If the rich people were Christians they would be giving 10% of their income to charity freely, without anyone forcing them to do it, and they would be helping the homeless, and they would be helping the orphans, and they would be helping the poor and the needy.
And no one had to force Ben Franklin to be a good civic minded person who helped his country, he did it on his own.
We need for a better class of people to rise to the top, instead of the dirt-bags who are at the top now.
The best and the brightest people need to rise to the top, and they need to realize that in a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, it is up to the people to run the country and to be civic minded.
And Christians are supposed to help the poor and the needy and the fatherless.
You should not have to tax people to make them do good things and to get them to help their communities and to do charity work, etc.
Of note too, in the old days the wives of the rich people did charity work, the men were the heads of industry and while they made money their wives gave the money away to charity.
The people at the top right now are a bunch of scumbags. I feel sorry for the soldiers who are fighting and dying for this country right now, and who are returning to be homeless and mentally ill on the streets while Bill Gates and the other dirt-bags send the jobs to China and allow our own people here in the USA to be homeless and hungry out on the streets.
I was fatherless, and homeless, and no one cared, so I speak from experience. And I am a good, honest, hard worker, so that just shows you that the wrong people are rising to the top. If I was at the top then things would be different. I hate having dirt-bags at the top while I am poor and while I am a better person than they are. If I was at the top the homeless people would have help.
The people at the top right now are a bunch of scum-bags. I do not view any of them as being a good role model. They are just teaching people to be rich and selfish and greedy, and they love money and power instead of loving people. If they loved people, then I would see them helping the homeless and doing other good deeds.
And the rich people would be fighting for good health care for people, instead of trying to deny them healthcare out of greed.
When I get my own company going, if I can do it, then my workers will be like family to me, I will take good care of my workers. And 10% of my money will automatically go to charity. I will also help the homeless, and the orphans, and I will spend my life doing good things.
Tony V.