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Should the US be concerned about an invasion of Ukraine by Russia?

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Author Topic: Biden Administration  (Read 655030 times)


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2175 on: February 19, 2021, 02:10:13 PM »

You are only going to confuse Red with all those facts. Another one, though: increasing renewables leaving the grid unbalanced was not the issue. Deregulation - or rather, the refusal to regulate is. The same thing happened ten years ago, and rather than regulate to ensure the problem didn't recur, Te as opted for guidelines which the energy providers simply ignored because it did not 8ncrease their immediate bottom line. There is a reason Oklahoma's grid did not go down.

Or El Paso's.  Which wisely opted to join the Western Grid and buy power from plants in New Mexico and the 4 Corners area. 

It's so reliably GOP to whine about regulations that prevent systemic failures of any kind, discard them, let the system fail, and then bitch at Democrats for spending the money that was always going to have to be spent to make systems functional and reliable.  It's become the party of myopic slash-and-burn economics.
What are you talking about? The rush to throw tax dollars at “ green” energy is bipartisan.



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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2176 on: February 19, 2021, 02:11:25 PM »

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists.

the R-party is on the verge of imploding, civil war, and has handed the keys to Trump to drive the car. This is a road trip to disaster.

There is no need for the Dems to give the Rs anything that will re-unite them in time for '22.

Let the motherfuckers stab each other or commit hari-kari.

Joe and the Ds can win huge battles on covid-eonomy-jobs-infrastructure O-Care and a few other things that people want.

Let the Rs fight against these popular plans that both Rs and Ds voters need and want. Like their health and jobs and schools and insurance.

The Rs will self-destruct and Dems can recruit a shit-ton of new voters who are willing to vote D-Blue in '22 and '24 and maybe generationally.

slow role this, win the easy hands, collect chips to play for bigger pots, post '22.

I disagree.

That's certainly your right to disagree with my opinion.

Although I note you and kid are in agreement on this.

and kid's not right on much of anything.

so you might want to reconsider.

And I will note

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

is factually correct.

You keep going back to June.

Its fucking February and a whole lot of shit has happened since.

Because I understand the difference between policy and politics and I can count to 60.

You seem to have trouble there

you were wrong in June 2020 and over confident about the revolution.

America remains a 50-50 moderate country

Joe needs to work it closer to 55-45 and hope for some reasonable Repubs who understand country before party.

I underestimated the inherent racism among "moderate" democrats.

You seem to know all about that.

Too many WHITE people don't vote their heads and we should pander to those dumb fucks.

While you're talking about a 50/50 country the GOP is redoubling its voter suppression efforts.

It seems they learned more from tis summer than you.

They saw how they lost what should have been at least one layup in GA.

Democratic White House
Democratic House (slim majority and very few ersatz GOP)
Democratic Senate - slim majority bt Sinema and Manchin aren't fucking stupid.

So why are you trying to convince me the Democrats lost?


When Larry loses a debate he plays the race card.

Its Larry's "hate and fear" card.


But Larry it won't work here.

I'm not guilty about shit.

We were having a discussion and race wasn't the issue.

Dems lost 13 seats in the House in '20 due largely to fears marketed by Repubs.

I'm sorry if you need convincing of that but thats a fact.

and there's a world difference between policy and politics.

you would be well served to take a refresher course in pol. sci 101.




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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2177 on: February 19, 2021, 02:21:45 PM »

13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

Race card?

Hell, it was your argument.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 02:23:17 PM by LarryBnDC »
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2178 on: February 19, 2021, 02:24:33 PM »

GOP has a knack for making Democratic policy successes look like failures to the gullible.   These are people who can get their faithful to believe a couple windmills in Sweden is the entire infrastructure in Texas.  And believe that Governor Abbot can lay the blame on green policies he hasn't even implemented. 

Sure. That’s all we need are more Government “ green” policies!
Every Federal administration back to Bush 41 has endorsed and then renewed the federal tax credit for building renewable Wind and Solar Farms( worth up to 30%of the cost). The end result has been higher prices for electricity generated by nuclear, gas, and coal plants hence many going out of business
Of course adding more unreliable wind and solar sources leaves the likelihood the grids will be out of balance, especially during bad weather when reliable power is needed most.

Don't know if you've noticed, genius, but wind installations had a lower failure rate than NG and oil plants. 
...not if you factor in calm and sunless periods where they don’t work at all, hence the need for a grid baseload.

