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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 492 493 [494] 495 496 ... 525
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 13, 2019, 08:46:06 AM »
Maybe they were

But we have a country to run.

I would love to hear what compelling national interest you think justified stabbing the Kurds in the back.

Were you one of the gang calling Trump a "war monger" back in 2016-17?

Adding troops to do battle in N Syria was not an option for Trump.

You can stand on "if we hadn't left the Turks would not have come in" - but that was not this president's belief.

What would Liz Warren's move have been, in your opinion?
Why should I answer your question when you won't answer mine?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 13, 2019, 08:44:57 AM »
Guns are great.
Every woman and girl over 10 in America should carry that if a man enters the female toilets and tries to get to the women and girls...they can whip out their guns and say "back off dirtbag" and if the man smashed the door down, they can shoot him.

No need for the women and girls to be sitting ducks and murdered, as shown on Law and Order just now on my tv.
God what a frightening place the inside of your head must be.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 12, 2019, 10:53:31 PM »
Maybe they were

But we have a country to run.

I would love to hear what compelling national interest you think justified stabbing the Kurds in the back.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 12, 2019, 03:47:33 PM »
Georgia just Clemsoned.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 11, 2019, 07:02:17 PM »
Oregon should be winning better than they are. But they aren't. WTF? 

The the WTF is a point I have been making all year: despite the hype and pro measurements Justin Hebert is just not a particularly productive quarterback.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 11, 2019, 06:56:00 PM »
Nothing quite so amusing as a die hard Trump finding something sinister in the idea of a foreign company ingratiating itself to American government officials by providing them or family members with economic benefits. "Hunter Biden behaved like a Trump. Details at 11."

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 11, 2019, 04:45:05 PM »
Georgia 38, South Carolina 10

Don't see it as close, because I do not see the Cacks putting up .ore than two scores.

the Arizona State 35, the Washington State 28

Home field, I guess, but our weather is pretty pleasant this time of year.

Awake For Rest 24, Louisville 13

Forgot the Purple was unbeaten and in first place in the South Atlantic League's Kind of Actually Near the Atlantic Division. For now. Louisville went bad quicker than a banana in the sunshine.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 11, 2019, 04:34:03 PM »

You wanna beat the Mount you gotta cheat.

I guess the NCAA realizes it is going to have to flex its muscles at a much lower level since it is about to lose its grip entirely on FBS teams.
Listen, the temporary use of a 12 year old Subaru is the type of inducement that would lure anyone.  Got to stomp on behavior like that.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 11, 2019, 02:21:04 PM »
No quid pro quo

NEEDS upset - makes attempt to justify his feelings
A quid pro quo is not required. Soliciting foreign assistance in a Federal election campaign is itself illegal whether you are giving something in exchange or not.

That being said the quid pro quo need not be specifically stated, and usually isn't unless someone is even dumber and more inept than even I think Trump is. There is plenty of evidence to prove the quid pro quo to an unbiased person. That is, you won't think so but my life long Republican mother does.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 11, 2019, 12:01:56 PM »
House is at this moment interviewing the Ukraine Envoy who was sacked because she refused to play along with Trump's scheme there.

The EU Ambassador who did play along with that scheme is set to testify next week despite the State Dept. trying to keep him from doing so.

And more details out today about the Pentagon's finding that withholding the aid to Ukraine was illegal.

So question to those here who have argued that only a quid pro quo arrangement would be inappropriate (wrong, but lets go with it)  in the increasingly likely event that quid pro quo is found, that we have testimony that Trump withheld military aid that was voted on and approved by Congress in order to get them to release a statement written by Rudy Guilliani that they are starting an investigation into the Bidens, where would you stand on impeachment?

As if you really wonder.
Republicans after the Muller Report: It is wrong to impeach Trump for the obstruction of justice because he did not collaborate with a foreign government to have them interfere with our elections. That would have been bad!

Republicans today. You know what? Scratch that. We're good. Ride or die, bitches.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: October 10, 2019, 07:06:54 PM »
I don't know; Kurds are concupuscient. Just ask Wallace Stevens.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 10, 2019, 06:34:43 PM »
I have zero tolerance for Lost Cause Revisioninsm.

What is John Denver trying to revise?
His flight plan.

Football / Re: College Football
« on: October 10, 2019, 02:06:46 PM »
EVENTUAL 2019-2020 National Champion Michigan State 17, Wisconsin 10

Unlike THE, Wisconsin’s offense is very run heavy, with little threat from the passing game.  It is pretty much strength versus strength when Wisky has the ball, and I think we can use the lack of the passing game to load up the front and keep Taylor in relative check.  We still have to score, of course.  It would help to not fumble on our first two possessions, which is precisely how far I got in watching the game on Saturday.

Alabama 45, Texas A&M 10

I am glad that Alabama is finally playing somebody, but I am surprised that TAMU is still considered “somebody”.  Granted they lost to two pretty good teams, but last I saw they were getting threatened by Arfuckingkansas. I am not sure why they are ranked, but I do not expect much of a game.

Oklahoma 42, Texas 38

I am thinking about transferring to Oklahoma to play QB next year.  I would love a Heisman.

Methchicken 21, Illinois 0

No faith in the Methchicken offensives, but the defense is legitimate.  That’s seven field goals, by the way. Illinois is bad.

ClemSIN 42, the Florida State University 13

They had their hiccup. I expect ClemSIN to run the table with relative ease from here on out, and for Jennifer Lawrence to live closer to up to the preseason hype.

Our Lady if the Perpetual Tie 28, University of California* 10

It hurts at least one of us to point this out, but the Pete Carroll years stand out as an exception to the post-John Robinson Mark I Years of Meh at SC.  They may not be the elite program we continue to think of them as.  It should be a great situation, maybe the right coach, oh, someone whose name rhymes with Murban Eyer….

* Southern

the Pennsylvania State University 24, Iowa 13

I am wobbling like a weeble on whether PSU is a legitimate challenger to THE in the Big Whatever East, but their defense looks like it has the potential.  Not sure that they have enough offensive tools.  It will be interesting to watch them against Iowa’s good defense.

the Louisiana State University 35, Florida 17

Well, this may be the week we learn if Burrows is for real, or just a beneficiary of his level of competition.  I guess Florida is for real after all, but I think the LSU manages them.

Colorado 27, Oregon 17

Just spent five days in Colorado.  Something like that HAS to rub off.  As an irrelevant aside, my dog the music critic pissed on the John Denver Sanctuary (cool park, by the way) sign in Aspen.  Haven’t been this proud of him since he similarly relieved himself on the Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway marker in Texas. I have zero tolerance for Lost Cause Revisioninsm. Also unrelatedly, took Benji out for a late night poop in Durango only to see a gigantic (or so it seemed) vicious (or so it seemed) black bear sitting in front of the door six rooms down.  Note I did not say who was doing the late night poop.

Purdue 27, Maryland 17

There are teams that start the season well “right the ship” when winning after a two game losing streak.  Maryland played Rutgers.

Minnesota 27, Nebraska 24

Minnesota still has not lost yet.  Nebraska has not impressed yet.

Baylor 27, Texas Tech 24

Swap “Baylor” and “Texas Tech” for “Minnesota” and “Nebraska” above.

the Boise State University 35, Hawai’I 10

Have we found our Group of Five representative? At USU may be the toughest game left.

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