A lot of "the way they are" is due to white people's aggression including colonialism, Cold War competition, propping up dictators and strongmen, arm sales, CIA coups, sending in the Marines, wars, maplines corresponding to colonial control and not ethnic boundaries, etc.
That is, they were and continue to be jerked around and treated as pawns.
None of that is my fault either...so I'll be off sick the day the "Privilege Walk" comes to my place.
You don’t have a place to be off sick from, you thoroughly dependent useless mouth. Step forward if you think Sky news gives a fuck about the well being or best interests of slobs like you.
Never know, the management here could run a 'Privilege Walk'...we live in the age of 'anything could happen tomorrow'.
We were promised an age pension by the govt man if we worked until age 65 and paid our taxes.
If that hadn't been the case, we would not have spent money on tourism, new cars etc.
We would've lived our lives differently.
The system was changed, and now is age 70, for people born after a certain date...with employers paying 9% of a person's salary into a superannuation fund for them.
Theoretically in lieu of an age pension in retirement paid by the govt.
ie...pays them a wage plus ['9% super']. Unions want "12% super".