Raquel Castaneda-Lopez, City Councilwoman of Detroit District 6
4 hours
Last Friday, the Pope Francis Center held a ceremonial groundbreaking for its new Bridge Housing Campus, an innovative facility (in District 6's Core City Neighborhood!) with a holistic approach designed to eliminate chronic homelessness.
The Campus will feature 40 studio apartments, a cafeteria, gymnasium, library, classrooms, and health clinic. It will also include an outdoor shelter with heated sidewalks and overhead radiant heaters for those who have normalized homelessness and struggle to come indoors. Guests will stay for up to 120 days and have access to intensive trauma-informed care; and staff will help guests gather documentation needed for permanent housing solutions, where they will transition to when psychologically and practically ready.
Once the Campus is operational, residents of the surrounding Core City neighborhood will have access to the health clinic, recreational facilities including an art studio, as well as life skills courses and a computer lab.
Raquel Lopez is doing a great job for the people of Detroit.
There needs to be more of a sense of urgency when it comes to helping the homeless people in the USA.
Tony V.