Fuck do you know, wet damp stanky corpse stain?
You get lied to so much your asshole fell out of your left ear long ago.
You get lied to so much you even think your wife is still your wife.
Love you, Mrs. Bambu
If you did even a moiety of your homework you would know approximately how far off Luee is from any kind of truth much less an exact one.
We cannot expect you to Be Best, but at least try to do better.
By that I mean try something different for fucks sake.
You are drawing ants.
Well hey, luee is correct about Americans (who happen to be Black) in South Shore Chicago outraged about the "housing of migrants" in their neighbourhood..."Black stakeholders were not consulted".
Well groomed, articulate, caring Black spokeswoman in the video, her Black folks community with her, detailed it all very well.
Outrage in that community.
"What kind of Jim Crow..... is this?".