Bambu, Nevada has legal brothels, and in Battle Mountain the brothel was named the Calico Club. The rich people from around the world come to the brothels in Nevada.
In Battle Mountain they can make your dreams come true for money, pay them and they will give you everything your heart desires. You can have a room with a jacuzzi with champagne and strawberries and with lobster and scallops and with whatever you want, and with buffalo steaks, and with whatever you want.
Tony V.
There are such places in bambuland, everywhere, not all with the food, most likeky.
Legal in Nevada, whatever people want to do.
The problems I would have with it all, even if I were single and rich would be:
. Germs.
. Where have the hookers been? what have they been doing, and with whom?
. Pregnancy. No contraceptive is 100% safe.
. Abuse of women. Most girls in the sex trade have to get on drugs to put up with themselves, and put up the the occupation/customers...from what I've seen on tv and read.
. Stranger danger. Bad things have happened to male customers of the sex trade.