LOL.  This is where I stopped reading, when it became clear that you think idiotically think windmills don't work when it's "sunless." 
Don’t know why you attach my words then lie about them 

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2179 on: February 19, 2021, 02:28:49 PM »

Another bit from the 'Way Back' machine.

The more things change...


You need a new act. When you keep telling people how much they hate you, they will.

Strip naked and hug a Saguaro. You dumb fuck

As usual, Larry can't debate.


Go dig up your mother and skull fuck that bitch.

Well, josh?
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2180 on: February 19, 2021, 02:32:38 PM »

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists.

the R-party is on the verge of imploding, civil war, and has handed the keys to Trump to drive the car. This is a road trip to disaster.

There is no need for the Dems to give the Rs anything that will re-unite them in time for '22.

Let the motherfuckers stab each other or commit hari-kari.

Joe and the Ds can win huge battles on covid-eonomy-jobs-infrastructure O-Care and a few other things that people want.

Let the Rs fight against these popular plans that both Rs and Ds voters need and want. Like their health and jobs and schools and insurance.

The Rs will self-destruct and Dems can recruit a shit-ton of new voters who are willing to vote D-Blue in '22 and '24 and maybe generationally.

slow role this, win the easy hands, collect chips to play for bigger pots, post '22.

I disagree.

That's certainly your right to disagree with my opinion.

Although I note you and kid are in agreement on this.

and kid's not right on much of anything.

so you might want to reconsider.

And I will note

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

is factually correct.

You keep going back to June.

Its fucking February and a whole lot of shit has happened since.

Because I understand the difference between policy and politics and I can count to 60.

You seem to have trouble there

you were wrong in June 2020 and over confident about the revolution.

America remains a 50-50 moderate country

Joe needs to work it closer to 55-45 and hope for some reasonable Repubs who understand country before party.

If Joe adopted Larry's strategies, he'd still be home in Delaware.

Give the POTUS his opportunity to succeed. It hasn't been a month and the high pitched whining of Larry and the left wing of the Dems is already ear-splitting.
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2181 on: February 19, 2021, 02:34:07 PM »

13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

Race card?

Hell, it was your argument.

That wasn't my argument. That was a fact I used to rebutt your incorrect contention about the Dems and the House elections in 2020.

And then having lost the point, you took it out of context and played it as a race card.

You do it a lot Larry.

and its bullshit.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2182 on: February 19, 2021, 02:36:38 PM »

I told this motherfucker not to address me directly in this forum for I will not respond in a civil tone.

he can say what he wants about me just don't say shit TO me.

Ive made that perfectly clear.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2183 on: February 19, 2021, 02:39:14 PM »

13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

Race card?

Hell, it was your argument.

That wasn't my argument. That was a fact I used to rebutt your incorrect contention about the Dems and the House elections in 2020.

And then having lost the point, you took it out of context and played it as a race card.

You do it a lot Larry.

and its bullshit.

Out of context.

Sure thing, banks.

If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson

Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2184 on: February 19, 2021, 02:49:35 PM »

I told this motherfucker not to address me directly in this forum for I will not respond in a civil tone.

he can say what he wants about me just don't say shit TO me.

Ive made that perfectly clear.

Josh put up rules. You've violated them. Let's see what josh does.

The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2185 on: February 19, 2021, 02:50:23 PM »

13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

Race card?

Hell, it was your argument.

That wasn't my argument. That was a fact I used to rebutt your incorrect contention about the Dems and the House elections in 2020.

And then having lost the point, you took it out of context and played it as a race card.

You do it a lot Larry.

and its bullshit.

Out of context.

Sure thing, banks.

Larry thinks his race card trumps all arguments


Larry-you might be able to still register for pol sci 101

and maybe a persuasive writing course.


Hamilton Samuels

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2186 on: February 19, 2021, 02:55:26 PM »

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists.

the R-party is on the verge of imploding, civil war, and has handed the keys to Trump to drive the car. This is a road trip to disaster.

There is no need for the Dems to give the Rs anything that will re-unite them in time for '22.

Let the motherfuckers stab each other or commit hari-kari.

Joe and the Ds can win huge battles on covid-eonomy-jobs-infrastructure O-Care and a few other things that people want.

Let the Rs fight against these popular plans that both Rs and Ds voters need and want. Like their health and jobs and schools and insurance.

The Rs will self-destruct and Dems can recruit a shit-ton of new voters who are willing to vote D-Blue in '22 and '24 and maybe generationally.

slow role this, win the easy hands, collect chips to play for bigger pots, post '22.

I disagree.

That's certainly your right to disagree with my opinion.

