Ted Cruz is despicable, instead of going to the Southern Border to help the immigrants, to ease the suffering, and to help to grease the wheels and fix immigration laws in order to make our immigrants legal like Reagan did, and to help to get our economy running so that we can create jobs for the immigrants, etc, Ted went to the border just to point fingers and blame the democrats and to try to make the democrats look bad. Ted made it a total partisan issue, instead of having love in his heart for the people and standing up for the American ideals as a nation of immigrants.
When the love of people rises above the love of power, then we can have a better world.
Ted Cruz does not seem to give a damn about the poor people on the border.
And some sick people want to label the immigrants "illegal" and use that term to take away their humanity and equality. The immigrants are human, and we are all equal. And the new immigrants have the same right to be here as any of us, and people fought and died so that the new immigrants would have a nation to come to.
We need to welcome our new immigrants, and we need to put them to work.
And it should not matter if you are republican or democrat when it comes to American ideals, and our need to help people who are suffering.
Tony V.