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Messages - Hairy Lime

Pages: 1 ... 495 496 [497]
Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 21, 2019, 03:45:20 PM »
The spiritual descendants of Pilot and Herod tend to gather under the biggest cross.
That's a flighty opinion....

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 21, 2019, 02:01:29 PM »

What if the same question that came up for the giant cross on public land came up, instead, for a monument of similar vintage and intent, but instead of its being a cross, it held a moon and star in the way commonly associated with Islam? How would Justice Alito handle it?

It is as much a constitutional question as the cross was, but with a less certain chance of a 7-2 result.

7-2 at the least, assuming the same SCOTUS makeup.
Did you read the opinions?
. “Even if the orig­i­nal pur­pose of a mon­u-ment was in­fused with re­li-gion, the pas­sage of time may ob­scure that sen­ti­ment,..“As our so­ci­ety be­comes more and more re­li­giously di­verse, a com­mu­nity may pre­serve such mon­u­ments, sym­bols, and prac­tices for the sake of their his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i-cance or their place in a com­mon cul­tural her­itage. What’s more, tak­ing down such sym­bols may be even more “evoca­tive, dis­turb-ing, and di­vi­sive” than leav­ing them stand.
“Where cat­e­gories of mon­u­ments, sym­bols, and prac­tices with a long­stand­ing his­tory fol­low in that tra­di­tion, they are like­wise con­sti­tu-tional
——-Jus­tice Al­ito

What mat­ters when it comes to as­sess­ing a mon­u­ment, sym­bol, or prac­tice isn’t its age but its com­pli­ance with age­less prin­ci­ples, “The Con­sti­tu­tion’s mean­ing is fixed, not some good-for-this-day-only coupon, and a prac­tice con­sis­tent with our na­tion’s tra­di­tions is just as per­mis­si­ble whether un­der­taken to­day or 94 years ago.”
——-Justice Gorsuch
Did you? Gorsuch's opinion can best be summarized as, "Shut the Fuck up atheists" and the portion you quoted would have been more apt to the case - not to mention the plurality - had he used added the "in" before consistent and the "im" before permissible, while.Thomas questioned the applicability of the incorporation doctrine. And the plurality continued the right's tacit overruling of Lemon by not applying it.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 20, 2019, 07:13:12 PM »
S&P sets record, Dow within less than 100 points of its highest mark set just a half a year ago. Inflation steady and under 2 per cent. Rate cut May come next month. Economy doing super.

REDSTATEWARD thinks the Fed cutting lending rates is a sign that the economy is doing super.
So do investors.

Juicing the economy with lower rates is not a sign that the economy is doing well.  Its a sign the economy needs to be juiced.

When Obama was President your people were complaining that rate cuts were artificially propping the economy (easy money!) and that was immediately following a recession.  Now that they might cut rates again the economy is doing great!

A position that is as inconsistent as it is transparently political.

Let us not forget Red’s assertion the unemployment numbers under Obama didn’t count because they didn’t reflect those who had given up on the workplace.
Pretty sad when you have to make up arguments never made.
Except of course it is an argument you made repeatedly. But then, since the number of Americans not in the workforce continues to rise, it is consistent with your utter absence of integrity and intellectual honesty that you now pretend you did not.

You used to use the number in your signature.

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: June 19, 2019, 06:38:50 PM »
Who is there who is not here? Billy? Syd?

Current Film
Couch With a View

We already have trivia, Lobby is basically the rest of Elba. What else.gets used?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 19, 2019, 01:58:49 PM »
Trump rollout was beautiful.

He is in great shape if the Dems nominate Hillary Clinton again.

Do you think she would win the popular vote again?
She is not running. Who knows and who cares?

Movies / Re: Movies
« on: June 19, 2019, 12:57:58 PM »

The Third Eye film forum might be closing, and archiving itself (with the Wayback Machine or whatever), and some there wondered if Elba could accommodate them (it's about six active members left).  That would involve adding a couple more film threads (but wouldn't need to transport any posts, just start fresh ones).
Wait... they let you in?

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:54:41 AM »
Trump rollout was beautiful.

He is in great shape if the Dems nominate Hillary Clinton again.

Baseball / Re: Major League Baseball
« on: June 18, 2019, 12:15:48 PM »
I had the same problem just now. Kept saying I was a guest and kicking back my log in attempts until I clicked on my full log in info and logged in.
Unfortunately it keeeps rejecting my password and.i have long since abandoned whatever email i registered from. So I set up a third login to see if that would at least end the captcha issue. No such luck.

Previous Administration / Re: Trump Administration
« on: June 18, 2019, 12:11:03 PM »
  "It could be the thing that has the public home in on where the problem is, where the obstruction is," says Democratic Rep. John Sarbanes of Maryland, a leading author of the House election security agenda. "The public, and I understand that, they paint everything with a broad brush and they say Washington is dysfunctional. Here's a case study that they are going to be very interested in, that shows ... the problem is not with Washington, the problem is not broadly with Congress, the problem is with Mitch McConnell, who will not bring any of these things to the Senate floor."

McConnell bought the Green New Deal to the Senate Floor and the democrats punted.
Now McConnell is avoiding possible campaign issues and you are surprised?

Surprised? The McConnell would not bring up in the Senate legislation that might negatively impact his party's hold 9n power? Fuck no, I am not surprised?

You know, Josh, I can live with having to use an alternate id but why the Hell do I have to keep doing captcha before each post?

Pages: 1 ... 495 496 [497]