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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 483 484 [485] 486 487 ... 525
Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 06:25:34 PM »

In the newest installment of ESPN's yearlong initiative marking 150 years of college football, we set out to rank the 150 greatest games in history.

A panel of 150 media members, athletic administrators and former players and coaches selected these games from 202 finalists initially identified by ESPN's Stats & Information group.

I remember several of them, and the usual suspects dominate the list, but a couple of outliers snuck through, and I was lucky enough to have attended #11 with my dad.

And boz one of your alltime favs is #20
It should have tied....

Best thing about that list is that, by my quick count, we.are 2 - 0 - 1, while Methchicken is 1 - 6 - 1. And one of those games has a highlight I post on Facebook twice every year: on the anniversary and just before the MSU/Methchicken game. Jalen Watts-Jackson never has to buy dinner in Phoenix.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 04, 2019, 05:32:45 PM »
Fuckin A!  (and fuck Doolittle)
More like fucking Suzuki. Or at least dry humping him. I have not seen that look on Trump's face since his last go round at flag fucking.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 05:27:33 PM »

El Capitan,  you are almost 100% right that I have not always been civil to your friend.  Once upon a time I was civil and explained to him in great detail why ND vs MSU in 1966 resulted in a tie.
After 50+ years he hasn't gotten over it, that's his personal problem, not mine.
As for the incivilty, you know better than anyone on Elba what a disagreeable fellow your friend is.
I hardly think you have forgotten that. But the exchange rate for insults between me and your friend run at about 10:1 in his favor.  And he is much better at the rude and crude trade with his STD humor and calling someone's mother a whore.  If you have a different accounting I would be glad to hear it.
Putting me on the same level with your friend would be the same as me equating you with JumboNut.  Which I would never in a million years do.
You and I can add this to our disagreement about the targetting rule. That's fine with me.
But you should know that I have never sunk to the level your friend has.
And, as I said, you know this better than anyone.

It wasn't a dig against you Deej not in any form. And though I tend to agree with you most of the time, it wasn't a fundamental defense for you either. More of an observation of the ongoing dissonance betwixt the two of you and its mutuality shall we say. Kind of like Skippy and I.

And yes, I know firsthand what a dick Steve can be. But then again so can I. I think we pull it off together quite nicely.

Stevie boy and I have had lots of dustups. In the long run I'm okay with ol Steve and I figure he's okay with me, we both have pretty thick skins. And thick heads too for that matter.
I got no problems with anyone. It is just that.your alter ego is a senile troll who could be replaced with a bot randomly spewing posts that consist of either witless insults, or "Right you are, cap!"

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 03:19:53 PM »
Joe Bachie is one of the 12 Butkus Award finalists. Somehow I do not like his chances.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:44:54 PM »
Very early, because I might not have the chance to post before Thursday otherwise.

Michigan State 17, Illinois 3

We had better beat Illinois.  I mean we fucking sure as hell better beat Illinois. Do NOT get caught looking forward to Methchicken you bastards. Time for Raequon Williams, Kenny Willekes, Joe Bachie, Josiah Scott et al to live up to the preseason hype. Offensively… yeeesh.  I do not know that we are fixable within the context of the year.  But we have made it through the rough patch; there is not a game left on the schedule that strikes me as unwinnable.  Granted, we have lost three games I thought were winnable, and two very, very badly.

THE 49, Maryland 3

THE is moving like a tremendous machine, at this point, and it is hard to see a team like Maryland posing a threat.  Or anyone, at least until those last two games.  At some level, I wonder about the type of let down that killed THE’s season the last two years, especially leading up to the hype of two top 5 teams meeting on 11/23.  But the two teams leading up to that are Maryland and Rutgers, so no worries.

the Pennsylvania State University 35, Minnesota 10

Nice story for the Aureate Rodents, but there is a real chance they have won their last game – well, Northwestern is not scaring anyone.  None of the Power 5 schools Mini has played have a winning record – Illinois is 4 – 4.  The best team they have played so far may well be the Jackalopes.  Mini is in the “Bowl Eligible” scheduling mode, not the Championship contending schedule mode.  Say… P J Fleck to Florida State?  He seems to get a lot out of his players, though I think there is at least one better option. Which is not Lane Kiffin, although he apparently wants the job. Maybe USC.*

* I mean Fleck.  Calm down, trojanhorse.

the Louisiana State University 27, Alabama 24

I get that THE and PSU have not played the most exacting schedule, but have you seen Alabama’s schedule?  Saturday will be the first time they have taken the field against a ranked opponent.  While ‘Bama’s schedule is backloaded, LSU has played tough against a good, tough schedule.  Which is to say, I have a pretty good idea what LSU is, less so with Alabama.  I am Burrowing in with LSU as the God’s Conference champion this year.  So, you know what that means: Congratulations Alabama!