Although I note you and kid are in agreement on this.

and kid's not right on much of anything.

so you might want to reconsider.

And I will note

Larry seems to forget he made the same arguments last June about this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to GO BIG, yet despite a fascist atop the R-ticket, and a moderate atop the Dems, the Dems managed to lose 13 House seats on mod-indy voter fears of police defunding, unrest in Philly, and Repubs marketing Dems as dangerous socialists

is factually correct.

You keep going back to June.

Its fucking February and a whole lot of shit has happened since.

Because I understand the difference between policy and politics and I can count to 60.

You seem to have trouble there

you were wrong in June 2020 and over confident about the revolution.

America remains a 50-50 moderate country

Joe needs to work it closer to 55-45 and hope for some reasonable Repubs who understand country before party.

Underscoring banks's point, last September:
people like Joe Biden, and they like him for a reason: In contrast to Trump and certain vocal parts of the Democratic Party, he actually expresses the view of most Americans. If Democrats manage to win back the White House—and avert the danger that four more years of Trump would pose to peace, unity, and democracy in America—it will be thanks to qualities that a younger or more radical candidate would probably lack.

Read the rest here.
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2187 on: February 19, 2021, 04:28:45 PM »

No need to examine, I know all about them...they live in exactly the same system I do...same everything.
No need for a privilege walk, nothing is any great mystery.

Nothing I have ever read screams the need for a privilege walk like that comment.

bambu-ilk are all privilege walked out. The woke brigade, who seem to think they know everything about everything, are new to the 'shame' party.
bambu-ilk have been doing the 'shame walk' for decades...and have had enough of it.
No more!


It's 1987, and welcome to Toomelah, a small Aboriginal community on a former mission station on the NSW-Queensland border, and the subject of Australia's first intervention.

Twenty-one years ago, Toomelah had one water tap for 500 people, and it flowed twice a day for just 15 minutes. Some houses had 30 people sleeping in them, and Goondiwindi High School, just across the border, had a blackboard for the whites and a blackboard for the blacks. And when the children came home, they played in the raw sewage of Toomelah's fetid, fouled streets.

Then Marcus Einfeld, president of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, pulled into town to investigate conditions after a race riot in "Goondi". Suddenly, like manna from Sydney, houses were built, the dirt road sealed, a sewerage system materialised and a new bore, pumping station and tanks dried up the line at the water tap. But a drink of water could not banish the devil.

Then Einfeld turned the spotlight on neglect by walking with his trousers rolled up through the muddy, soiled streets of Toomelah and crying tears of shame and pity.
Tall, patrician, with Cecil B. De Mille-epic looks ready-made for the night's television news, Einfeld put Toomelah's plight on the front page.

The son of a Wran government minister, Einfeld was a famed human rights activist who, in 1963, his eyes welling with tears, had stood among 200,000 people at the Washington Monument listening to Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" address.

Fourteen years later, Einfeld cried at Toomelah, too, as Aborigines testified to their disadvantage. "It is beyond belief that Australian citizens could be asked to live in those circumstances," he said at the end of the first day's hearings.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 04:40:21 PM by bambu. »


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2188 on: February 19, 2021, 05:19:16 PM »

I have to agree with Larry and Kid.

Republican officialdom and more and more the party as a whole is comprised of feckless surrender monkeys. They no longer have the power or unity of purpose to stop any of Biden’s popular and practical agenda.

While the cracker taliban is putting its heart and soul into getting Moscow Mitch and defendant don to make kissy face or at least to get them to stand back and stand by, Democrats can do the people’s business.

Americans care far more about the government getting things done to reverse and resolve the nasty tangle of republican born crises infecting and plaguing their lives.

Put bills on the table and pull out the stops helping republicans self-demonize, and we’ll have a healthier culture and economy. We will also eventually wind up in a place where more republican “leaders” are in prison where they belong than in office where they clearly don’t.

Republicans have no counter proposals to anything in Biden’s agenda because Democrats have taken all the best ideas and the alternatives available to the republicans are all clearly worse.

It’s why one after another republicans keep running away.

Repubs have nothing to offer Americans, they have two cards left-FEAR & HATE.


Do not help the motherfuckers reunite the dysfuntional fascist party on the basis of hate and fear

Your stance is odd.  R's will always have those cards.  To use an analogy ... Don't let the bully at school cower you in fear. 
KP interns for the firm of Tatum and Brown

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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #2189 on: February 19, 2021, 05:21:07 PM »

For a better America, media need to focus on Biden and not fall for Trump’s attempts to distract
The artist's job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.
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