Josh was having logon troubles with the glitch that afflicted Android OS users (Chrome browsers, mainly). I just PMd him, in hopes that PM notifications show up in his email box (don't have his address) with the fix for that glitch. This may be a catch 22, if he has to log on to read his PMs, so not holding my breath. At this point, I have to wonder if maybe he took the opportunity afforded by the glitch to go ahead and make a clean break with Elba. Because it would likely have occurred to him to try a Windows device, or download a different browser app, if he really wanted to get back here.
If we don't hear from him for another month or two, I'd be glad to do light moderator duties, clean up spam, etc. But would need Liquidsilver's address if anyone has that?? The lack of connectedness here, in a two decades old community, is a little weird to me. I guess the doxxing incidents contributed to that.
My anonymized email, if Josh or anyone wants to reach me is
[email protected].