Endless revolving door...
As oppossed to long term contracts to Eisley, Anderson, Weatherspoon, James...
Or reaches for the likes of Bagnani.
Or trading away our entire roster for one supe.
Given that was a long time ago, but I find the conservative approach refreshing.
Also, the contention that now WE HAVE TO OVERPAY?
For who exactly?
Everyone else is committing their money, and still some bodies left standing.
When it all shakes out, where will the likes of Rondo and Teague be?
With this roster, frankly, I would be happy to overpay Rondo.
And again, I am happy we are taking a cautious, conservative, wait and see aprroach for fucking once.
Remmeber when we struck out on LeBron and Bosh?
What did we do.
I loved Amare, but how much of him at his peak did we get for the money?
Randle has a year to prove himself on some level, or align for a move.
Otherwise, we are young and fluid and actually developing, or so it would seem.
Let's compare notes on next Wednseday.