Native American Indians need to work together as a team to help each other, as one tribe rises then they need to reach out a hand to other tribes to help to pull each other up.
Native American Indian teens are more than 2 times more likely to commit suicide than other teens. the women are so depressed that they give their children up for adoption instead of raising them.
The San Manuel Native American Indian Tribe of San Bernardino, California, is wealthy from their casino, and as they rise they are helping other tribes. And the Seminole Tribe in Florida owns the Hard Rock Cafe, and they are helping other tribes. The Lakota Tribe has oil on their reservation land and they are rising from money from oil, and they are helping other tribes. The tribes all need to help each other.
I tried to get the San Manuel Tribe to get into the movie industry, but they were not interested. It would be good for the Native American Indians to have a voice and to make their own movies with full control over the movies that they make. Plus, you can make a lot of money in the entertainment industry. And the Blacks have their own channel, the Native American Indians can have their own channel too, if there can be Black Entertainment Television, then there can be television for the Native American Indians as well, and with the Latinos, and everyone else. And all of the issues for the Natives can be discussed on the Native American Indian channel, and it can all be written and produced by Native American Indians, etc.
Also of note, is that coffee drinking reduces suicide rates, we need to promote coffee drinking on Indian reservations, especially with teens.
The Native American Indians need to have hope, and a love of life, and a love of each other, and they are blessed to be born into tribes, the tribes need to help each other. Having a tribe is a blessing, not a curse. They need to help each other.
And for instance, the San Manuel Tribe produced the last Black Sabbath concert that I attended, and other tribes are producing concerts, and they are opening casinos, etc, and they all need to help each other as they rise.
They need to have optimism and love and happiness and hope.
Tony V.