Here is an article about all of the jobs that America lost while Bill Clinton was President... the jobs that General Motors in California lost to Canadians while Clinton was in office.
Over time we have lost a lot of jobs to other nations. Now our streets are full of homeless people.
The first step is to get the homeless people into housing, and then we can educate and train them for the jobs of the future. Also, some people can work building trains, and building new bridges, etc. And people can work building housing, and we can get architects from the architecture schools in Spain, etc, we need for the architects to have fun and to build stuff they can be proud of.
Here is a school in Spain which teaches architects, we can bring the architects to the USA to build housing for our homeless people and for our immigrants... green will also create jobs, etc, and communities can own their own power companies with some of the money going into a General Fund to be used by the people however they want, and also some money can go towards helping the homeless, etc.
We can also use tariffs on imports to generate money to help our homeless people, and to educate and train our people for the jobs of the future, etc.
Tony V.