Texas failed for a number of reasons.
Which you ignore because they don't correspond to your right-wing agenda:
1) Natural Gas supply dwindled as pipes and wellheads froze up*
2) TX power plants and energy suppliers never winterized their facilities
3) TX has its own grid -- to avoid fed regs
4) 80+ percent of electricity in the Lone Star State’s capacity projected to come from natural gas, coal and a bit of nuclear power. Wind and solar were expected to provide 7% of TX power in Feb. So just not much of a factor.
there’s a storage problem in Texas when it comes to natural gas. Utility companies often don’t bother to buy gas reserves: It’s easier, cheaper and more profitable to tap the gas in the field with a pipeline — usually.
In exchange for more profit up front, TX power suppliers cheaped out on having backup systems. Capitalism at its finest!
But if the details of the Green New Deal were being followed then it would have been a tragedy.
Pay attention: a tragedy occurred ... due to fossil fuels.
No need for hypotheticals or scare tactics. Fossil fuels failed (because they were poorly handled)
The Green New Deal will not be implemented overnight, so that scare tactic is STUPID. There will be a decade or two of transition. Within the next decade hopefully 200 year old dirty coal will be phased out completely. But it's 2021 and TX at summer peak can only get 20% of its energy from renewables. TX has lots of sunny desert and scrubland for solar and wind farms. But is largely beholden to the oil&gas industry.
TX -- fossil fuel infrastructure failed.
Even if there was zero wind/solar, the result would have been exactly the same. A human tragedy.