Josh, why do I have to keep answering verification questions? And why does the New York Times question require newbies to figure out it has to have a "The" in front of it? For that matter, why is this a question people need to know the answer to? Are all newcomers required to know our site history before they join? And the verification letter code is extremely hard to read.
Hi, Banks. Newton says hello. Heh.
Hi Bart-I was pretty certain Molly wasn't one of Hammy's or Red's alter-egos.
Really there's a history entrance exam to gain entry to Elba?
It sounds like we're designed to keep people out and not be inclusive!
This should be thoroughly discussed by the Island's Council of Extremely Woke
The agenda is already quite crowded. Maybe they'll get to that by next Tuesday.
I doubt a request to have new members find their way in (without having to know what happened sixteen years ago) makes anyone woke. I remain an Independent, fiscal conservative, and iconoclast beholden to no party or platform.
Since "woke" seems to now be a vague slur that has no real agreed meaning, I will only say that I think skewing Left in states like Iowa probably is counterproductive if the Democratic Party is seeking to expand its influence there. That said, I see no wrong in being awakened to genuine areas of social injustice and realizing you want to speak out against them. Those are real issues that deserve genuine discussion on their logic and evidence, and not on single-word smears like "woke," which seem to be the easy recourse of lazy minds. Like "social justice warrior," rather than just post wiki entries, it might be more fruitful to state in clear terms where you believe the pursuit of social justice is mistaken or wrong. As the hard-to-find HAIRY LIME has pointed out, what is wrong with fighting for social justice?
Did I just see a cat run into the shadowed doorway?
Being woke is fine, if it is restricted to attempting to address injustice and equality in a fair and just manner.
One might ask, also, who among us has always been treated fairly?
The problem with the woke crowd has become its penchant for shutting down real debate, for creating a hidden tightrope of closed-mindedness that one must walk. The end game is to go after anyone who does not align perfectly with the woke values, values that seem often to reflect the opposite of the original intent of the woke.
One can not preach tolerance and inclusion, without practicing it, and that is what is happening here.
“This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly. The world is messy; there are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids, and share certain things with you.”---President Obama, in a 2019 interview for the Obama Foundation on youth activism.
Take Little Stevie, the Committed Catholic of AZ. His commentary to almost anyone with whom he disagrees is a perfect example of doing the exact opposite of what Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
Too many folks here run around labeling everyone they disagree with a "racist"; they're more likely to create a racist than they are to stop someone from being one.
If you want others to be "woke", live what you preach.
Name one of the SJWs here who has shown they do that.