No, fuckhead, as usual you are confused.
You merely call anyone who disagrees with you on any subject a racist or a bigot. You do it very consistently.
You will believe what you want to believe regardless of evidence to the contrary.
That is what makes you a bigot.
You cannot admit being wrong. Just like Ward and Kid.
Yours is
always the only correct opinion about
So, I could point out to you that I have disagreed with Yank, with Banks, with Bosox, with Larry, with Fac, and many others in here without accusing
one of those of being a bigot.
Some of us, self included, can be pretty cock-sure of our opinions, but all of the people I just named have admitted they've been wrong, again self included. So has Bambu, for that matter.
You don't. You
You can't even admit that your "woke" accusation fell flat, prompting you to try a totally different (also failed) tack.
You post a higher number of worthwhile links and make some good comments. We agree on bunches of politics, though not even remotely all of them. It's why I won't throw you on ignore. But until you learn your own humanity, instead of your extreme inanity, a bigot you will remain.
Yes, you're a racist, too, in your presentation here, Ham, but that's not the point. Not today.
I am sure you will have a terribly witty (in your opinion) pedantic response that thoroughly misses the point, while still being unable to name a time you have admitted being wrong here.
"Expected" is too weak a term for how you behave.