With regard to the law school class, I agree with the point that UNO’s making, but I’ll try not to be a jerk about it.
Having never been on the receiving end of the “controversy” it’s easy to look at this from a purely clinical perspective.
These students weren’t being snowflakes they’re of a generation who won’t take ‘what they perceive to be’ disrespect.
I understand the middle aged white woman student probably meant nothing by what she said. She also apologized.
There is a proper debate about this situation but it isn’t the position UNO claims to be representing.
UNO’s point is One L’s are being trained to be assholes and that’s as it should be.
That’s just a wrong headed position.
NOPE, Larry.
You're wrong. That's not my point at all. My point is that if you want to be a good lawyer, you have learn to set aside your own bias and deal with what is. Saying you can't discuss a case in a law class because there are words in there that you find offensive or triggering indicates the inability to interpret what is and what isn't.
Perhaps you can understand it this way.
A lawyer will tell you that this bag has popcorn in it. He sees that is reads "ice" but he can explain why it is popcorn. She sees what is there, and then works from what is there.
A person who has a propensity to be easily offended, or one who has an agenda of sorts, only sees what she wants to see and or hears what he wants to hear.
This really is just popcorn. If you only see it as ice, that's a problem.