While I agree that the death penalty is barbarism, some might argue that keeping weapons "cocked and ready to fire" is barbarism as well.
They might, but they'd be wrong.
Wrong because having guns on one's person ready to fire in self defence, in defence of one's life from the evil people out to rape, torture, kill in home invasions or on the streets ...is not murder.
A raped person's life is destroyed in part/almost fully.
The question bambu-wisdom asked a young man from the religious group who knocked on his door, telling bambu that guns are bad etc...was:
"New York was blown up by terrorists, many innocent people died.
Are you married?"
He said " engaged".
bambu said to him: "If Australia were being treatened by terrorists, the Prime Minister were handing out guns to all citizens, terrorists were coming down this street, you were sitting here on the porch with your wife and new baby, would you pull the trigger to save your family?
He answered "Yes"
He sounds a lot like a barbarian
I am surprised you cracked the airlock on your bunker to talk to him
Sounds like the type of young man the country needs.
When he answered yes, the two women with him nearly choked on their outrage, and they all left at express pace ...the women berating him all the way up my driveway.
Being cooked in a bead oven, or having to leap to my death from a tall building does not appeal to me...so I too would pull the trigger.