COVID-19 has helped to point this out, but it is unclear that it has pointed it out sufficiently to the people who most need to be convinced.
And... despite my agreeing with this, the "education" "system" still needs to be overhauled to a frightening degree.
In an aging America, (see the link-chart below) where the median age in the US increased from 29 in 1960 to 38 in 2019, (ie we're having less kids) what are the chances communities of generally aging Americans will increase their taxes to support higher teacher income? Isn't that the crux of the issue? drop in age from 1960 to 1970, despite a war in Viet Nam keeping couples aprt, and popularity of the pill and other birth control methods, lotta babies in the 60s)
Resource allocation rears its head once again.
Should we as a country shift our budget priorities and spend more on this part of our infrastucture (and I think that we can argue that educating the next generation is as integral part of our infrastructure as roads, bridges, internet connections etc) , and less on (fill-in the blank, space force, defense, farm subs, other entitlements, whatever).
tough fight for teachers.