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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 484 485 [486] 487 488 ... 525
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 03:47:00 PM »
I was talking about the improved economy thanks to decreased taxes and bureaucratic red tape imposed by unnecessary regulations.

Except of course job creation in the higher tax, better regulated Obama administration outpaces what has happened under Trump.
Except that was not happening.
I posted the numbers earlier. If you can post numbers that contradict the BLS, show us. Put up or shut up.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 02:56:07 PM »
I was talking about the improved economy thanks to decreased taxes and bureaucratic red tape imposed by unnecessary regulations.

Except of course job creation in the higher tax, better regulated Obama administration outpaces what has happened under Trump.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:38:59 PM »
Frankly I worry about Maryland.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 12:01:07 PM »
News Item
WASHINGTON—U.S. employers hired at a solid clip in October, showing the job market remains strong even in the face of labor strikes and trade disputes.

The economy added 128,000 jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. Job creation in September and August was revised up by a net 95,000. The jobless rate ticked up to 3.6% last month from 3.5% in September. The prior month’s reading was the lowest rate since December 1969.

Meanwhile, wage gains continued to outpace inflation. Average hourly earnings climbed 3% from October 2018.Yes
And yet job growth in the 33 months of the Trump administration continues to lag, by over a million jobs, the job growth over the last 33 months of the Obama administration.
Uh huh. LOL.
Laugh away. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  from February 17 to October 19, 6.25 million jobs created. From May 14 through January 17, 7.38 million jobs created. And that disparity is going to grow. Numbers are numbers.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 11:26:23 AM »
News Item
WASHINGTON—U.S. employers hired at a solid clip in October, showing the job market remains strong even in the face of labor strikes and trade disputes.

The economy added 128,000 jobs in October, the Labor Department reported Friday. Job creation in September and August was revised up by a net 95,000. The jobless rate ticked up to 3.6% last month from 3.5% in September. The prior month’s reading was the lowest rate since December 1969.

Meanwhile, wage gains continued to outpace inflation. Average hourly earnings climbed 3% from October 2018.Yes
And yet job growth in the 33 months of the Trump administration continues to lag, by over a million jobs, the job growth over the last 33 months of the Obama administration.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: November 01, 2019, 11:06:52 AM »
Washington Post/ABC News Poll:

Trump at 38% approval
Majority of Americans, 49%-47%, approve of impeaching and removing Trump.
44% strong for removal vs. 37% strong for remaining.
That is a plurality, not a majority.

Language Police

Football / Re: College Football
« on: November 01, 2019, 11:05:40 AM »

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 30, 2019, 05:50:48 PM »
What an awful set of games to pick from while Eventual 2019-2020 National Champion Michigan State uses the off week to fix the woes that they were unable to fix during the last bye week two weeks ago. Really only one good matchup.

Baylor 35, West Virginia 17

Baylor has put together a nice season.  It is all going to come crashing down on them in a couple weeks, but not this week.  West Virginia is pretty bad.

Appalachian State 42, Georgia Southern 35

For the record Georgia Southern gave currently not lost yet Minnesota all they could handle.  For the record, currently not lost yet Minnesota is not really that good.

Methchicken 35, Maryland 10

I do not buy the narrative that Methchicken has fixed its offensive woes.  Not on the basis of one game.  Of course, they really do not have to fix those woes to win this game.  They pretty much just need to show up.  Yankguy progeny gets to brag at the Thanksgiving Day table.

Our Lady of the Perpetual Tie 27, Virginia Tech 24

My good friend Bill, a die hard Hokie fan, reminds me that VT has made a bowl game every year since 1993, the longest active streak in the nation.  It pains me to point this out to him, but I do not see where 5 – 2 VT picks up that 6th win.  Maybe here – OLotPT looked horrific Saturday – but I do not think they are actually as bad as they played.

Florida 34, Georgia 20

South Carodamnlina beat Georgia by 3.  Florida beat South Carodamnlina by 11.  Hence, Florida wins this by 14.  Math!  Florida seems to have moved away from the offensive problems they have had the last few years.  Georgia just seems a little off to me this year.

Kansas State 31, Kansas 10

That Kansas does not totally suck is one of the better stories of the year. 

Utah 35, Washington 17

The PAWCP has a better shot at the playoffs this week than they did last week. A one win conference champ, in the hopper against once beaten Oklahoma might be able to get that last playoff spot.  I suppose I should add the the LSU/Alabama loser into the mix, but I still do not think the committee takes a non-champ over a conference champ with only 1 loss.

CelmSIN 223, Wooford 0

Seriously, jbot.  Your team plays the fightin’ terriers midway through your season and you are banned from criticizing anyone else’s schedule for three years.

