To those who have a hard time accepting the reality of a poorly executed exit strategy, where there appeared to be no strategy other than, "lets get the fuck out of here" and can not accept that sometimes a democrat makes poor choices, I'd suggest they take their head out their ass and stop being so fucking defensive.
There's nothing gleeful in admitting to a mistake that cost lives, perhaps the faith of allies, some of our global prestige, and likely will carry a political cost.
Biden ran a fucking shit show in his hasty exit from Afghanistan and there is collateral damage.
But to deny that reality is to live in a fantasy world.
To see the Biden apologists here is a unfortunate.
He fucked up.
And its ok to call him out.
I'm pretty sure Larry will forgive you.
There were no good choices, but probably some were better than others.
And no one here is in a good position to really assess, but I'd think some hard negotiations and a show of force. and maybe some of Bart's honey could have bought the required time to exit that shit hole with some additional lives, some dignity and covered with a whole lot less Afghan shit.