No, vaccinations do not protect you from airborne infections.
BUT THEY KEEP YOU FROM ENDING UP IN A HOSPITAL ICU with a python's penis down your throat.
I have people in my circle who WERE infected, but got through it because they were vaccinated.
As for the AntiVaxx Debate?
I have a dear friend, an old friend, who not content to give fucking Kyrie the thumbs up, allowed as how he was definatly unvaccinated, that Fauci was in cahoots with China, the people who promulgated the Vaccines profitted from a disease they themselves created, and that all of us who bought into the big lie are a bunch of sheep.
I was very very upset, and not at all encouraged to remain in touch, I regret to say.
PS: PREDICTIONS? Poor Kevin Knox was infected over the summer and last week. He was vaccinated. What's the OverUnder on how many games Kyrie plays before he, too, is infected, or spreads his ill chill amongst his team mates? This current outbreak is ramping up speed furiously.