You don't read well.
Or comprehend facts.
You provide not a single fact or argument to contest my observation that it's wrong to kick people from their homes and ancestral lands.
(and we're not talking about nomadic peoples, here)
Saying "that's the trend of human history" or some such blather is not a valid ethical basis. Human history is full of horrors.
The Far Right government of Israel repeats at least one of those horrors.
Fuck off.
The land was lost in the 6-day war, a war that the Israelis did not start. The Palestinians are nomads, never had claim to the land, and they're fucking terrorists, whose stated claim is the complete destruction of Israel.
Fuck them, fuck you, and fuck anyone who parrots the bullshit that they are oppressed people living in an occupation.
The "horror" here is your fucking ignorance and the idiots who buy into the crap you're shoveling here.