Donald Trump was elected in the first place because he sounded exactly like the drunk at the end of the bar who’s read two Tom Clancy novels and several tweets about vaccines’ supposed link to autism and so naturally sounds like the smartest guy in the room. After all, they’re drunk, too, and he’s just like them, except marginally more erudite because, you know, he’s read two books and they haven’t read any. (Honestly, all the think pieces about why Trump appeals to his base could probably be thrown in the trash. Occam’s razor, folks. They like him because he’s just as gutter stupid and racist as they are. I don’t think it goes very far beyond that.)
(from the Daily KO that Fac shared, on the Fox "kill everyone" guest)
The problem with this very amusing paragraph is that there's a part of the base that's gullible and actually believe Trump is smart and that he's really not racist - they're not gutter stupid or racist, which is actually kind of chilling. Because it means that decent well-intentioned people who don't have the time or energy to track facts down will very naively swallow Far Right propaganda whole. And that's the really scary prospect for our democracy's future. It won't just be gutter stupids who elect the next white nationalist demagogue.