Memphis 35, SMU 21

Memphis lost to Temple by 2, SMU beat Temple by 24.  Ergo, SMU should win by 26.  Math?  HELL NO.  Not this time.  Taking the home team.

Oregon 38, University of California* 24

What I said about Utah and the playoffs applies even more to Oregon, since their loss (Auburn in game 1) is a pretty good loss, and the Committee seems more likely to overlook an early loss if your team improves. It might be enough to elevate them over Oklahoma.  Sorry, troj, but I really think you need to rethink your coaching staff, though I am not sure who is on the market that would elevate the team. [cough]Urban Meyer[/cough].

* Southern

Not sure there is another game worth the candle.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 30, 2019, 08:23:14 AM »
In 1970, House minority leader Gerald R. Ford attempted to initiate impeachment proceedings against Associate Justice William O. Douglas; the attempt included a 90-minute speech on the House floor.[22] The House did not vote to initiate proceedings.

Minority leader. As such he had no power, right or ability to initiate any proceedings on his own.
  Neither does the Speaker. Article 1 Section 2
LOL. Don't ever change. We need the laughs.

Nothing in the Constitution indicates you can use a.resolution to start impeachment proceedings either.
What it does say is the House(the entire body) has the sole power of impeachment.

And that they can establish their own rules for how to do it.

In this case, by hearings restricted to the designated committee members of both parties.

Because the Constitution allows them to do that, no matter how much you pretend to have an argument.
They and them?
You are getting closer.
Still not there, just yet.

You remain a child playing childish games, unable to admit when you have made a mistake, as ever.
I didn’t make any mistake. The Constitution is pretty clear.
Both halves may be true, in that you may just be trolling, and the Constitution is clear, in that it.clearly states the House impeached but makes no comment or requirement as to the process the House uses to get there.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 30, 2019, 08:19:40 AM »
Do you have an issue with the text...the source?

No issue with text or the source.  I do have an issue with your selective cutting of it.  Immediately after this section on the Wikipedia entry on Impeachment, comes this:

In 1973, the Senate Watergate hearings (with testimony from John Dean, and the revelation of the White House tapes by Alexander Butterfield) were held in May and June 1973, and the House Judiciary Committee authorized Chairman Rodino to commence an investigation, with subpoena power, on October 30, 1973. The full House voted to initiate impeachment proceedings on February 6, 1974, that is, after nine months of formal investigations by various Congressional committees.

Now seriously dude.  Fuck off. add, current House rules no longer require a vote for the exercise of subpoena power. Chairs can issue subpoena, which is one reason the House vote was not needed now.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 30, 2019, 08:16:07 AM »
In 1970, House minority leader Gerald R. Ford attempted to initiate impeachment proceedings against Associate Justice William O. Douglas; the attempt included a 90-minute speech on the House floor   The House did not vote to initiate proceedings.

House didnt vote to initiate - and thus it died

This seems to indicate that a vote occurs prior to any initiation of hearings (Ford ATTEMPTED to initiate impeachment proceedings - no initiation since House wouldnt vote)

Because he was the fucking minority leader.

Doesnt matter WHY they wouldnt vote.  This stipulates that there NEEDED to BE a vote in the House before proceding.

Do you have an issue with the text...the source?
No, that is not "stipulates". It may mean that if you are in the minority and cannot by House rules.order the holding of hearings or set the agenda of the House, a resolution is one way to try to force a hearing.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 30, 2019, 08:12:49 AM »
Minority leader. As such he had no power, right or ability to initiate any proceedings on his own.

Thats not the important part of it
Yes, that is the important part, whether you realize it or not.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:44:57 PM »
In 1970, House minority leader Gerald R. Ford attempted to initiate impeachment proceedings against Associate Justice William O. Douglas; the attempt included a 90-minute speech on the House floor.[22] The House did not vote to initiate proceedings.

Minority leader. As such he had no power, right or ability to initiate any proceedings on his own.
  Neither does the Speaker. Article 1 Section 2
LOL. Don't ever change. We need the laughs.

Nothing in the Constitution indicates you can use a.resolution to start impeachment proceedings either.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:16:45 PM »
In 1970, House minority leader Gerald R. Ford attempted to initiate impeachment proceedings against Associate Justice William O. Douglas; the attempt included a 90-minute speech on the House floor.[22] The House did not vote to initiate proceedings.

Minority leader. As such he had no power, right or ability to initiate any proceedings on his own.

A resolution is ONE way to initiate impeachment. There is nothing in the Constitution that the ONLY way.

Pelosi's.actions undercut.the Senate Republicans' last attempt at a principled argument.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 29, 2019, 08:02:40 PM »
Take it up with TR. The last Republican president who did not suck.

I would like to believe this is just your sense of humor, but I have seen some posts that make me think you actually believe this?
Well, Eisenhower.

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