Poor Harry.
He posted usc 18 1924 but did not read it.
Biden, by its definition, is caught mishandling and storing classified documents he has no legal authority to even look at. It is no wonder he is not even mounting a defense on that aspect.
It has not escaped the voters that the time line shows Biden, by his own admission, knew all along the documents existed in his garage( see response to Peter Doocy question)
Instead Biden kept it all from the public until after the mid terms ( a span of months) for pure political reasons.
But now that is making matters worse for him.
Polling shows 71 per cent of voters think Biden is guilty of mishandling classified documents. Nearly two thirds agree this is a serious matter.
All of which should tell Harry that, legal citations aside, the real punishment will be political.
( both for Trump and Biden)
Americans do not like liars and cheaters