I'm getting hit with the captcha things to get in the last few days.
So I think he tried to block some spammers and `we're collateral damage. You can send a message to Josh or just wait a few days and see if it your old username works again.
Here's a wacky article on potential rule changes to diminish 3's and bring more variety back to the game.
http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/26633540/the-nba-obsessed-3s-let-fix-thingA 3-sec rule on standing in the corner would be an additional burden on the refs, while the spot up corner guys would just count to 3, step over the 3 point line and step back to reset for another 3 secs. So that's useless (and silly in any case).
Making the 3-line longer and/or widening the court are the two obvious solutions.
Allowing goaltending on 3's is too gimmicky. And what happens if you goaltend what looked like a 3 but the guy had a foot on the line so it was a 2? Plus you'd end up with more fouls down low as guys tried to box out legal goaltenders.
I'm impressed with the number of goofy and mostly unworkable ideas Goldsberry came up with. Each team deciding on their own 3-point line like baseball outfield walls? Problem is that would just increase Home court ad, which wouldn't be good. Though it would be amusing if some teams eliminated the corner 3, or had a real long or short line.
Change is okay, but continuity and history are also important. Moving back the line the simplest solution to 3-dominance.