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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 482 483 [484] 485 486 ... 494
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 13, 2019, 06:53:57 PM »
Hey Red you give the cite so we.can make sure you are not lying again. Or at least, make sure you are not once again confusing overturning Citizens United with radically curtailing freedom of speech.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: August 13, 2019, 12:57:02 PM »
Maybe some years shit happens and scapegoating the manager just results in watching him win pennants elsewhere.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: August 12, 2019, 10:45:16 PM »
Oye como VA!

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: August 12, 2019, 08:49:48 PM »
I'd imagine it's Cleveland.

Yep. 41-17. Too bad Franconia left Boston.
Franconia? Sounds like a country in a Marx Brothers movie.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:21:08 PM »
  Epstein’s suicide was likely recorded by jail cameras, according to Preet Bharara, the former federal prosecutor in Manhattan.

“One hopes it is complete, conclusive, and secured,” he tweeted.   

One hopes.
Oh, like Trump's people cannot edit the tapes.

Hence "secured."
You believe that I see. You are part of the problem.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 11, 2019, 10:24:24 AM »
  Epstein’s suicide was likely recorded by jail cameras, according to Preet Bharara, the former federal prosecutor in Manhattan.

“One hopes it is complete, conclusive, and secured,” he tweeted.   

One hopes.
Oh, like Trump's people cannot edit the tapes.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 10:35:47 PM »
Ateast its an ethos.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 09:24:53 PM »
It's great to see the Vince Foster smear karma catching up with the Repubes!
Three years after the discredited RUSSIA! conspiracy ( now replaced with RACISM! ) along with discredited democrat smears against SCOTUS you are “ shocked” by speculation over the death of a pedophile with links to rich democrats?
Better get a grip. This story is not going away very soon. And the real victims, Epstein’s “ girls” will likely never see justice.
Trump blamed it on Clinton.
blamed what on Clinton?
Epstein s suicide. But we.all k ow that is a weak cover his own action, ordering Epsteins death.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 07:39:27 PM »
It's great to see the Vince Foster smear karma catching up with the Repubes!
Three years after the discredited RUSSIA! conspiracy ( now replaced with RACISM! ) along with discredited democrat smears against SCOTUS you are “ shocked” by speculation over the death of a pedophile with links to rich democrats?
Better get a grip. This story is not going away very soon. And the real victims, Epstein’s “ girls” will likely never see justice.
Trump blamed it on Clinton.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: August 10, 2019, 05:15:24 PM »
Remember when the politician called a press conference and then blew his brains out live on television?

That was crazy.

Budd Dwyer.

A band did a song about it.

Politics can be crazy.

And how does someone commit suicide while on suicide watch, with the Jeffery Epstein case? We needed that guy alive so we could get the information out of him. I hope that the people from that pedophile ring still get busted, I hope enough scumbags rat so that they can teach all of those scumbags not to hurt the young people. We must protect our young people and our children.

Suicide while on suicide watch, how does that happen?


Tony V.
They took him off suicide watch, for just long.enough to have a Trump operative, disguised as a guard, slip into his cell and do the deed. Do I have any proof this happened? No. Is there any evidence this happened? No. But, you know, Seth Rich's family says hi.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: August 10, 2019, 11:25:52 AM »
Fast and the Furious 10-Commuting From Darien

Brian Cashman was swarmed by a group of Connecticut police officers who drew their firearms on the Yankee general manager Friday when he was apparently mistaken for an armed car thief, The Post has learned.
Good thing he is white.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: August 09, 2019, 11:31:27 PM »
All tied up.

Football / Re: NFL
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:59:10 AM »

This makes me.very happy. The guy spent his last money training for a tryout he was not invited to and the bald faced lied his way in. Kept calling people like Dorsey by their first names, so everyone figured he belonged. Probably competing at best for the practice squad, but he gets his moment.

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