Someone close to me, got their two doses of the vaccine, but was working in an office with a prideful KiidKyrieDumbFuck.
They came down with COVID, and were a few weeks coming out of it. HOWEVER...HOWEVER
Because they were vaccinated, the condition did not advance, and other than missing a couple of weeks in the office [worked at home], no serious complications, no boa constrictors down their throat, no dire implications for their loved ones [vaccinated spouse, young child].
PLEASE NOTE: Their boss at work, commenting on the COVID infection, in a moment of EUREKA, allowed as how she felt good about her reckless behavior. "Well, this validates my decision not to get vaccinated." SUCH HUBRIS. There is a very good chance my friend picked up their infection from the office environment.
Fuck her.
Fuck Kyrie.
And fuck you Kiid for your specious dumbfuck arguments and shameless invocation of social injustice issues you could give two frozen fucks about.
As Dawg and others have pointed out, vaccinations are nothing new, nothing odd, nothing oppressive going back to George Washington making sure his troops were inoculated against smallpox.
Polio. Mumps. Measles. Chickenpox. Tetanus. The list goes on and on. Toddlers have been routinely vaccinated as a prerequisite to attending public school. FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL SAFETY AND THAT OF THEIR FELLOW CHILDREN.
Culture War Balderdash