Note: I typed this before I read that the Divinity had intervened.  To paraphrase Richard Mulligan in Little Big Man, your puny fact is not worth the reversal of a Hairy Lime decision.

ClemSIN 52, North Carolina State 10

Of course, ClemSIN really has not played anyone either.  I mean… Wooford?  In something other than an early season practice game?  They cannot control the down year for their conference, but… Wooford?  What, St. Mary’s Orphanage was booked?  Anyway, I still expect ClemSIN to win it all in the end despite the absence of a real in season challenge.

Texas Christian University 35, Baylor 32

Methodists versus the Disciples of Christ?  I like what Baylor has done under possible future Seminole HC Rhule, and the decision to not schedule a power 5 team OOC – it has been a long standing problem with Baylor in the playoff era – has served the recovering program well. I am not sure this is a real trap game – Baylor should not be in the position of looking ahead to anyone – but they do have OU coming up on the 16th.  This is the week the last of the chaff separates from the wheat.

Georgia 31, Missouri 13

This is a possible trap game, sandwiched in between Florida and Auburn, but Georgia has already taken that shot to the gut, and…  Missouri has lost to Kentucky, Vanderbilt, and Wyfuckingyoming.  I have been to Wyfuckingyoming.  Yellowstone and Teton are beyond gorgeous, but you can have the rest of the entire fucking state.  The drive out of it was one of the most horrifically dull drives I have ever taken, and I have driven I 10 from Van Horn Texas to San Antonio (or vice versa) FOUR TIMES.  I seem to have gotten off on a tangent.  Missouri is not very good.  Georgia is.  Enough said. 

Oklahoma 42, the Iowa State University 31

I think the playoffs will be, the God’s Conference Champion, the THE/the Pennsylvania State winner, ClemSIN and either Oregon/Utah or Oklahoma, though any loss by the last two teams knocks them out.  I think Oklahoma understands that and understands that the ISU is good enough to wreck their season.

Wisconsin 20, Iowa 10

Two things about Iowa: 1. Teams have a hard time scoring on them. 2. They have a hard time scoring on anyone who is any good.  Wisky was kicked in the teeth by THE, and stunned by Illinois, but they are still – outside of addle pated haters - a good defense, with a good, if conservative and ground based, offense.  Since I expect both to beat the Aureate Rodents, the winner of this game is the losing half of the Big Whatever championship game.

University of California* 31, the Arizona State University 21

I believe I have taken care of the unbeatens, the not lost yets and the reasonable shot at the playoffses. This will be a homecoming for Slovis, and I expect him to continue his growth.  Nights here are incredibly cold** – down into the 50’s – but he should be used to it.  Clay Helton is playing out the string;  8 – 4 and a trip to the Holiday Bowl is one thing if you are, say, Minnesota.  Quite another if you are USC, but that is where they look to be headed.

* Southern

** Clearly, a relative term.

Duke 27, Our Lady of the Perpetual Tie 21

I do not think OLotPT has much of an offense. Not that Duke has beaten any of the decent teams they have played, but I really want OLofPT to lose their way into a humiliatingly bad Bowl Game.  Like the ones we are competing for. I see no reason to stand being lectured on my grudges by someone who has repeated the “I got rolled by a guy wearing an OSU sweatshirt” excuse for his disheveled appearance in a New Jersey Turnpike restroom so often he has actually come to believe it.

Cincinnati 42, Connecticut 10

I assume we have already metaphorically circled November 30 on our calendars – and did so as soon as the calendars were printed - but circle the 29th also.  Cincinnati v. Memphis should be for the Gang of Five rep to the New Years Six.  Certainly, UConn should not stand in the way.

