We need for the Pope to speak up, and the leaders of France, Spain, NATO, and others, and the United Nations already said that they do not support the Taliban returning to power.
England and France fought against each other for 100 years in the 100 Year War, and they never gave up until France finally won.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Years%27_War20 years is nothing compared to the 100 Year War.
And all of the stars need to speak up. If Jimmy Stewart was alive, and John Wayne, and Gary Cooper, and others, they would be raising hell in support for Afghanistan and they would not allow the Taliban to return to power.
And Hugh Hefner did a lot for women's rights, and for the world, Hef did a lot of great things. And the magazine is not the same without Hef.
And we should have done what was right, such as getting them to grow cotton and to have a good peace-time economy, regardless of the protests of people who do not understand.
Tony V.