Marco Rubio has been beating the war drums in regard to Cuba, he wants America to intervene in Cuba and to give the people of Cuba communications and wi-fi, etc. And he keeps complaining about how Biden is not doing enough in regard to Cuba.
So, I told Rubio to send boats full of Cuban-Americans with shot guns, and with whatever guns they can get, from Florida to Cuba, to free Cuba. And then I told him that the USA can quickly expand trade with the Cubans when they get their freedom, and the Cubans can expand tourism and they can have casinos, etc. I told him that "Good fortune favors the brave."
Then I told him that the Cubans are driving around cars from the 1950s and I told him that the American people should give Cuba a ship full of brand new electric Chevrolet cars as a gift to the people of a new free Cuba to welcome them into a bright new future.
I hope that Facebook does not ban me for plotting to overthrow foreign governments while on Facebook. Ha.
Tony V.