WtFU 42, VTU 17

Well, Woke may be the last speed bump on the ClemSIN coronation path.  VT is actually pretty alarming for my wife, a cardiothoracic nurse.  More so then they are on the field these days.

the Boise State University 31, Wyfuckingoming 10

I believe I have made my feelings about the State of Wyfuckingoming known.  BSU needs to keep itself in position to spoil the Cinci/Memphis dichotomy – two cities I have never liked though for Memphis that has more to do with the worst La Quinta I have ever stayed in and the huge stinking wet gray dog shit in front of the elevator that was still there (and had been stepped in) 45 minutes after I reported it to the front desk - especially if the winner gacks in the AAC championship game. I seem to have gotten off on a tangent again

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:40:19 PM »
42 - 0,  not 32 - 0.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:12:04 PM »
A federal appeals panel said on Monday that President Trump’s accounting firm must turn over eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors, a setback for the president’s attempt to keep his financial records private.

The three-judge appeals panel did not take a position on the president’s biggest argument — that he was immune from all criminal investigations. A lower court had called that argument “repugnant to the nation’s governmental structure and constitutional values.”

Instead, the appeals court said the president’s accounting firm, not Mr. Trump himself, was subpoenaed for the documents, so it did not matter whether presidents have immunity.
  -- NYT, today

But the tax returns are not likely to be handed over soon. Mr. Trump has fought vigorously to shield his financial records....

Huh.  Wonder why.
I believe the President's and kiid's response would be something like the returns would show him to be such a brilliant businessman and so successful and rich that the dazzling display of his awesome awesomeness would blind mere mortals and he wants to protect us. Either that or they would show he is nowhere near as rich as he claims, has committed fraud against several lending institutions and is up to his goggle protected eyeballs in debt to Russian banks and Deutschebank. One of the two.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 04, 2019, 12:24:33 AM »
No fucking holding a grudge if you are going to get all factual about it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 03, 2019, 10:31:37 AM »
At the time, he said the wall — which has cost roughly $10 billion so far and has been mostly funded by taxpayers — would successfully block human traffickers from entering the US. He added that not even world class climbers would be able to scale the structure, especially because the materials that comprise it would become too hot to hold in the desert sun.

Yet smugglers have also found ways of climbing the wall. A method that involves using rebar ladders to scale one side and rope ladders to descend the other has become especially popular near San Diego, despite the risk of falling from the height of a three-story-building (the barrier can be up to 30 feet tall)...     

They have ladders and ropes in Mexico!  Who knew? 

And, re the "too hot to hold" I guess our genius in chief never considered, er, nighttime crossings.
I have no faith in the accuracy of that reporting based solely on the inability to properly use the word "comprise",

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 02, 2019, 01:25:05 AM »
"Seems" because you have repeatedly made an issue of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic people being "deplorable" but are silent about the President calling his opponents "Human scum".
Nice evasion.

Says the man who is *still* silent on the language.
Is his language an impeachable offense?


Not that part of it, but the part in which he makes it clear that Ukraine can't have what it wants (and needs) until and unless they do his political dirty work is impeachable language.

But Ward?

Now you know why we know that it is okay with you  that Trump called people "human scum."
Want to try that answer again?

You don't like the truth?

Quelle suprise.

His call to have China help him? Impeachable language.
His telling folks that they could not accept a subpoena? Impeachable language. (Just ask 1998 L. Graham.)
His telling folks to fire Mueller? Impeachable language.
Mueller wasn’t fired.
His calling Never-Trumpers "human scum?" Nope, not impeachable. That he called some people that who were not Never-Trumpers is also not impeachable.
That you have failed to criticize him for calling them Human Scum, while continuing to deplorably complain about Hil's terminology? It's an indictment of your character.
Hillary slandered voters for siding with her opponent. Their recourse was at the ballot box.
Those called scum by Trump have other means of getting even.
Clinton did not slander anyone. The people she called deplorable are racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes and Islamaphobes. I am comfortable deploring them. Since you were offended, I would like to know, which one.or more of those.five things are you?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 07:18:43 PM »
"Seems" because you have repeatedly made an issue of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic people being "deplorable" but are silent about the President calling his opponents "Human scum".

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 06:46:01 PM »

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 04:48:44 PM »
I was talking about the improved economy thanks to decreased taxes and bureaucratic red tape imposed by unnecessary regulations.

Except of course job creation in the higher tax, better regulated Obama administration outpaces what has happened under Trump.
Except that was not happening.
I posted the numbers earlier. If you can post numbers that contradict the BLS, show us. Put up or shut up.
Put up or.shut up.

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