what's happened...ruination.

"from where it is to where it's needed"

If only they could have predicted that these areas that now have need but in the past did not would have the need, while some places that in the past had need do not now.

Your radio host's advice is at the level of "Buy low, sell high."

Good luck finding him predicting where the piping needed to be a decade ago, given that he spent most of the intervening years first denying that anything was happening, then that anything manmade was happening, and finally that there was/is anything to be done about it.

There has always been drought.
There is always water in the top half of the country, and in Western Australia state.
...pouring into the sea...measured in "Sydney harbour" lots.....which is 'criminal' to let happen without harvesting it all and piping it nationwide.
China will soon do it when it takes over.

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